
728 lines
27 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
import json
import logging
import re
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.core import validators as django_validator
from django import forms
from django.template import defaultfilters
from django.template import loader
from django.utils.encoding import smart_text
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
import floppyforms
from horizon import exceptions
from horizon import forms as hz_forms
from horizon import messages
from horizon import tables
from muranoclient.common import exceptions as muranoclient_exc
import netaddr
from openstack_dashboard.api import glance
from openstack_dashboard.api import nova
import yaql
from muranodashboard.api import packages as pkg_api
from muranodashboard.environments import api as env_api
from muranodashboard.openstack.common import versionutils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def with_request(func):
"""The decorator is meant to be used together with `UpdatableFieldsForm':
apply it to the `update' method of fields inside that form.
def update(self, initial, request=None, **kwargs):
initial_request = initial.get('request')
for key, value in initial.iteritems():
if key != 'request' and key not in kwargs:
kwargs[key] = value
if initial_request:
LOG.debug("Using 'request' value from initial dictionary")
func(self, initial_request, **kwargs)
elif request:
LOG.debug("Using direct 'request' value")
func(self, request, **kwargs)
LOG.error("No 'request' value passed neither via initial "
"dictionary, nor directly")
raise forms.ValidationError("Can't get a request information")
return update
def make_yaql_validator(validator_property):
"""Field-level validator uses field's value as its '$' root object."""
expr = validator_property['expr'].spec
message = _(validator_property.get('message', ''))
def validator_func(value):
context = yaql.create_context()
if not expr.evaluate(context=context):
raise forms.ValidationError(message)
return validator_func
def get_regex_validator(expr):
validator = expr['validators'][0]
if isinstance(validator, django_validator.RegexValidator):
return validator
except (TypeError, KeyError, IndexError):
return None
# This function is needed if we don't want to change existing services
# regexpValidators
def wrap_regex_validator(validator, message):
def _validator(value):
except forms.ValidationError:
# provide our own message
raise forms.ValidationError(message)
return _validator
def get_murano_images(request):
images = []
# - glance
# client version change alters the API. Other tuple values
# are _more and _prev (in recent glance client)
images = glance.image_list_detailed(request)[0]
except Exception:
LOG.error("Error to request image list from glance ")
exceptions.handle(request, _("Unable to retrieve public images."))
murano_images = []
for image in images:
murano_property ='murano_image_info')
if murano_property:
murano_metadata = json.loads(murano_property)
except ValueError:
LOG.warning("JSON in image metadata is not valid. "
"Check it in glance.")
messages.error(request, _("Invalid murano image metadata"))
image.murano_property = murano_metadata
return murano_images
class RawProperty(object):
def __init__(self, key, spec):
self.key = key
self.spec = spec
def finalize(self, form_name, service):
def _get(field):
data_ready, value = service.get_data(form_name, self.spec)
return value if data_ready else field.__dict__[self.key]
def _set(field, value):
field.__dict__[self.key] = value
def _del(field):
del field.__dict__[self.key]
return property(_get, _set, _del)
class CustomPropertiesField(forms.Field):
def __init__(self, description=None, description_title=None,
*args, **kwargs):
self.description = description
self.description_title = (description_title or
unicode(kwargs.get('label', '')))
validators = []
for validator in kwargs.get('validators', []):
if hasattr(validator, '__call__'): # single regexpValidator
else: # mixed list of regexpValidator-s and YAQL validators
expr = validator.get('expr')
regex_validator = get_regex_validator(expr)
if regex_validator:
regex_validator, validator.get('message', '')))
elif isinstance(expr, RawProperty):
kwargs['validators'] = validators
super(CustomPropertiesField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def clean(self, value):
"""Skip all validators if field is disabled."""
