# Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import sys import time from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_service import service import semantic_version import six from muranoagent import bunch from muranoagent.common import config from muranoagent.common import messaging from muranoagent import exceptions as exc from muranoagent import execution_plan_queue from muranoagent import execution_plan_runner from muranoagent import execution_result as ex_result CONF = config.CONF LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) max_format_version = semantic_version.Spec('<=2.2.0') class MuranoAgent(service.Service): def __init__(self): self._queue = execution_plan_queue.ExecutionPlanQueue() super(MuranoAgent, self).__init__() @staticmethod def _load_package(name): try: LOG.debug('Loading plugin %s', name) __import__(name) except Exception: LOG.warning('Cannot load package %s', name, exc_info=True) pass def _load(self): path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'executors') sys.path.insert(1, path) for entry in os.listdir(path): package_path = os.path.join(path, entry) if os.path.isdir(package_path): MuranoAgent._load_package(entry) def start(self): self._load() msg_iterator = self._wait_plan() while True: try: self._loop_func(msg_iterator) except Exception as ex: LOG.exception(ex) time.sleep(5) def _loop_func(self, msg_iterator): result, timestamp = self._queue.get_execution_plan_result() if result is not None: if self._send_result(result): self._queue.remove(timestamp) return plan = self._queue.get_execution_plan() if plan is not None: LOG.debug("Got an execution plan '{0}':".format(str(plan))) self._run(plan) return next(msg_iterator) def _run(self, plan): try: with execution_plan_runner.ExecutionPlanRunner(plan) as runner: result = runner.run() execution_result = ex_result.ExecutionResult.from_result( result, plan) self._queue.put_execution_result(execution_result, plan) except Exception as ex: LOG.exception('Error running execution plan') execution_result = ex_result.ExecutionResult.from_error(ex, plan) self._queue.put_execution_result(execution_result, plan) def _send_result(self, result): with self._create_rmq_client() as mq: msg = messaging.Message() msg.body = result msg.id = result.get('SourceID') routing_key = CONF.rabbitmq.result_routing_key if ('ReplyTo' in result) and CONF.enable_dynamic_result_queue: routing_key = result.pop('ReplyTo') mq.send(message=msg, key=routing_key, exchange=CONF.rabbitmq.result_exchange) return True def _create_rmq_client(self): rabbitmq = CONF.rabbitmq connection_params = { 'login': rabbitmq.login, 'password': rabbitmq.password, 'host': rabbitmq.host, 'port': rabbitmq.port, 'virtual_host': rabbitmq.virtual_host, 'ssl': rabbitmq.ssl, 'ca_certs': rabbitmq.ca_certs.strip() or None, 'insecure': rabbitmq.insecure } return messaging.MqClient(**connection_params) def _wait_plan(self): delay = 5 while True: try: with self._create_rmq_client() as mq: with mq.open(CONF.rabbitmq.input_queue, prefetch_count=1) as subscription: while True: msg = subscription.get_message(timeout=5) if msg is not None and isinstance(msg.body, dict): self._handle_message(msg) delay = 5 if msg is not None: msg.ack() yield except KeyboardInterrupt: break except Exception: LOG.warning('Communication error', exc_info=True) time.sleep(delay) delay = min(delay * 1.2, 60) def _handle_message(self, msg): if 'ID' not in msg.body and msg.id: msg.body['ID'] = msg.id if 'ReplyTo' not in msg.body and msg.reply_to: msg.body['ReplyTo'] = msg.reply_to try: self._verify_plan(msg.body) self._queue.put_execution_plan(msg.body) except Exception as err: try: execution_result = ex_result.ExecutionResult.from_error( err, bunch.Bunch(msg.body)) if ('ReplyTo' in msg.body) and \ CONF.enable_dynamic_result_queue: execution_result['ReplyTo'] = msg.body.get('ReplyTo') self._send_result(execution_result) except