# Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import ast import copy import json import re from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.core import validators as django_validator from django import forms from django.forms import widgets from django.template import defaultfilters from django.utils.encoding import force_text from django.utils import html from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from horizon import exceptions from horizon import forms as hz_forms from horizon import messages from openstack_dashboard.api import cinder from openstack_dashboard.api import glance from openstack_dashboard.api import neutron from openstack_dashboard.api import nova from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_log import versionutils import six from yaql import legacy from muranodashboard.api import packages as pkg_api from muranodashboard.common import net from muranodashboard.environments import api as env_api LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def with_request(func): """Injects request into func The decorator is meant to be used together with `UpdatableFieldsForm': apply it to the `update' method of fields inside that form. """ def update(self, initial, request=None, **kwargs): initial_request = initial.get('request') for key, value in six.iteritems(initial): if key != 'request' and key not in kwargs: kwargs[key] = value if initial_request: LOG.debug("Using 'request' value from initial dictionary") func(self, initial_request, **kwargs) elif request: LOG.debug("Using direct 'request' value") func(self, request, **kwargs) else: LOG.error("No 'request' value passed neither via initial " "dictionary, nor directly") raise forms.ValidationError("Can't get a request information") return update def make_yaql_validator(validator_property): """Field-level validator uses field's value as its '$' root object.""" expr = validator_property['expr'].spec message = validator_property.get('message', '') def validator_func(value): context = legacy.create_context() context['$'] = value if not expr.evaluate(context=context): raise forms.ValidationError(message) return validator_func def get_regex_validator(expr): try: validator = expr['validators'][0] if isinstance(validator, django_validator.RegexValidator): return validator except (TypeError, KeyError, IndexError): pass return None # This function is needed if we don't want to change existing services # regexpValidators def wrap_regex_validator(validator, message): def _validator(value): try: validator(value) except forms.ValidationError: # provide our own message raise forms.ValidationError(message) return _validator def get_murano_images(request): images = [] try: # https://bugs.launchpad.net/murano/+bug/1339261 - glance # client version change alters the API. Other tuple values # are _more and _prev (in recent glance client) images = glance.image_list_detailed(request)[0] except Exception: LOG.error("Error to request image list from glance ") exceptions.handle(request, _("Unable to retrieve public images.")) murano_images = [] # filter out the snapshot image type images = filter( lambda x: x.properties.get("image_type", '') != 'snapshot', images) for image in images: # Additional properties, whose value is always a string data type, are # only included in the response if they have a value. murano_property = getattr(image, 'murano_image_info', None) if murano_property: try: murano_metadata = json.loads(murano_property) except ValueError: LOG.warning("JSON in image metadata is not valid. " "Check it in glance.") messages.error(request, _("Invalid murano image metadata")) else: image.murano_property = murano_metadata murano_images.append(image) return murano_images class RawProperty(object): def __init__(self, key, spec): self.key = key self.spec = spec self.value = None self.value_evaluated = False def finalize(self, form_name, service, cls): def _get(field): if self.value_evaluated: return self.value return service.get_data(form_name, self.spec) def _set(field, value): self.value = value self.value_evaluated = value is not None if hasattr(cls, self.key): getattr(cls, self.key).fset(field, value) def _del(field): _set(field, None) return property(_get, _set, _del) FIELD_ARGS_TO_ESCAPE = ['help_text', 'initial', 'description', 'label'] class CustomPropertiesField(forms.Field): js_validation = False def __init__(self, description=None, description_title=None, *args, **kwargs): self.description = description self.description_title = (description_title or force_text(kwargs.get('label', ''))) for arg in FIELD_ARGS_TO_ESCAPE: if kwargs.get(arg): kwargs[arg] = html.escape(force_text(kwargs[arg])) validators = [] validators_js = [] for validator in kwargs.get('validators', []): if hasattr(validator, '__call__'): # single regexpValidator validators.append(validator) if hasattr(validator, 'regex'): regex_message = '' error_messages = kwargs.get('error_messages', {}) if hasattr(validator, 'code') and \ validator.code in error_messages: regex_message = force_text( error_messages[validator.code] ) validators_js. \ append({'regex': force_text(validator.regex.pattern), 'message': regex_message}) else: # mixed list of regexpValidator and YAQL validators expr = validator.get('expr') regex_validator = get_regex_validator(expr) regex_message = validator.get('message', '') if regex_validator: validators.append(wrap_regex_validator( regex_validator, regex_message)) elif isinstance(expr, RawProperty): validators.append(validator) if hasattr(regex_validator, 'regex'): validators_js.