# form is assigned in ServiceConfigurationForm.finalize_fields()
form = self.form
# the only place to ensure that Service object has up-to-date
# cleaned_data
form.service.update_cleaned_data(form.cleaned_data, form=form)
if getattr(self, 'enabled', True):
return super(CustomPropertiesField, self).clean(value)
return super(CustomPropertiesField, self).to_python(value)
def finalize_properties(cls, kwargs, form_name, service):
props = {}
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if isinstance(value, RawProperty):
props[key] = value.finalize(form_name, service)
del kwargs[key]
if props:
return type(cls.__name__, (cls,), props)
return cls
class CharField(forms.CharField, CustomPropertiesField):
class PasswordField(CharField):
special_characters = '!@#$%^&*()_+|\/.,~?><:{}'
password_re = re.compile('^.*(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[%s]).*$'
% special_characters)
has_clone = False
validate_password = django_validator.RegexValidator(
password_re, _('The password must contain at least one letter, one \
number and one special character'), 'invalid')
def get_clone_name(name):
return name + '-clone'
def compare(self, name, form_data):
if self.is_original() and self.required:
# run compare only for original fields
# do not run compare for hidden fields (they are not required)
if form_data.get(name) != form_data.get(self.get_clone_name(name)):
raise forms.ValidationError(_(u"{0}{1} don't match").format(
self.label, defaultfilters.pluralize(2)))
class PasswordInput(forms.PasswordInput):
class Media:
js = ('muranodashboard/js/passwordfield.js',)
def __init__(self, label, *args, **kwargs):
help_text = kwargs.get('help_text')
if not help_text:
help_text = _('Enter a complex password with at least one letter, \
one number and one special character')
error_messages = {
'invalid': self.validate_password.message}
err_msg = kwargs.get('error_messages')
if err_msg:
if err_msg.get('required'):
error_messages['required'] = err_msg.get('required')
'min_length': 7,
'max_length': 255,
'validators': [self.validate_password],
'label': label,
'error_messages': error_messages,
'help_text': help_text,
'widget': self.PasswordInput(render_value=True),
super(PasswordField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
result = super(PasswordField, self).__deepcopy__(memo)
result.error_messages = copy.deepcopy(self.error_messages)
return result
def is_original(self):
return hasattr(self, 'original') and self.original
def clone_field(self):
self.has_clone = True
field = copy.deepcopy(self)
self.original = True
field.label = _('Confirm password')
field.error_messages['required'] = _('Please confirm your password')
field.help_text = _('Retype your password')
return field
class IntegerField(forms.IntegerField, CustomPropertiesField):
class Column(tables.Column):
template_name = 'common/form-fields/data-grid/input.html'
def __init__(self, transform, table_name=None, **kwargs):
if hasattr(self, 'template_name'):
def _transform(datum):
context = {'data': getattr(datum,, None),
'row_index': str(,
'table_name': table_name,
return loader.render_to_string(self.template_name, context)
_transform.__name__ = transform
transform = _transform
super(Column, self).__init__(transform, **kwargs)
class CheckColumn(Column):
template_name = 'common/form-fields/data-grid/checkbox.html'
class RadioColumn(Column):
template_name = 'common/form-fields/data-grid/radio.html'
# FixME: we need to have separated object until find out way to use the same
# code for MS SQL Cluster datagrid
class Object(object):
def __init__(self, id, **kwargs): = id
for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
setattr(self, key, value)
def as_dict(self):
item = {}
for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems():
if key != 'id':
item[key] = value
return item
def DataTableFactory(name, columns):
class Object(object):
row_name_re = re.compile(r'.*\{0}.*')
def __init__(self, id, **kwargs): = id
for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
if isinstance(value, basestring) and \
re.match(self.row_name_re, value):
setattr(self, key, value.format(id))
setattr(self, key, value)
class DataTableBase(tables.DataTable):
def __init__(self, request, data, **kwargs):
if len(data) and isinstance(data[0], dict):
objects = [Object(i, **item)
for (i, item) in enumerate(data, 1)]
objects = data
super(DataTableBase, self).__init__(request, objects, **kwargs)
class Meta:
template = 'common/form-fields/data-grid/data_table.html'
name = ''
footer = False
attrs = dict((col_id, cls(col_id, verbose_name=col_name, table_name=name))
for (col_id, cls, col_name) in columns)
attrs['Meta'] = Meta
return tables.base.DataTableMetaclass('DataTable', (DataTableBase,), attrs)
class TableWidget(floppyforms.widgets.Input):
template_name = 'common/form-fields/data-grid/table_field.html'
delimiter_re = re.compile('([\w-]*)@@([0-9]*)@@([\w-]*)')