ValueError: LOG.warning('Execution result is not produced') def _verify_plan(self, plan): plan_format_version = semantic_version.Version( plan.get('FormatVersion', '1.0.0')) if plan_format_version not in max_format_version: # NOTE(kazitsev) this is Version in Spec not str in str raise exc.IncorrectFormat( 9, "Unsupported format version {0} " "(I support versions {1})".format( plan_format_version, max_format_version)) for attr in ('Scripts', 'Files'): if attr not in plan: raise exc.IncorrectFormat( 2, '{0} is not in the execution plan'.format(attr)) for attr in ('Scripts', 'Files', 'Options'): if attr in plan and not isinstance( plan[attr], dict): raise exc.IncorrectFormat( 2, '{0} is not a dictionary'.format(attr)) for name, script in plan.get('Scripts', {}).items(): self._validate_script(name, script, plan_format_version, plan) for key, plan_file in plan.get('Files', {}).items(): self._validate_file(plan_file, key, plan_format_version) def _validate_script(self, name, script, plan_format_version, plan): for attr in ('Type', 'EntryPoint'): if attr not in script or not isinstance(script[attr], six.string_types): raise exc.IncorrectFormat( 2, 'Incorrect {0} entry in script {1}'.format( attr, name)) if plan_format_version in semantic_version.Spec('>=2.0.0,<2.1.0'): if script['Type'] != 'Application': raise exc.IncorrectFormat( 2, 'Type {0} is not valid for format {1}'.format( script['Type'], plan_format_version)) if script['EntryPoint'] not in plan.get('Files', {}): raise exc.IncorrectFormat( 2, 'Script {0} misses entry point {1}'.format( name, script['EntryPoint'])) if plan_format_version in semantic_version.Spec('>=2.1.0'): if script['Type'] not in ('Application', 'Chef', 'Puppet'): raise exc.IncorrectFormat( 2, 'Script has not a valid type {0}'.format( script['Type'])) if (script['Type'] == 'Application' and script['EntryPoint'] not in plan.get('Files', {})): raise exc.IncorrectFormat( 2, 'Script {0} misses entry point {1}'.format( name, script['EntryPoint'])) elif (script['Type'] != 'Application' and "::" not in script['EntryPoint']): raise exc.IncorrectFormat( 2, 'Wrong EntryPoint {0} for Puppet/Chef ' 'executors. :: needed'.format(script['EntryPoint'])) for option in script['Options']: if option in ('useBerkshelf', 'berksfilePath'): if plan_format_version in semantic_version.Spec('<2.2.0'): raise exc.IncorrectFormat( 2, 'Script has an option {0} invalid ' 'for version {1}'.format(option, plan_format_version)) elif script['Type'] != 'Chef': raise exc.IncorrectFormat( 2, 'Script has an option {0} invalid ' 'for type {1}'.format(option, script['Type'])) for additional_file in script.get('Files', []): mns_error = ('Script {0} misses file {1}'. format(name, additional_file)) if isinstance(additional_file, dict): if (list(additional_file.keys())[0] not in plan.get('Files', {}).keys()): raise exc.IncorrectFormat(2, mns_error) elif additional_file not in plan.get('Files', {}): raise exc.IncorrectFormat(2, mns_error) def _validate_file(self, plan_file, key, format_version): if format_version in semantic_version.Spec('>=2.0.0,<2.1.0'): for plan in plan_file.keys(): if plan in ('Type', 'URL'): raise exc.IncorrectFormat( 2, 'Download file is {0} not valid for this ' 'version {1}'.format(key, format_version)) if 'Type' in plan_file: for attr in ('Type', 'URL', 'Name'): if attr not in plan_file: raise exc.IncorrectFormat( 2, 'Incorrect {0} entry in file {1}'.format(attr, key)) elif 'Body' in plan_file: for attr in ('BodyType', 'Body', 'Name'): if attr not in plan_file: raise exc.IncorrectFormat( 2, 'Incorrect {0} entry in file {1}'.format( attr, key)) if plan_file['BodyType'] not in ('Text', 'Base64'): raise exc.IncorrectFormat( 2, 'Incorrect BodyType in file {1}'.format(key)) else: raise exc.IncorrectFormat( 2, 'Invalid file {0}: {1}'.format( key, plan_file))