
529 lines
14 KiB

function Install-SqlServerPowerShellModule {
param (
[String] $SetupRoot = ''
begin {
Show-InvocationInfo $MyInvocation
end {
Show-InvocationInfo $MyInvocation -End
process {
trap {
if ((Get-Module SQLPS -ListAvailable) -ne $null) {
Write-Log "Module SQLSP already installed."
if ($MuranoFileShare -eq '') {
$MuranoFileShare = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('MuranoFileShare')
if ($MuranoFileShare -eq '') {
throw("Unable to find MuranoFileShare path.")
if ($SetupRoot -eq '') {
$SetupRoot = [IO.Path]::Combine($MuranoFileShare, 'Prerequisites\SQL Server\Tools')
$FileList = @(
foreach ($MsiFile in $FileList) {
Write-Log "Trying to install '$MsiFile' ..."
$MsiPath = Join-Path $SetupRoot $MsiFile
if ([IO.File]::Exists($MsiPath)) {
Write-Log "Starting msiexe ..."
$Result = Exec -FilePath "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList @('/i', "`"$MsiPath`"", '/quiet') -PassThru
if ($Result.ExitCode -ne 0) {
throw ("Installation of MSI package '$MsiPath' failed with error code '$($Result.ExitCode)'")
else {
Write-Log "File '$MsiPath' not found."
function Install-SqlServerForAOAG {
param (
# Path to folder where msi files for additional SQL features are located
[String] $SetupRoot = '',
# Path to folder where msi files for additional SQLPS module are located
[String] $SqlpsSetupRoot = '',
[String] $MuranoFileShare = '',
# (REQUIRED) Domain name
[String] $SQLServiceUserDomain = 'fc-acme.local',
# (REQUIRED) User name for the account which will be used by SQL service
[String] $SQLServiceUserName = 'Administrator',
# (REQUIRED) Password for that user
[String] $SQLServiceUserPassword = 'P@ssw0rd',
[Switch] $UpdateEnabled
begin {
Show-InvocationInfo $MyInvocation
end {
Show-InvocationInfo $MyInvocation -End
process {
trap {
if ($MuranoFileShare -eq '') {
$MuranoFileShare = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('MuranoFileShare')
if ($MuranoFileShare -eq '') {
throw("Unable to find MuranoFileShare path.")
if ($SetupRoot -eq '') {
$SetupRoot = [IO.Path]::Combine($MuranoFileShare, 'Prerequisites\SQL Server\2012')
$ExtraOptions = @{}
if ($UpdateEnabled) {
$ExtraOptions += @{'UpdateEnabled' = $true}
else {
$ExtraOptions += @{'UpdateEnabled' = $false}
New-SQLServerForAOAG `
-SetupRoot $SetupRoot `
-SQLSvcUsrDomain $SQLServiceUserDomain `
-SQLSvcUsrName $SQLServiceUserName `
-SQLSvcUsrPassword $SQLServiceUserPassword `
-ExtraOptions $ExtraOptions
function Initialize-AlwaysOnAvailabilityGroup {
param (
[String] $DomainName,
[String] $DomainAdminAccountName,
[String] $DomainAdminAccountPassword,
[String] $SqlServiceAccountName,
[String] $PrimaryNode,
[String] $ShareName = 'SharedWorkDir'
begin {
Show-InvocationInfo $MyInvocation
end {
Show-InvocationInfo $MyInvocation -End
process {
trap {
$ShareNetworkPath = '\\' + $PrimaryNode + '\' + $ShareName
$DomainAdminAccountCreds = New-Credential `
-UserName "$DomainName\$DomainAdminAccountName" `
-Password "$DomainAdminAccountPassword"
$FunctionsFile = Export-Function 'Get-NextFreePort', 'Initialize-AlwaysOn'
Start-PowerShellProcess @"
trap {
exit 1
Import-Module CoreFunctions
Write-Log "Importing functions file '$FunctionsFile' ..."
. "$FunctionsFile"
Write-Log "Starting 'Initialize-AlwaysOn' ..."