\ append({'regex': regex_validator.regex.pattern, 'message': regex_message}) kwargs['validators'] = validators if validators_js: self.js_validation = json.dumps(validators_js) super(CustomPropertiesField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def widget_attrs(self, widget): attrs = super(CustomPropertiesField, self).widget_attrs(widget) if self.js_validation: attrs['data-validators'] = self.js_validation return attrs def clean(self, value): """Skip all validators if field is disabled.""" # form is assigned in ServiceConfigurationForm.finalize_fields() form = self.form # the only place to ensure that Service object has up-to-date # cleaned_data form.service.update_cleaned_data(form.cleaned_data, form=form) if getattr(self, 'enabled', True): return super(CustomPropertiesField, self).clean(value) else: return super(CustomPropertiesField, self).to_python(value) @classmethod def finalize_properties(cls, kwargs, form_name, service): props = {} kwargs_ = copy.copy(kwargs) for key, value in kwargs_.items(): if isinstance(value, RawProperty): props[key] = value.finalize(form_name, service, cls) del kwargs[key] if props: return type(cls.__name__, (cls,), props) else: return cls class CharField(forms.CharField, CustomPropertiesField): pass class PasswordField(CharField): special_characters = '!@#$%^&*()_+|\/.,~?><:{}-' password_re = re.compile('^.*(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[%s]).*$' % special_characters) has_clone = False original = True attrs = {'data-type': 'password'} validate_password = django_validator.RegexValidator( password_re, _('The password must contain at least one letter, one \ number and one special character'), 'invalid') @staticmethod def get_clone_name(name): return name + '-clone' def compare(self, name, form_data): if self.original and self.required: # run compare only for original fields # do not run compare for hidden fields (they are not required) if form_data.get(name) != form_data.get(self.get_clone_name(name)): raise forms.ValidationError(_(u"{0}{1} don't match").format( self.label, defaultfilters.pluralize(2))) def __init__(self, label, *args, **kwargs): self.confirm_input = kwargs.pop('confirm_input', True) kwargs.update({'label': label, 'error_messages': kwargs.get('error_messages', {}), 'widget': forms.PasswordInput(attrs=self.attrs, render_value=True)}) validators = kwargs.get('validators') help_text = kwargs.get('help_text') if not validators: # No custom validators, using default validator validators = [self.validate_password] if not help_text: help_text = _( 'Enter a complex password with at least one letter, ' 'one number and one special character') kwargs['error_messages'].setdefault( 'invalid', self.validate_password.message) kwargs['min_length'] = kwargs.get('min_length', 7) kwargs['max_length'] = kwargs.get('max_length', 255) kwargs['widget'] = forms.PasswordInput(attrs=self.attrs, render_value=True) else: if not help_text: # NOTE(kzaitsev) There are custom validators for password, # but no help text let's leave only a generic message, # since we do not know exact constraints help_text = _('Enter a password') kwargs.update({'validators': validators, 'help_text': help_text}) super(PasswordField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): result = super(PasswordField, self).__deepcopy__(memo) result.error_messages = copy.deepcopy(self.error_messages) return result def clone_field(self): self.has_clone = True field = copy.deepcopy(self) field.original = False field.label = _('Confirm password') field.error_messages['required'] = _('Please confirm your password') field.help_text = _('Retype your password') return field class IntegerField(forms.IntegerField, CustomPropertiesField): pass def _get_title(data): if isinstance(data, Choice): return data.title return data def _disable_non_ready(data): if getattr(data, 'enabled', True): return {} else: return {'disabled': 'disabled'} class ChoiceField(forms.ChoiceField, CustomPropertiesField): def __init__(self, **kwargs): choices = kwargs.get('choices') or getattr(self, 'choices', None) if choices: if isinstance(choices, dict): choices = list(choices.items()) kwargs['choices'] = choices super(ChoiceField, self).__init__(**kwargs) class DynamicChoiceField(hz_forms.DynamicChoiceField, CustomPropertiesField): pass class FlavorChoiceField(ChoiceField): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'requirements' in kwargs: self.requirements = kwargs.pop('requirements') super(FlavorChoiceField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @with_request def update(self, request, **kwargs): choices = [] flavors = nova.novaclient(request).flavors.list() # If no requirements are present, return all the flavors. if not hasattr(self, 'requirements'): choices = [(flavor.name, flavor.name) for flavor in flavors] else: for flavor in flavors: # If a flavor doesn't meet a minimum requirement, # do not add it to the options list and skip to the # next flavor. if flavor.vcpus < self.requirements.get('min_vcpus', 0): continue if flavor.disk < self.requirements.get('min_disk', 0): continue if flavor.ram < self.requirements.get('min_memory_mb', 0): continue if 'max_vcpus' in