# TODO: # 1. tnurlygayanov: Fix issue with configuration files (like in OpenStack projects) # 2. tnurlygayanov: Fix issue with installation from git repository. # Now we are use ./setup.sh script from git repository. # Need to track all installation actions from puppet recepies class murano::dashboard ( $branch = 'master' ) { vcsrepo { '/tmp/murano-dashboard': ensure => present, provider => git, source => 'git://github.com/stackforge/murano-dashboard.git', revision => $branch, alias => 'step1', } case $operatingsystem { centos: { $cmd = "sh setup-centos.sh install" } default: { $cmd = "sh setup.sh install" } } exec {'Install new version': require => Vcsrepo['step1'], command => $cmd, user => 'root', provider => shell, cwd => '/tmp/murano-dashboard', } } class { 'murano::dashboard': }