.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ================================= Application Development Framework ================================= https://blueprints.launchpad.net/murano/+spec/application-development-framework Build a library of MuranoPL classes to define basic building blocks for the applications utilizing standard patterns for scaling, load balancing, healing etc. Problem description =================== Currently Murano Applications are not opinionated about the workflow they have to follow to be scalable, highly available, (self) healable and so on. The only interface which is declared for a standard murano application defines a single method called “deploy” which has to implement the complete provisioning procedure of the app. This approach is cumbersome, requires lots of coding while most of the code is a boilerplate which could be reused by most the applications. Also, the “deploy” workflow is just a beginning of applications’ life in the cloud: Murano app should define the lifecycle management of the app as well: to handle the scaling, healing and other special behaviors. Similarly to the deployment behaviors these kinds of workflow may have some generic steps which should be made on most of the applications and should not require manual copying. It would be beneficial for the developers of Murano Applications to have a set of base classes defining the standard building blocks for the typical applications and their life cycle management operations. So Murano should allow Application Developers to focus on their application-specific tasks only (e.g. “how to install the software on the VMs”, “how to configure it to interact with other apps” etc) without the real need to dive into resource orchestration, server farm configuration and so on. The application developers’ experience has to be as lightweight as possible: ideally they should be able to focus on the software configuration tools (scripts, puppets etc) and completely ignore the MuranoPL if they do not need to define any custom workflow logic. Proposed change =============== It is proposed to implement a set of base classes for the applications and their components. Library structure ----------------- Scaling primitives ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To properly handle various scaling scenarios it is required to have a set of classes which will be able to group similar resources together, produce new copies of the same resources or release the existing ones on request. The following hierarchy of classes is proposed to define this functionality on the generic level as well as to implement it for the case of the Servers/VMs: :: +-------+ | +-------+ | | +--------+ +------------------+ +-----------------+ | | | | | | | | +-+ | Object <--+ ReplicationGroup +----> ReplicaProvider | +-+ | | | | | +--------+ +------+-----------+ +-+-------------+-+ ^ ^ ^ | | | | +--------------+----------+ | | | | | +-------+ | | TemplateReplicaProvider | | | +-------+ | | +--+----+ | | +----------+ | +----------+--------------+ | | | | | | | CloneReplicaProvider | +-+ | Instance +-----+ | | | +-+ | | | +--------+-------------+ +----------+ | | ^ | | | | | +-----------+------+ | | | | +-------+-----------+-+ | InstanceProvider +--+ | +---------> | | | InstanceGroup | +-----+------------+ +---+ | | | | | +---------------------+ +---+-----------+ | | | +---------------+ (other replica providers) **ReplicationGroup** A base class which does the object replication. It holds the collection of objects in one of its InputOutput properties (so the objects may be both generated in runtime and passed as the user input) and contains a reference to a ``ReplicaProvider`` object which is used to dynamically generate the objects in runtime. Input properties of this class include the ``minReplicas`` and ``maxReplicas`` allowing to limit the number of objects it holds in its collection. An input-output property ``requiredNumberOfReplicas`` allows to declaratively change the set of objects in the collection by setting its size. The ``deploy`` method of this class will be used to apply the replica settings: it will drop the objects from the collection if their number exceeds the specified by the ``requiredNumberOfReplicas`` or generate some new if there are not enough of them. **ReplicaProvider** A class to generate the objects for a ``ReplicationGroup``. The base one is abstract, its inheritors should implement the abstract ``createInstance`` method to create the actual object. The method may accept some index parameter to properly parametrize the newly created copy. The concrete implementations of this class should define all the input properties needed to create new instances of object. Thus the provider actually acts as a template of the object it generates. **TemplateReplicaProvider** An implementation of ``ReplicaProvider`` capable to create replicas based on a user-provided template, being a yaml-based definition of some arbitrary object. **CloneReplicaProvider** An implementation of ``ReplicaProvider`` similar to the ``TemplateReplicaProvider``, capable to create replicas by cloning some user-provided object. The difference between this class and the ``TemplateReplicaProvider`` is that for ``CloneReplicaProvider`` the target object should be a real object (thus having all the properties valid, matching all the contracts etc), while the template of ``TemplateReplicaProvider`` is just a dict which may be missing some of the required properties etc. **InstanceGroup** A subclass of ``ReplicationGroup`` class to replicate the ``Instance`` objects it holds. The ``deploy`` method of this group not only generates new instances of servers but also deploys them if needed. **InstanceProvider** A subclass of ``CloneReplicaProvider`` which is used to produce the