
54 lines
2.2 KiB

{% extends "horizon/common/_modal_form.html" %}
{% load i18n %}
{% load static %}
{% load url from future %}
{% block form_id %}import_bundle{% endblock %}
{% block form_action %}{% url 'horizon:murano:packages:import_bundle' %}{% endblock %}
{% block modal_id %}upload_bundle_modal{% endblock %}
{% block modal-header %}{% trans 'Import Bundle' %}{% endblock %}
{% block modal-body %}
<div class="left" >
{{ wizard.management_form }}
{% if wizard.form.forms %}
{{ wizard.form.management_form }}
{% for form in wizard.form.forms %}
{{ form }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% with form=wizard.form %}
{% include "horizon/common/_form_fields.html" %}
{% endwith %}
{% endif %}
<div class="right">
<div class='description-by_name'>
<h3>{% trans 'Description:' %}</h3>
<p>{% blocktrans %}<strong>Bundle Name: </strong>Bundle's full name.{% endblocktrans %}</p>
<p>{% blocktrans %}The bundle is going to be installed from <a href="{{murano_repo_url}}" target="_blank">{{murano_repo_url}}</a> repository.{% endblocktrans %}</p>
<div class='description-by_url'>
<h3>{% trans 'Description:' %}</h3>
<p>{% blocktrans %}<strong>Bundle URL:</strong> HTTP/HTTPS URL of the bundle file.{% endblocktrans %}</p>
<div class='description-common'>
<p>{% blocktrans %}<strong><i>Note: </i></strong>You'll have to configure each package installed from this bundle separately.
<br>If packages depend upon other packages and/or require specific glance images, those are going to be installed with them from murano repository.
{% endblocktrans %}</p>
{% endblock %}
{% block modal-footer %}
{% if %}
<input type='submit' class='btn btn-primary pull-right' value='{% trans 'Next' %}'/>
{% else %}
<input type='submit' class='btn btn-primary pull-right' value='{% trans 'Create' %}'/>
{% endif %}
<a href='{% url 'horizon:murano:packages:index' %}' class='btn btn-default secondary cancel close'>{% trans 'Cancel' %}</a>
{% endblock %}