self.requirements: if flavor.vcpus > self.requirements['max_vcpus']: continue if 'max_disk' in self.requirements: if flavor.disk > self.requirements['max_disk']: continue if 'max_memory_mb' in self.requirements: if flavor.ram > self.requirements['max_memory_mb']: continue choices.append((flavor.name, flavor.name)) choices.sort(key=lambda e: e[1]) self.choices = choices if kwargs.get('form'): kwargs_form_flavor = kwargs["form"].fields.get('flavor') else: kwargs_form_flavor = None if kwargs_form_flavor: self.initial = kwargs["form"]["flavor"].value() else: # Search through selected flavors for flavor_name, flavor_name in self.choices: if 'medium' in flavor_name: self.initial = flavor_name break class KeyPairChoiceField(DynamicChoiceField): """This widget allows to select keypair for VMs""" @with_request def update(self, request, **kwargs): self.choices = [('', _('No keypair'))] for keypair in sorted( nova.novaclient(request).keypairs.list(), key=lambda e: e.name): self.choices.append((keypair.name, keypair.name)) class SecurityGroupChoiceField(DynamicChoiceField): """This widget allows to select a security group for VMs""" @with_request def update(self, request, **kwargs): self.choices = [('', _('Application default security group'))] # TODO(pbourke): remove sorted when supported natively in Horizon # (https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1692972) for secgroup in sorted( neutron.security_group_list(request), key=lambda e: e.name_or_id): if not secgroup.name_or_id.startswith('murano--'): self.choices.append((secgroup.name_or_id, secgroup.name_or_id)) # NOTE(kzaitsev): for transform to work correctly on horizon SelectWidget # Choice has to be non-string class Choice(object): """A choice that allows disabling specific choices in a SelectWidget.""" def __init__(self, title, enabled): self.title = title self.enabled = enabled class ImageChoiceField(ChoiceField): widget = hz_forms.SelectWidget(transform=_get_title, transform_html_attrs=_disable_non_ready) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.image_type = kwargs.pop('image_type', None) super(ImageChoiceField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @with_request def update(self, request, **kwargs): image_map, image_choices = {}, [] murano_images = get_murano_images(request) for image in murano_images: murano_data = image.murano_property title = murano_data.get('title', image.name) if image.status == 'active': title = Choice(title, enabled=True) else: title = Choice("{} ({})".format(title, image.status), enabled=False) if self.image_type is not None: itype = murano_data.get('type') if not self.image_type and itype is None: continue prefix = '{type}.'.format(type=self.image_type) if (not itype.startswith(prefix) and not self.image_type == itype): continue image_map[image.id] = title for id_, title in sorted(six.iteritems(image_map), key=lambda e: e[1].title): image_choices.append((id_, title)) if image_choices: image_choices.insert(0, ("", _("Select Image"))) else: image_choices.insert(0, ("", _("No images available"))) self.choices = image_choices class NetworkChoiceField(ChoiceField): def __init__(self, filter=None, murano_networks=None, allow_auto=True, *args, **kwargs): self.filter = filter if murano_networks: if murano_networks.lower() not in ["exclude", "translate"]: raise ValueError(_("Invalid value of 'murano_nets' option")) self.murano_networks = murano_networks self.allow_auto = allow_auto super(NetworkChoiceField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @with_request def update(self, request, **kwargs): """Populates available networks in the control This method is called automatically when the form which contains it is rendered """ network_choices = net.get_available_networks(request, self.filter, self.murano_networks) if self.allow_auto: network_choices.insert(0, ((None, None), _('Auto'))) self.choices = network_choices or [] def to_python(self, value): """Converts string representation of widget to tuple value Is called implicitly during form cleanup phase """ if value: return ast.literal_eval(value) else: # may happen if no networks are available and "Auto" is disabled return None, None class AZoneChoiceField(ChoiceField): @with_request def update(self, request, **kwargs): try: availability_zones = nova.novaclient( request).availability_zones.list(detailed=False) except Exception: availability_zones = [] exceptions.handle(request, _("Unable to retrieve availability zones.")) az_choices = [(az.zoneName, az.zoneName) for az in availability_zones if az.zoneState] if not az_choices: az_choices.insert(0, ("", _("No availability zones available"))) az_choices.sort(key=lambda e: e[1]) self.choices = az_choices class VolumeChoiceField(ChoiceField): def __init__(self, include_volumes=True, include_snapshots=True, *args, **kwargs): self.include_volumes = include_volumes self.include_snapshots = include_snapshots super(VolumeChoiceField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @with_request def update(self, request, **kwargs): """This widget allows selection of Volumes and Volume Snapshots""" available = {'status': cinder.VOLUME_STATE_AVAILABLE} choices = [] if self.include_volumes: try: choices.extend((volume.id, volume.name) for volume in cinder.volume_list(request, search_opts=available)) except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, _("Unable to