objects of ``Instance`` class by cloning them with subsequent parameterization of the hostnames. May be passed as ``replicaProvider`` property to objects of ``InstanceGroup`` class. **other replica providers** Other subclasses of ``ReplicaProvider`` may be created to produce different objects of ``Instance`` class and its subclasses depending on particular application needs. Software Components ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The main classes to handle the lifecycle of the application are the ``BaseSoftwareComponent`` and its subclasses: :: +-----------------------+ | | | BaseSoftwareComponent | | | +---+---------------+---+ ^ ^ | | +-----------+-+ +-+------------+ | | | | | Installable | | Configurable | | | | | +-----------+-+ +-+------------+ ^ ^ | | | | +-+---------------+-+ | | | SoftwareComponent | | | +-------------------+ The hierarchy of the ``SoftwareComponent`` classes should be used to define the workflows of different application lifecycles. The general idea is to have the generic logic in the methods of the base classes and let the derived classes implement the handlers for the custom logic. The model is event-driven: the workflow consists of the multiple steps, and most of the steps invoke appropriate `on%StepName%` methods intended to provide application-specific logic. It is proposed to split 'internal' step logic and their 'public' handlers into separate methods. Technically this is not necessary since the subclass may always call `super()` to invoke the base logic, but the developers tend to forget to invoke these super-implementations – so having the logic split into two parts should improve the developers' experience and simplify the code of derived classes. The standard workflows (such as Installation and Configuration) will be defined by two subclasses of ``BaseSoftwareComponent`` - ``Installable`` and ``Configurable``. The main implementation - ``SoftwareComponent`` will inherit both these classes and will define its deployment workflow as a sequence of Installation and Configuration flows. Other future implementations may add new workflow interfaces and mix them in to change the deployment workflow or add new actions. Installation workflow consists of the following methods: :: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | INSTALL | | | | +------------------------------+ +---------------+ | | +------------------------------+ | +---------------+ | | | +------------------------------+ | | +---------------+ +---------------+ | | +----------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | checkServerNeedsInstallation | +-+ +----> beforeInstall +----> installServer | +-+ +----> completeInstallation | | | | +-+ | | | +-+ | | | | +------------------------------+ +------+--------+ +------+--------+ +-----------+----------+ | | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | v v v onBeforeInstall onInstallServer onCompleteInstallation **install** * **Arguments:** ``ServerGroup`` * **Description:** Entry point of the installation workflow. Iterates through all the servers of the passed ServerGroup and calls the ``checkServerNeedsInstallation`` method for each of them. If at least one of the calls has returned `True` calls a ``beforeInstall`` method. Then, for each server which returned `True` as the result of the ``checkServerNeedsInstallation`` calls the ``installServer`` method to do the actual software installation. After the installation has been completed on all the servers and if at least one of the previous calls of ``checkServerNeedsInstallation`` returned `True` the method runs the ``completeInstallation`` method. If all the calls to ``checkServerNeedsInstallation`` returned `False` this method concludes without calling any others. **checkServerNeedsInstallation** * **Arguments:** ``Server`` * **Description:** checks if the given server requires a (re)deployment of the software component. By default checks for the presence of attribute `installed_at_%serverId%` being set by the ``installServer`` method. May be overriden by subclasses to provide some better logic (e.g. the app developer may provide code to check if the given software is pre-installed on the image which was provisioned on the VM) **beforeInstall** * **Arguments:** ``ServerGroup`` * **Description:** Reports the beginning of installation process, resets an error counter of the current deployment to zero and calls the public event handler ``onBeforeInstall``. **onBeforeInstall** * **Arguments:** ``ServerGroup`` * **Description:** Public handler of the `beforeInstall` event. Empty in the base class, may be overriden in subclasses if some custom pre-install logic needs to be executed. **installServer** * **Arguments:** ``Server`` * **Description:** does the actual software deployment on a given server by calling an ``onInstallServer`` public event handler. If the installation completes successfully sets the `installed_at_%serverId%` attribute of the component's attribute storage to indicate that the software component was installed on that particular machine. If an exception was encountered during the invocation of ``onInstallServer`` the method will handle that exception, report a warning and increment the error counter for the particular deployment. **onInstallServer** * **Arguments:** ``Server`` * **Description:** an event-handler method which is called by the ``installServer`` method when the actual software deployment is needed. Is empty in the base class. The implementations should override it with custom logic to deploy the actual software bits. **completeInstallation** * **Arguments:** ``ServerGroup`` * **Description:** is executed after all the ``installServer`` methods were called. Checks for the number of errors reported during the installation: if it is greater than some pre-configurable threshold