[Kubernetes][doc] Expand k8s docs. Add documentation for classes

Targets bp: docs-k8s-app-usage

Change-Id: I6f734f63a0e4b90cae58b7e45c1a7650bf0e76ff
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Kirill Zaitsev 2016-02-02 15:58:50 +03:00
parent 05933a98be
commit 9a84c09671
1 changed files with 190 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -7,11 +7,15 @@ applications on top of it.
Contents of each folder need to be zipped and uploaded to Murano Catalog.
You will also need to build a proper Ubuntu-based image for Kubernetes.
This can be done using diskimage-builder (https://github.com/openstack/diskimage-builder)
and DIB elements (https://github.com/stackforge/murano/tree/master/contrib/elements/kubernetes).
The image must be nameed *ubuntu14.04-x64-kubernetes.qcow2*
This can be done using `diskimage-builder <https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/diskimage-builder>`_
and `DIB elements
The image has to be named *ubuntu14.04-x64-kubernetes.qcow2*
Overview of Kubernetes
Kubernetes is an open-source container manager by Google. It is responsible to
schedule, run and manage docker containers into its own clustered setup.
@ -19,18 +23,25 @@ Kubernetes consists of one or more master nodes running Kubernetes API and
one or more worker nodes (aka minions) that are used to schedule containers.
Containers are aggregated into pods. All containers in single pod are
guaranteed to be scheduled to a single node and share common port space.
Thus it can be considered as a container colocation.
Thus it can be considered as a container co-location.
Pods can be replicated. This is achieved by creation of Replication Controller
which creates and maintain fixed number of pod clones. In Murano replica
count is a property of KubernetesPod.
Currently Murano suports setups with only single API node and at least one
For a more in-depth review of Kubernetes please refer to official
`documentation <http://kubernetes.io/v1.1/docs/user-guide/README.html>`_.
How murano installs Kubernetes
Currently Murano supports setups with only single API node and at least one
worker node. API node cannot be used as a worker node.
To establish required network connectivity model for the Kubernetes Murano
sets up an overlay network between Kubernetes nodes using Flannel networking.
See https://github.com/coreos/flannel for more information.
See `flannel <https://github.com/coreos/flannel>`_ for more information.
Because IP addresses of containers are in that internal network and not
accessible from outside in order to provide public endpoints Murano sets up
@ -56,8 +67,8 @@ The procedure is:
for worker and gateway nodes.
#. Join them into etcd cluster. etcd is a distributed key-value storage
used by the Kubernetes to store and synchronize cluster state.
#. Setup Flannel network over etcd cluster. Flannel uses etcd to track network.
nodes as well.
#. Setup Flannel network over etcd cluster. Flannel uses etcd to track
network and nodes.
#. Configure required services on master node.
#. Configure worker nodes. They will register themselves in master nodes using
@ -122,3 +133,174 @@ KubernetesPod has the following actions:
* `scalePodUp`: increase the number of pod replicas by 1.
* `scalePodDown`: decrease the number of pod replicas by 1.
Applications documentation
Documentation for KubernetesCluster application classes
Represents Kubernetes Cluster and is the main class responsible for
deploying both Kubernetes and it's nodes.
Return whether masterNode.isAvailable() or not.
Deploy Kubernetes Cluster.
Return IP of the masterNode.
`createPod(definition, isNew)`
Create new Kubernetes Pod. `definition` is a dict of parameters, defining
the pod. `isNew` is a boolean parameter, telling if the pod should be
created or updated.
`createReplicationController(definition, isNew)`
Create new Replication Controller. `definition` is a dict of parameters,
definition of the pod. `isNew` is a boolean parameter,
telling if the pod should be created or updated.
Calls `kubectl delete replicationcontrollers` with given id on master node.
Accepts a dict of `labels` with string-keys and string-values, that would
be passed to `kubectl delete pod` on master node.
`createService(applicationName, applicationPorts, podId)`
* `applicationName` a string holding application's name.
* `applicationPorts` list of instances of
`io.murano.apps.docker.ApplicationPort` class.
* `podId` a string holding a name of the pod.
Check each port in applicationPorts and creates or updates it if the port
differs from what it was before (or did not exist). Calls
`kubectl update` or `kubectl create` on master node.
`deleteServices(applicationName, podId)`
* `applicationName` a string holding application's name,
* `podId` a string holding a name of the pod.
Delete all of the services of a given pod, calling
`kubectl delete service` for each one of them.
`scaleRc(rcName, newSize)`
* `rnName` string holding the name of the RC
* `newSize` integer holding the number of replicas.
Call `kubectl scale rc` on master node, setting number of replicas for a
given RC.
Increase the number of nodes by one (`$.nodeCount` up to the
`len($.minionNodes)`) and call `.deploy()`.
Can be used as an Action.
Increase the number of gateways by one (`$.gatewayCount` up to the
`len($.gatewayNodes)`) and call `.deploy()`.
Can be used as an Action.
Decrease the number of nodes by one (`$.nodeCount` up to 1)
and call `.deploy()`.
Can be used as an Action.
Decrease the number of gateways by one (`$.gatewayCount` up to 1)
and call `.deploy()`.
Can be used as an Action.
Return current configuration as an `application.tar.gz` file.
For each Pod and Service configured `/opt/bin/kubectl create -f` is called,
storing the results in a shell script.
Can be used as an Action.
Base class for all Kubernetes nodes.
Return IP address of the instance. If preferFloatingIp is False (default)
return first IP address found. Otherwise give preference to floating IP.
Call `.deploy()` method of underlying instance.
Kubernetes Gateway Node. Extends `KubernetesNode` class.
All methods in this class are idempotent. This is achieved by memoizing the
fact that the function has been called.
Deploy underlying instance.
Add current node to etcd config (by calling `etcdctl member add`) on
master node and start etcd member service on underlying instance.
Set up the node, by first setting up Flannel and
then setting up HAProxy load balancer on underlying instance.
Remove current node from etcd cluster and call
`$.instance.releaseResources()`. Also clear up memoized values for
`deployInstance`, `setupEtcd`, `setupNode`, allowing you to call these
functions again.
Kubernetes Master Node. Extends `KubernetesNode` class.
Most methods in this class are idempotent. This is achieved by memoizing the
fact that the function has been called.
Deploy underlying instance.
Set up etcd master node config and launch etcd service on master node.
Set up the node. This includes setting up Flannel for master and
configuring and launching `kube-apiserver`, `kube-scheduler` and
`kube-controller-manager` services
on the underlying instance.
Return whether underlying instance has been deployed.
Kubernetes Minion Node. Extends `KubernetesNode` class.
All methods in this class are idempotent. This is achieved by memoizing the
fact that the function has been called.
Deploy underlying instance.
Add current node to etcd config (by calling `etcdctl member add`) on
master node and start etcd member service on underlying instance.
Set up the node, by first setting up Flannel and
then joining the minion into the cluster. If `dockerRegistry` or
`dockerMirror` are supplied for underlying cluster, those are appended to
the list of docker parameters. If gcloudKey is supplied for underlying
cluster, then current node attempts to login to google cloud registry.
Afterwards restart docker and configure and launch `kubelet` and
`kube-proxy` services
Remove current node from etcd cluster and call
`$.instance.releaseResources()`. Also clear up memoized values for
`deployInstance`, `setupEtcd`, `setupNode`, allowing you to call these
functions again.