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# Copyright 2015-2017 FUJITSU LIMITED
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
from tempest.lib import decorators
from testtools import matchers
from monasca_log_api_tempest.tests import base
class TestSingleLog(base.BaseLogsTestCase):
def _run_and_wait(self, key, data, version,
headers=None, fields=None):
headers = base._get_headers(headers, content_type)
def wait():
return self.logs_search_client.count_search_messages(key,
headers) > 0
self.assertEqual(0, self.logs_search_client.count_search_messages(key,
'Find log message in elasticsearch: {0}'.format(key))
headers = base._get_headers(headers, content_type)
data = base._get_data(data, content_type, version=version)
client = self.logs_clients[version]
response, _ = client.send_single_log(data, headers, fields)
self.assertEqual(204, response.status)
test_utils.call_until_true(wait, _RETRY_COUNT * _RETRY_WAIT,
response = self.logs_search_client.search_messages(key, headers)
self.assertEqual(1, len(response))
return response
def test_small_message(self):
for ver in self.logs_clients:
self._run_and_wait(*base.generate_small_message(), version=ver)
def test_medium_message(self):
for ver in self.logs_clients:
self._run_and_wait(*base.generate_medium_message(), version=ver)
def test_big_message(self):
for ver in self.logs_clients:
self._run_and_wait(*base.generate_large_message(), version=ver)
def test_small_message_multiline(self):
for ver in self.logs_clients:
sid, message = base.generate_small_message()
self._run_and_wait(sid, message.replace(' ', '\n'), version=ver)
def test_medium_message_multiline(self):
for ver in self.logs_clients:
sid, message = base.generate_medium_message()
self._run_and_wait(sid, message.replace(' ', '\n'), version=ver)
def test_big_message_multiline(self):
for ver in self.logs_clients:
sid, message = base.generate_large_message()
self._run_and_wait(sid, message.replace(' ', '\n'), version=ver)
def test_send_header_application_type(self):
sid, message = base.generate_unique_message()
headers = {'X-Application-Type': 'application-type-test'}
response = self._run_and_wait(sid, message, headers=headers,
def test_send_header_dimensions(self):
sid, message = base.generate_unique_message()
headers = {'X-Dimensions':
response = self._run_and_wait(sid, message, headers=headers,
self.assertEqual('production', response[0]['_source']['environment'])
self.assertEqual('WebServer01', response[0]['_source']['server'])
def test_send_cross_tenant(self):
sid, message = base.generate_small_message()
headers = {'X-Roles': 'admin, monitoring-delegate'}
cross_tennant_id = '2106b2c8da0eecdb3df4ea84a0b5624b'
fields = {'tenant_id': cross_tennant_id}
response = self._run_and_wait(sid, message, version="v3",
headers=headers, fields=fields)
# TODO(trebski) following test not passing - failed to retrieve
# big message from elasticsearch
# @decorators.attr(type='gate')
# def test_should_truncate_big_message(self):
# message_size = base._get_message_size(0.9999)
# sid, message = base.generate_unique_message(size=message_size)
# headers = base._get_headers(self.logs_clients.get_headers())
# response = self._run_and_wait(sid, message, headers=headers)
# self.assertTrue(False, 'API should respond with 500')