`$XmlFile = [IO.Path]::Combine("$ShareNetworkPath", "`$(`$Env:ComputerName).xml")
Write-Log "Output XML file is '`$XmlFile'"
Initialize-AlwaysOn | Export-CliXml -Path `$XmlFile
"@ -Credential $DomainAdminAccountCreds -NoBase64
function New-SharedFolderForAOAG {
param (
[String] $SharePath = [IO.Path]::Combine($Env:SystemDrive + '\', 'SharedWorkDir'),
[String] $ShareName = 'SharedWorkDir',
[String] $PrimaryNode = ' '
begin {
Show-InvocationInfo $MyInvocation
end {
Show-InvocationInfo $MyInvocation -End
process {
trap {
if ($PrimaryNode.ToLower() -ne ($Env:ComputerName).ToLower()) {
Write-Log "This script runs on primary node only."
Write-Log "Exiting script."
if ($ShareName -eq '') {
$ShareName = [IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($SharePath)
Write-LogDebug "SharePath = '$SharePath'"
Write-LogDebug "ShareName = '$ShareName'"
try {
Write-LogDebug "Trying to remove share '$ShareName'"
$null = Get-SmbShare -Name $ShareName -ErrorAction 'Stop'
Remove-SmbShare -Name $ShareName -Force
write-Log "Share '$ShareName' removed."
catch {
Write-LogWarning "Share '$ShareName' not exists or cannot be deleted."
try {
Write-LogDebug "Trying to remove folder '$SharePath"
$null = Get-Item -Path $SharePath -ErrorAction 'Stop'
Remove-Item -Path $SharePath -Recurse -Force
Write-Log "Folder '$SharePath' removed."
catch {
Write-LogWarning "Folder '$SharePath' not exists or cannot be deleted."
$null = New-Item -Path $SharePath -ItemType Container -Force
$null = New-SmbShare -Path $SharePath `
-Name $ShareName `
-FullAccess "Everyone" `
-Description "Shared folder for AlwaysOn Availability Group setup."
return '\\' + $Env:ComputerName + '\' + $ShareName
function New-DatabaseForAOAG {
param (
[String] $DatabaseName,
[String] $DomainName,
[String] $UserName,
[String] $UserPassword
$Creds = New-Credential -UserName "$DomainName\$UserName" -Password "$UserPassword"
$FunctionsFile = Export-Function 'Invoke-SQLText', 'ConvertTo-SQLName', 'ConvertTo-SQLString', 'New-SQLDatabase'
Start-PowerShellProcess @"
trap {
exit 1
Import-Module CoreFunctions
Write-Log "Importing functions from file '$FunctionsFile' ..."
. "$FunctionsFile"
Write-Log "Starting 'New-SQLDatabase' ..."
New-SQLDatabase $DatabaseName
"@ -Credential $Creds -NoBase64
function Initialize-AOAGPrimaryReplica {
param (
# (OPTIONAL) Name of the new Availability Group. If not specified then default name will be used.
[String] $GroupName = 'MuranoAG',
# (REQUIRED) Nodes that will be configured as replica partners.
[String[]] $NodeList,
# (REQUIRED) Node name that will be primary for selected Availability Group
[String] $PrimaryNode,
# (REQUIRED) Database list that will be added to the Availability Group
[String[]] $DatabaseList,
# (REQUIRED) Listener name that will be used by clients to connect to databases in that AG
[String] $ListenerName = 'MuranoAG_Listener',
# (REQUIRED) IP address of the listener
[String] $ListenerIP,
[String] $ListenerIPMask = '',
[String] $ListenerPort = '5023',
# Sync Mode Node List
[String[]] $SyncModeNodeList,
[String] $SharedWorkDir = 'SharedWorkDir',
[String] $CliXmlFile = '',
[String] $DomainName,
[String] $UserName,
[String] $UserPassword
begin {
Show-InvocationInfo $MyInvocation
end {
Show-InvocationInfo $MyInvocation -End
process {
trap {
Write-Log "Primary node: '$($PrimaryNode.ToLower())'"
Write-Log "Current node: '$(($Env:ComputerName).ToLower())'"
if ($PrimaryNode.ToLower() -ne $($Env:ComputerName).ToLower()) {
Write-Log "This function works on PrimaryNode only."
