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# Copyright 2015-2017 FUJITSU LIMITED
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_middleware import base as om
from webob import response
from monasca_log_api import conf
CONF = conf.CONF
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
_X_IDENTITY_STATUS = 'X-Identity-Status'
_X_ROLES = 'X-Roles'
def _ensure_lower_roles(roles):
if not roles:
return []
return [role.strip().lower() for role in roles]
def _intersect(a, b):
return list(set(a) & set(b))
class RoleMiddleware(om.ConfigurableMiddleware):
"""Authorization middleware for X-Roles header.
RoleMiddleware is responsible for authorizing user's
access against **X-Roles** header. Middleware
expects authentication to be completed (i.e. keystone middleware
has been already called).
If tenant is authenticated and authorized middleware
exits silently (that is considered a success). Otherwise
middleware produces JSON response according to following schema
.. code-block:: javascript
'title': u'Unauthorized',
'message': explanation (str)
Configuration example
.. code-block:: cfg
path = /v2.0/log
default_roles = monasca-user
agent_roles = monasca-log-agent
delegate_roles = admin
Configuration explained:
* path (list) - path (or list of paths) middleware should be applied
* agent_roles (list) - list of roles that identifies tenant as an agent
* default_roles (list) - list of roles that should be authorized
* delegate_roles (list) - list of roles that are allowed to POST logs on
behalf of another tenant (project)
Being an agent means that tenant is automatically authorized.
Middleware works only for configured paths and for all
requests apart from HTTP method **OPTIONS**.
def __init__(self, application, conf=None):
super(RoleMiddleware, self).__init__(application, conf)
middleware = CONF.roles_middleware
self._path = middleware.path
self._default_roles = _ensure_lower_roles(middleware.default_roles)
self._agent_roles = _ensure_lower_roles(middleware.agent_roles)
LOG.debug('RolesMiddleware initialized for paths=%s', self._path)
def process_request(self, req):
if not self._can_apply_middleware(req):
LOG.debug('%s skipped in role middleware', req.path)
return None
is_authenticated = self._is_authenticated(req)
is_authorized, is_agent = self._is_authorized(req)
tenant_id = req.headers.get('X-Tenant-Id')
req.environ[_X_MONASCA_LOG_AGENT] = is_agent
LOG.debug('%s is authenticated=%s, authorized=%s, log_agent=%s',
tenant_id, is_authenticated, is_authorized, is_agent)
if is_authenticated and is_authorized:
LOG.debug('%s has been authenticated and authorized', tenant_id)
return # do return nothing to enter API internal
# whoops
if is_authorized:
explanation = u'Failed to authenticate request for %s' % tenant_id
explanation = (u'Tenant %s is missing a required role to access '
u'this service' % tenant_id)
if explanation is not None:
json_body = {u'title': u'Unauthorized', u'message': explanation}
return response.Response(status=401,
def _is_authorized(self, req):
headers = req.headers
roles = headers.get(_X_ROLES)
if not roles:
LOG.warning('Couldn\'t locate %s header,or it was empty', _X_ROLES)
return False, False
roles = _ensure_lower_roles(roles.split(','))
is_agent = len(_intersect(roles, self._agent_roles)) > 0
is_authorized = (len(_intersect(roles, self._default_roles)) > 0 or
return is_authorized, is_agent
def _is_authenticated(self, req):
headers = req.headers
if _X_IDENTITY_STATUS in headers:
status = req.headers.get(_X_IDENTITY_STATUS)
return _CONFIRMED_STATUS == status
return False
def _can_apply_middleware(self, req):
path = req.path
method = req.method
if method == 'OPTIONS':
return False
if self._path:
for p in self._path:
if path.startswith(p):
return True
return False # if no configured paths, or nothing matches