an exception is risen to interrupt the deployment workflow. Otherwise the method calls an ``onCompleteInstallation`` event handler and then reports a successful completion of the installation workflow. **onCompleteInstallation** * **Arguments:** ``ServerGroup`` * **Description:** an event-handler method which is called by the ``completeInstallation`` method when the component installation is about to be completed. Default implementation is empty. Inheritors may implement this method to add some final handling, reporting etc. Configuration workflow consists of the following methods: :: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | CONFIGURATION | | +-------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | +------------------+ +-----------------+ | | | +------------------+ | +-----------------+ | | | +------------v--+ +--------------+ +------------------+ | | +-----------------+ | | +-----------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | checkNeedsRe\ +---> preConfigure +---> checkServerNeeds\| +-+---> configureServer | +-+---> completeConfiguration | | | | configuration | | | | Reconfiguration +-+ | +-+ | | | | +------------+--+ +------+-------+ +------------------+ +--------+--------+ +-----------+-----------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +----v---+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | getKey | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--------+ | | | | | | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | v v v onPreConfigure onConfigureServer onCompleteConfiguration **configure** * **Arguments:** ``ServerGroup`` * **Description:** Entry point of the configuration workflow. Calls a ``checkNeedsReconfiguration`` method. If the call does not return `True` workflow exits without doing anything. Otherwise calls ``preConfigure`` method and then iterates through all the servers of the passed ServerGroup. For each server it calls ``checkServerNeedsReconfiguration`` method. If that call returns `True` then a ``configureServer`` is called for that server. At the end calls a ``completeConfiguration`` method if at least one call of ``configureServer`` was made. **checkNeedsReconfiguration** * **Arguments:** ``ServerGroup`` * **Description:** has to return `True` if the configuration (i.e. the values of input properties) of the component has been changed since it was last deployed on the given Server Group. Default implementation calls a ``getKey`` method and compares the returned result with a value of `configuration_of_%serverGroupId%` attribute. If the results do not match returns `True` otherwise `False`. **getKey** * **Arguments:** None * **Description:** should return some values describing the configuration state of the component. This state is used to track the changes of the configuration by the ``checkNeedsReconfiguration`` method. Default implementation returns a synthetic value which gets updated on every environment redeployment. Thus the subsequent calls of the ``configure`` method on the same server group during the same deployment will not cause the reconfiguration, while the calls on the next deployment will reapply the configuration again. The inheritors may redefine this to include the actual values of the configuration properties, so the configuration is reapplied only if the appropriate input properties were changed. **preConfigure** * **Arguments:** ``ServerGroup`` * **Description:** Reports the beginning of configuration process, resets an error counter of the current configuration to zero and calls the public event handler ``onPreConfigure``. This method is called once per the server group and only if the changes in configuration are detected. **onPreConfigure** * **Arguments:** ``ServerGroup`` * **Description:** a public event-handler which is called by the ``preConfigure`` method when the (re)configuration of the component is required. Default implementation is empty. Inheritors my implement this method to set various kinds of cluster-wide states or output properties which may be of use at later stages of the workflow. **checkServerNeedsReconfiguration** * **Arguments:** ``Server`` * **Description:** is called to check if the particular server of the server group has to be reconfigured thus providing more precise control compared to cluster-wide ``checkNeedsReconfiguration``. Default implementation calls a ``getKey`` method and compares the returned result with a value of `configuration_of_%serverId%` attribute. If the results do not match returns `True` otherwise `False`. This method gets called only if the ``checkNeedsReconfiguration`` method returned `True` for the whole server group. **configureServer** * **Arguments:** ``Server`` * **Description:** does the actual software configuration on a given server by calling an ``onConfigureServer`` public event handler. If the configuration completes successfully calls the ``getKey`` method and sets the `configuration_of_%serverId%` attribute to resulting value thus saving the configuration applied to a given server. If an exception was encountered during the invocation of ``onConfigureServer`` the method will handle that exception, report a warning and increment the error counter for the particular deployment. **onConfigureServer** * **Arguments:** ``Server`` * **Description:** an event-handler method which is called by the ``configureServer`` method when the actual software configuration is needed. Is empty in the base class. The implementations should override it with custom logic to apply the actual software configuration on a given server. **completeConfiguration** * **Arguments:** ``ServerGroup`` * **Description:** is executed after all the ``configureServer`` methods were called. Checks for the number of errors reported during the configuration: if it is greater than some