retrieve volume list.")) if self.include_snapshots: try: choices.extend((snap.id, snap.name) for snap in cinder.volume_snapshot_list(request, search_opts=available)) except Exception: exceptions.handle(request, _("Unable to retrieve snapshot list.")) if choices: choices.sort(key=lambda e: e[1]) choices.insert(0, ("", _("Select volume"))) else: choices.insert(0, ("", _("No volumes available"))) self.choices = choices class BooleanField(forms.BooleanField, CustomPropertiesField): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'widget' in kwargs: widget = kwargs['widget'] if isinstance(widget, type): widget = widget(attrs={'class': 'checkbox'}) else: widget = forms.CheckboxInput(attrs={'class': 'checkbox'}) kwargs['widget'] = widget kwargs['required'] = False super(BooleanField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @versionutils.deprecated( as_of=versionutils.deprecated.JUNO, in_favor_of='type boolean (regular BooleanField)', remove_in=1) class FloatingIpBooleanField(BooleanField): pass class ClusterIPField(forms.GenericIPAddressField, CustomPropertiesField): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ClusterIPField, self).__init__(protocol='ipv4', *args, **kwargs) class DatabaseListField(CharField): validate_mssql_identifier = django_validator.RegexValidator( re.compile(r'^[a-zA-z_][a-zA-Z0-9_$#@]*$'), _(u'First symbol should be latin letter or underscore. Subsequent ' u'symbols can be latin letter, numeric, underscore, at sign, ' u'number sign or dollar sign')) default_error_messages = {'invalid': validate_mssql_identifier.message} def to_python(self, value): """Normalize data to a list of strings.""" if not value: return [] return [name.strip() for name in value.split(',')] def validate(self, value): """Check if value consists only of valid names.""" super(DatabaseListField, self).validate(value) for db_name in value: self.validate_mssql_identifier(db_name) class ErrorWidget(widgets.Widget): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.message = kwargs.pop( 'message', _("There was an error initialising this field.")) super(ErrorWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def render(self, name, value, attrs=None): return "
".format( name=name, message=self.message) class MuranoTypeWidget(hz_forms.fields.DynamicSelectWidget): def __init__(self, attrs=None, **kwargs): if attrs is None: attrs = {'class': 'murano_add_select'} else: attrs.setdefault('class', '') attrs['class'] += ' murano_add_select' super(MuranoTypeWidget, self).__init__(attrs=attrs, **kwargs) class Media(object): js = ('muranodashboard/js/add-select.js',) def make_select_cls(fqns): if not isinstance(fqns, (tuple, list)): fqns = (fqns,) class DynamicSelect(hz_forms.DynamicChoiceField, CustomPropertiesField): widget = MuranoTypeWidget def __init__(self, empty_value_message=None, *args, **kwargs): super(DynamicSelect, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if empty_value_message is not None: self.empty_value_message = empty_value_message else: self.empty_value_message = _('Select Application') @with_request def update(self, request, environment_id, **kwargs): matching_classes = [] fqns_seen = set() # NOTE(kzaitsev): it's possible to have a private # and public apps with the same fqn, however the engine would # currently favor private package. Therefore we should squash # these until we devise a better way to work with this # situation and versioning for class_fqn in fqns: app_found = pkg_api.app_by_fqn(request, class_fqn) if app_found: fqns_seen.add(app_found.fully_qualified_name) matching_classes.append(app_found) apps_found = pkg_api.apps_that_inherit(request, class_fqn) for app in apps_found: if app.fully_qualified_name in fqns_seen: continue fqns_seen.add(app.fully_qualified_name) matching_classes.append(app) if not matching_classes: msg = _( "Couldn't find any apps, required for this field.\n" "Tried: {fqns}").format(fqns=', '.join(fqns)) self.widget = ErrorWidget(message=msg) # NOTE(kzaitsev): this closure is needed to allow us have custom # logic when clicking add button def _make_link(): ns_url = 'horizon:app-catalog:catalog:add' ns_url_args = (environment_id, False, True) # This will prevent horizon from adding an extra '+' button if not matching_classes: return '' return json.dumps([ (app.name, reverse(ns_url, args=((app.id,) + ns_url_args))) for app in matching_classes]) self.widget.add_item_link = _make_link apps = env_api.service_list_by_fqns( request, environment_id, [app.fully_qualified_name for app in matching_classes]) choices = [('', self.empty_value_message)] choices.extend([(app['?']['id'], html.escape(app.name)) for app in apps]) self.choices = choices # NOTE(tsufiev): streamline the drop-down UX: auto-select the # single available option in a drop-down if len(choices) == 2: self.initial = choices[1][0] def clean(self, value): value = super(DynamicSelect, self).clean(value) return None if value == '' else value return DynamicSelect @versionutils.deprecated( as_of=versionutils.deprecated.JUNO, in_favor_of='type io.murano.windows.ActiveDirectory with a custom ' 'emptyValueMessage attribute', remove_in=1) class DomainChoiceField(make_select_cls('io.murano.windows.ActiveDirectory')): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DomainChoiceField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.choices = [('', _('Not in domain'))]