# Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import logging from muranoclient.common.exceptions import CommunicationError import re from django.views import generic from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.contrib.formtools.wizard.views import SessionWizardView from horizon import exceptions from horizon import tabs from horizon import tables from horizon import workflows from horizon.forms.views import ModalFormMixin from muranodashboard.panel import api from tables import EnvironmentsTable, ServicesTable from workflows import CreateEnvironment from tabs import ServicesTabs from forms import WizardFormADConfiguration from forms import WizardFormIISConfiguration from forms import WizardFormAspNetAppConfiguration from forms import WizardFormIISFarmConfiguration from forms import WizardFormAspNetFarmConfiguration from horizon import messages from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Wizard(ModalFormMixin, SessionWizardView, generic.FormView): template_name = 'services_tabs.html' def done(self, form_list, **kwargs): link = self.request.__dict__['META']['HTTP_REFERER'] environment_id = re.search('murano/(\S+)', link).group(0)[7:-9] url = "/project/murano/%s/services" % environment_id service_type = form_list[0].data.get('0-service', '') parameters = {'service_type': service_type} data = form_list[1].data parameters['units'] = [] parameters['unitNamingPattern'] = data.get( '1-unit_name_template', None) if service_type == 'Active Directory': parameters['configuration'] = 'standalone' parameters['name'] = str(data.get('1-dc_name', 'noname')) parameters['domain'] = parameters['name'] # Fix Me in orchestrator parameters['adminPassword'] = str(data.get('1-adm_password', '')) recovery_password = str(data.get('1-recovery_password', '')) parameters['units'].append({'isMaster': True, 'recoveryPassword': recovery_password, 'location': 'west-dc'}) dc_count = int(data.get('1-dc_count', 1)) for dc in range(dc_count - 1): parameters['units'].append({ 'isMaster': False, 'recoveryPassword': recovery_password }) elif service_type in ['IIS', 'ASP.NET Application', 'IIS Farm', 'ASP.NET Farm']: password = data.get('1-adm_password', '') parameters['name'] = str(data.get('1-iis_name', 'noname')) parameters['credentials'] = {'username': 'Administrator', 'password': password} parameters['domain'] = str(data.get('1-iis_domain', '')) password = form_list[1].data.get('1-adm_password', '') domain = form_list[1].data.get('1-iis_domain', '') parameters['name'] = str(form_list[1].data.get('1-iis_name', 'noname')) parameters['domain'] = parameters['name'] parameters['adminPassword'] = password parameters['domain'] = str(domain) if service_type == 'ASP.NET Application' \ or service_type == 'ASP.NET Farm': parameters['repository'] = \ form_list[1].data.get('1-repository', '') instance_count = 1 if service_type == 'IIS Farm' or service_type == 'ASP.NET Farm': instance_count = int(data.get('1-instance_count', 1)) parameters['loadBalancerPort'] = int(data.get('1-lb_port', 80)) for unit in range(instance_count): parameters['units'].append({}) try: api.service_create(self.request, environment_id, parameters) except: msg = _('Sorry, you can\'t create service right now.' ' Try again later') redirect = reverse("horizon:project:murano:index") exceptions.handle(self.request, msg, redirect=redirect) message = "The %s service successfully created." % service_type messages.success(self.request, message) return HttpResponseRedirect(url) def get_form(self, step=None, data=None, files=None): form = super(Wizard, self).get_form(step, data, files) if data: self.service_type = data.get('0-service', '') if self.service_type == 'Active Directory': self.form_list['1'] = WizardFormADConfiguration elif self.service_type == 'IIS': self.form_list['1'] = WizardFormIISConfiguration elif self.service_type == 'ASP.NET Application': self.form_list['1'] = WizardFormAspNetAppConfiguration elif self.service_type == 'IIS Farm': self.form_list['1'] = WizardFormIISFarmConfiguration elif self.service_type == 'ASP.NET Farm': self.form_list['1'] = WizardFormAspNetFarmConfiguration return form def get_form_kwargs(self, step=None): return {'request': self.request} if step == u'1' else {} def get_form_step_data(self, form): LOG.debug(form.data) return form.data def get_context_data(self, form, **kwargs): context = super(Wizard, self).get_context_data(form=form, **kwargs) if self.steps.index > 0: context.update({'service_type': self.service_type}) return context class IndexView(tables.DataTableView): table_class = EnvironmentsTable template_name = 'index.html' def get_data(self): try: environments = api.environments_list(self.request) except CommunicationError: environments = [] messages.error(self.request, 'Could not connect to Murano API ' 'Service, check connection details.') return environments class Services(tables.DataTableView): table_class = ServicesTable template_name = 'services.html' def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(Services, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context['environment_name'] = self.environment_name return context def get_data(self): try: self.environment_id = self.kwargs['environment_id'] environment = api.environment_get( self.request, self.environment_id) self.environment_name = environment.name services = api.services_list(self.request, self.environment_id) except: #TODO: fix this, environment_id can be unavailable services = [] exceptions.handle(self.request, _('Unable to retrieve list of services for ' 'environment "%s".') % self.environment_id) self._services = services return self._services class DetailServiceView(tabs.TabView): tab_group_class = ServicesTabs template_name = 'service_details.html' def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(DetailServiceView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context["service"] = self.get_data() context["service_name"] = self.get_data().name return context def get_data(self): if not hasattr(self, "_service"): try: service_id = self.kwargs['service_id'] service = api.service_get(self.request, service_id) except: redirect = reverse('horizon:project:murano:index') exceptions.handle(self.request, _('Unable to retrieve details for ' 'service "%s".') % service_id, redirect=redirect) self._service = service return self._service def get_tabs(self, request, *args, **kwargs): service = self.get_data() return self.tab_group_class(request, service=service, **kwargs) class CreateEnvironmentView(workflows.WorkflowView): workflow_class = CreateEnvironment template_name = 'create_dc.html' def get_initial(self): initial = super(CreateEnvironmentView, self).get_initial() initial['project_id'] = self.request.user.tenant_id initial['user_id'] = self.request.user.id return initial