Write-Log "Exiting."
if ($CliXmlFile -eq '') {
$ReplicaDefinitionList = @()
foreach ($Node in $NodeList) {
try {
$NodeEndpointPort = Import-CliXml -Path "\\$PrimaryNode\SharedWorkDir\$Node.xml"
catch {
Write-Log "Using default endpoint port 5022"
$NodeEndpointPort = 5022
$ReplicaDefinition = @{
"ENDPOINT_URL" = "TCP://${Node}:${NodeEndpointPort}";
if ($SyncModeNodeList -contains $Node) {
Write-Log "$Node is in SyncModeNodeList"
$ReplicaDefinition['FAILOVER_MODE'] = "AUTOMATIC"
else {
Write-Log "$Node is NOT in SyncModeNodeList"
$ReplicaDefinitionList += @($ReplicaDefinition)
$Preferences = @{}
$ListenerDefinition = @{
"PORT" = "$ListenerPort";
"STATIC" = "$ListenerIP/$ListenerIPMask"
$Parameters = @{
'WorkDir' = "\\$PrimaryNode\$SharedWorkDir";
'Name' = $GroupName;
'DatabaseNames' = $DatabaseList;
'ReplicaDefs' = $ReplicaDefinitionList;
'Preferences' = $Preferences;
'ListenerDef' = $ListenerDefinition;
Remove-Item -Path "\\$PrimaryNode\SharedWorkDir\*" -Force
$CliXmlFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
Write-LogDebug "CliXml file: '$CliXmlFile'"
Export-CliXml -Path $CliXmlFile -InputObject $Parameters -Depth 10
Initialize-AOAGPrimaryReplica `
-CliXmlFile $CliXmlFile `
-DomainName $DomainName `
-UserName $UserName `
-UserPassword $UserPassword `
-PrimaryNode $PrimaryNode
else {
$Creds = New-Credential -UserName "$DomainName\$UserName" -Password "$UserPassword"
$FunctionsFile = Export-Function -All
Start-PowerShellProcess @"
trap {
exit 1
Import-Module CoreFunctions
Write-Log "Importing functions from '$FunctionsFile' ..."
. "$FunctionsFile"
Write-Log "Importing CliXml parameters file ..."
`$Parameters = Import-CliXml -Path $CliXmlFile
Write-Log "Starting 'New-AlwaysOnAvailabilityGroup' ..."
New-AlwaysOnAvailabilityGroup ``
-WorkDir `$Parameters['WorkDir'] ``
-Name `$Parameters['Name'] ``
-DatabaseNames `$Parameters['DatabaseNames'] ``
-ReplicaDefs `$Parameters['ReplicaDefs'] ``
-Preferences `$Parameters['Preferences'] ``
-ListenerDef `$Parameters['ListenerDef']
"@ -Credential $Creds -NoBase64
function Initialize-AOAGSecondaryReplica {
param (
# (REQUIRED) Nodes that will be configured as replica partners.
[String[]] $NodeList,
# (REQUIRED) Node name that will be primary for selected Availability Group
[String] $PrimaryNode,
[String] $SharedWorkDir = 'SharedWorkDir',
[String] $DomainName,
[String] $UserName,
[String] $UserPassword
begin {
Show-InvocationInfo $MyInvocation
end {
Show-InvocationInfo $MyInvocation -End
process {
trap {
if ($PrimaryNode.ToLower() -eq ($Env:ComputerName).ToLower()) {
Write-Log "This function works on any SecondaryNode only."
Write-Log "Exiting."
$Creds = New-Credential -UserName "$DomainName\$UserName" -Password "$UserPassword"
$FunctionsFile = Export-Function -All
Start-PowerShellProcess @"
trap {
exit 1
Import-Module CoreFunctions
Write-Log "Importing functions from '$FunctionsFile' ..."
. "$FunctionsFile"
Write-Log "Starting 'New-AlwaysOnAvailabilityGroupReplica' ..."
New-AlwaysOnAvailabilityGroupReplica -WorkDir "\\$PrimaryNode\$SharedWorkDir"
"@ -Credential $Creds -NoBase64
function Disable-Firewall {
begin {
Show-InvocationInfo $MyInvocation
end {
Show-InvocationInfo $MyInvocation -End
process {
trap {
netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off
function Enable-Firewall {
begin {
Show-InvocationInfo $MyInvocation
end {
Show-InvocationInfo $MyInvocation -End
process {
trap {
netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state on
function Enable-TrustedHosts {
begin {
Show-InvocationInfo $MyInvocation
end {
Show-InvocationInfo $MyInvocation -End
process {
trap {
Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value '*' -Force