pre-configurable threshold an exception is risen to interrupt the deployment workflow. Otherwise the method calls an ``onCompleteConfiguration`` event handler and then reports a successful completion of the configuration workflow. **onCompleteConfiguration** * **Arguments:** ``ServerGroup`` * **Description:** an event-handler method which is called by the ``completeConfiguration`` method when the component configuration was finished at all the servers. Default implementation is empty. Inheritors may implement this method to add some final handling, reporting etc. Uninstallation workflow consists of the following methods: :: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | UNINSTALL | | | | +----------------+ | | +-----------------+ | | | +-----------------+ +-----------------+ | | +------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | beforeUninstall +------> uninstallServer | +-+------> completeUninstallation | | | | | | +-+ | | | | +-------+---------+ +--------+--------+ +-----------+------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | v v v onBeforeUninstall onUninstallServer onCompleteUninstallation **uninstall** * **Arguments:** ``ServerGroup`` * **Description:** Entry point of the uninstallation workflow. Iterates through all the servers of the passed ServerGroup, for each of them checks the presence of the `installed_at_%serverId%` attribute. If at least one attribute is present calls a ``beforeUninstall`` method once, and then calls an ``uninstallServer`` method for each server which has the attribute. If at least one method was called, calls an ``afterUninstall`` method at the end. **beforeUninstall** * **Arguments:** ``ServerGroup`` * **Description:** reports the beginning of uninstalling process and then calls an ``onBeforeUninstall`` public event handler. **onBeforeUninstall** * **Arguments:** ``ServerGroup`` * **Description:** Public handler of the `beforeUninstall` event. Empty in the base class, may be overriden in subclasses if some custom pre uninstall logic needs to be executed. **uninstallServer** * **Arguments:** ``Server`` * **Description:** does the actual software removal on a given server by calling an ``onUninstallServer`` public event handler. If the removal completes successfully clear the `installed_at_%serverId%` attribute of the component's attribute storage to indicate that the software component is no longer installed on that particular machine. If an exception was encountered during the invocation of ``onUninstallServer`` the method will handle that exception, report a warning and increment the error counter for the particular deployment. **onUninstallServer** * **Arguments:** ``Server`` * **Description:** an event-handler method which is called by the ``uninstallServer`` method when the actual software removal is needed. Is empty in the base class. The implementations should override it with custom logic to uninstall the actual software bits. **completeUninstallation** * **Arguments:** ``ServerGroup`` * **Description:** is executed after all the ``uninstallServer`` methods were called. Checks for the number of errors reported during the uninstalling: if it is greater than some pre-configurable threshold an exception is risen to interrupt the uninstalling workflow. Otherwise the method calls an ``onCompleteUninstallation`` event handler and then reports a successful completion of the uninstalling workflow. **onCompleteUninstallation** * **Arguments:** ``ServerGroup`` * **Description:** an event-handler method which is called by the ``completeUninstallation`` method when the component removal is done on all the servers. Default implementation is empty. Inheritors may implement this method to add some final handling, reporting etc. Alternatives ------------ The only alternative is to let application developers to write their own code for these common tasks. We don't completely drop this alternative, since the developers are not forced to use the framework and may still continue having the applications which do not inherit its base classes. Data model impact ----------------- None REST API impact --------------- None Versioning impact ----------------- The first implementation of this spec will utilize the existing version of the core library. Subsequent ones - redefining the hierarchy of base resource classes - will need to increment the major version of the core library. Other end user impact --------------------- End users should not notice the difference between apps written using the proposed framework and regular ones. Deployer impact --------------- The Framework's library package should be deployed in the target catalog for other applications to use it. Developer impact ---------------- This is all about simplifying the life of application developer. Developers will have to learn the classes and patterns to utilize the benefits of the framework. Murano-dashboard / Horizon impact --------------------------------- None Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: ativelkov Other contributors: tbd Work Items ---------- * Implement the base ``Server`` class and a stub for its core-library-compatible inheritor. * Implement scalable primitives (ReplicationGroup, ReplicaProvider and their inheritors) * Implement a Event/Notification layer in MuranoPL * Implement ``SoftwareComponent`` class with its standard Install/Configure/Uninstall workflows. * Implement base application classes binding ``SoftwareComponent`` objects to ``ReplicationGroup`` objects producing Servers. Dependencies ============ None Testing ======= All the new MuranoPL classes should be covered by test-runner based tests. Documentation Impact ==================== The framework should be well documented so the package developers have a reliable and up-to-date source of information. References ========== None