types = {'label': Column,
'radio': RadioColumn,
'checkbox': CheckColumn}
def __init__(self, columns_spec=None, table_class=None, js_buttons=True,
min_value=None, max_value=None, max_sync=None,
*args, **kwargs):
assert columns_spec is not None or table_class is not None
self.columns = []
if columns_spec:
for spec in columns_spec:
name = spec['column_name']
spec.get('title', None) or name.title()))
self.table_class = table_class
self.js_buttons = js_buttons
self.min_value = min_value
self.max_value = max_value
self.max_sync = max_sync
# FixME: we need to use this hack because TableField passes all kwargs
# to TableWidget
for kwarg in ('widget', 'description', 'description_title'):
kwargs.pop(kwarg, None)
super(TableWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def get_context(self, name, value, attrs=None):
ctx = super(TableWidget, self).get_context_data()
if value:
if self.table_class:
cls = self.table_class
cls = DataTableFactory(name, self.columns)
'data_table': cls(self.request, value),
'js_buttons': self.js_buttons,
'min_value': self.min_value,
'max_value': self.max_value,
'max_sync': self.max_sync
return ctx
def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, name):
def extract_value(row_key, col_id, col_cls):
if col_cls == CheckColumn:
val = data.get("{0}@@{1}@@{2}".format(name, row_key, col_id),
return val and val == 'on'
elif col_cls == RadioColumn:
row_id = data.get("{0}@@@@{1}".format(name, col_id), False)
return row_id == row_key
return data.get("{0}@@{1}@@{2}".format(
name, row_key, col_id), None)
def extract_keys():
keys = set()
regexp = re.compile('^{name}@@([^@]*)@@.*$'.format(name=name))
for key in data.iterkeys():
match = re.match(regexp, key)
if match and
return keys
items = []
if self.table_class:
columns = [(_name, column.__class__, unicode(column.verbose_name))
for (_name, column)
in self.table_class.base_columns.items()]
columns = self.columns
for row_key in extract_keys():
item = {}
for column_id, column_instance, column_name in columns:
value = extract_value(row_key, column_id, column_instance)
item[column_id] = value
items.append(Object(row_key, **item))
return items
class Media:
css = {'all': ('muranodashboard/css/tablefield.css',)}
class TableField(CustomPropertiesField):
def __init__(self, columns=None, label=None, table_class=None,
widget = TableWidget(columns, table_class, **kwargs)
super(TableField, self).__init__(
label=label, widget=widget, initial=initial)
def update(self, request, **kwargs):
self.widget.request = request
def clean(self, objects):
return [obj.as_dict() for obj in objects]
class ChoiceField(forms.ChoiceField, CustomPropertiesField):
class DynamicChoiceField(hz_forms.DynamicChoiceField, CustomPropertiesField):
class FlavorChoiceField(ChoiceField):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if 'requirements' in kwargs:
self.requirements = kwargs.pop('requirements')
super(FlavorChoiceField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def update(self, request, **kwargs):
self.choices = []
flavors = nova.novaclient(request).flavors.list()
# If no requirements are present, return all the flavors.
if not hasattr(self, 'requirements'):
self.choices = [(, for flavor in flavors]
for flavor in flavors:
# If a flavor doesn't meet a minimum requirement,
# do not add it to the options list and skip to the
# next flavor.
if flavor.vcpus < self.requirements.get('min_vcpus', 0):
if flavor.disk < self.requirements.get('min_disk', 0):
if flavor.ram < self.requirements.get('min_memory_mb', 0):
class KeyPairChoiceField(DynamicChoiceField):
" This widget allows to select keypair for VMs "
def update(self, request, **kwargs):
self.choices = [('', _('No keypair'))]
for keypair in nova.novaclient(request).keypairs.list():
class ImageChoiceField(ChoiceField):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.image_type = kwargs.pop('image_type', None)
super(ImageChoiceField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def update(self, request, **kwargs):
image_mapping, image_choices = {}, []
murano_images = get_murano_images(request)
for image in murano_images:
murano_data = image.murano_property
title = murano_data.get('title',
if self.image_type is not None:
itype = murano_data.get('type')
if not self.image_type and itype is None:
prefix = '{type}.'.format(type=self.image_type)
if (not itype.startswith(prefix) and
not self.image_type == itype):
image_mapping[smart_text(title)] =
for name in sorted(image_mapping.keys()):
image_choices.append((image_mapping[name], name))
if image_choices:
image_choices.insert(0, ("", _("Select Image")))
image_choices.insert(0, ("", _("No images available")))
self.choices = image_choices
class AZoneChoiceField(ChoiceField):
def update(self, request, **kwargs):
availability_zones = nova.novaclient(
except Exception:
availability_zones = []
_("Unable to retrieve availability zones."))
az_choices = [(az.zoneName, az.zoneName)
for az in availability_zones if az.zoneState]
if not az_choices:
az_choices.insert(0, ("", _("No availability zones available")))
self.choices = az_choices
class BooleanField(forms.BooleanField, CustomPropertiesField):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if 'widget' in kwargs:
widget = kwargs['widget']
if isinstance(widget, type):
widget = widget(attrs={'class': 'checkbox'})
widget = forms.CheckboxInput(attrs={'class': 'checkbox'})
kwargs['widget'] = widget
super(BooleanField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
in_favor_of='type boolean (regular BooleanField)',
class FloatingIpBooleanField(BooleanField):
class ClusterIPField(CharField):
existing_subnet = None
network_topology = None
router_id = None
def make_nova_validator(request, ip_ranges):
def perform_checking(ip):
if not netaddr.all_matching_cidrs(ip, ip_ranges) and ip_ranges:
raise forms.ValidationError(_('Specified Cluster Static IP is'
' not in valid IP range'))
ip_info = nova.novaclient(request).fixed_ips.get(ip)
except exceptions.UNAUTHORIZED:
LOG.error("Error to get information about IP address"
" using novaclient")
request, _("Unable to retrieve information "
"about fixed IP or IP is not valid."),
except exceptions.NOT_FOUND:
msg = "Could not found fixed ips for ip %s" % (ip,)
request, _(msg),
if ip_info.hostname:
raise forms.ValidationError(
_('Specified Cluster Static IP is already in use'))
return perform_checking
def update_network_params(self, request, environment_id):
env = env_api.environment_get(request, environment_id)
self.existing_subnet = env.networking.get('cidr')
self.network_topology = env.networking.get('topology')
def make_neutron_validator(self):
def perform_checking(ip):
if not self.existing_subnet:
raise forms.ValidationError(
_('Cannot get allowed subnet for the environment, '
'consult your admin'))
elif not netaddr.IPAddress(ip) in netaddr.IPNetwork(
raise forms.ValidationError(
_('Specified IP address should belong to {0} '
return perform_checking
def update(self, request, environment_id, **kwargs):
self.update_network_params(request, environment_id)
if self.network_topology == 'nova':
network_list = nova.novaclient(request).networks.list()
ip_ranges = [network.cidr for network in network_list]
ranges = ', '.join(ip_ranges)
except StandardError:
ip_ranges, ranges = [], ''
if ip_ranges:
self.help_text = _('Select IP from '
'available range: {0} ').format(ranges)
self.help_text = _('Specify valid fixed IP')
self.validators = [self.make_nova_validator(request, ip_ranges)]
elif self.network_topology in ('routed', 'manual'):
if self.network_topology == 'manual' and self.router_id is None:
raise muranoclient_exc.NotFound(_(
'Router is not found. You should create one explicitly.'))
self.widget.attrs['placeholder'] = self.existing_subnet
self.validators = [self.make_neutron_validator()]
else: # 'flat' topology
raise NotImplementedError('Flat topology is not implemented yet')
self.error_messages['invalid'] = \
class DatabaseListField(CharField):
validate_mssql_identifier = django_validator.RegexValidator(
_((u'First symbol should be latin letter or underscore. Subsequent ' +
u'symbols can be latin letter, numeric, underscore, at sign, ' +
u'number sign or dollar sign')))
default_error_messages = {'invalid': validate_mssql_identifier.message}
def to_python(self, value):
"""Normalize data to a list of strings."""
if not value:
return []
return [name.strip() for name in value.split(',')]
def validate(self, value):
"""Check if value consists only of valid names."""
super(DatabaseListField, self).validate(value)
for db_name in value:
def make_select_cls(fqns):
if not isinstance(fqns, (tuple, list)):
fqns = (fqns,)
class Widget(hz_forms.fields.DynamicSelectWidget):
class Media:
js = ('muranodashboard/js/add-select.js',)
class DynamicSelect(hz_forms.DynamicChoiceField, CustomPropertiesField):
widget = Widget
def __init__(self, empty_value_message=None, *args, **kwargs):
super(DynamicSelect, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if empty_value_message is not None:
self.empty_value_message = _(empty_value_message)
self.empty_value_message = _('Select Application')
self.empty_value_message = empty_value_message
def update(self, request, environment_id, **kwargs):
def _make_link():
ns_url = 'horizon:murano:catalog:add'
def _reverse(_fqn):
_app = pkg_api.app_by_fqn(request, _fqn)
if _app is None:
msg = "Application with FQN='{0}' doesn't exist"
raise KeyError(msg.format(_fqn))
args = (, environment_id, False, True)
return, reverse(ns_url, args=args)
return json.dumps([_reverse(cls) for cls in fqns])
self.widget.add_item_link = _make_link
apps = env_api.service_list_by_fqns(request, environment_id, fqns)
choices = [('', self.empty_value_message)]
choices.extend([(app['?']['id'], for app in apps])
self.choices = choices
def clean(self, value):
value = super(DynamicSelect, self).clean(value)
return None if value == '' else value
return DynamicSelect
in_favor_of='type with a custom '
'emptyValueMessage attribute',
class DomainChoiceField(make_select_cls('')):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(DomainChoiceField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.choices = [('', _('Not in domain'))]