#!/bin/bash EXPECTED_TOX_VERSION="1.6.1" tox_version=`tox --version 2>/dev/null` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then tox_version="not installed" else tox_version=`echo $tox_version | cut -d' ' -f1` fi echo "run_tests.sh is deprecated in favor of running tox directly." echo "This will ensure your results are the same as Jenkins'." echo if [ "$tox_version" == "not installed" ]; then echo "It looks like tox isn't installed. You can install (globally or" echo "into a virtualenv) with pip. Be sure to install version 1.6.1," echo "since later versions have problems running some tests. To install:" echo echo " pip install \"tox==1.6.1\"" echo elif [ "$tox_version" != "$EXPECTED_TOX_VERSION" ]; then echo "## WARNING ##" echo "You have tox version $tox_version installed. Consider installing" echo "version $EXPECTED_TOX_VERSION, since later versions may not run tests correctly." echo else echo "You have tox $tox_version installed." echo fi echo "To run unit tests or pep8 using tox:" echo echo " 'tox -e pep8' will run style checks" echo " 'tox -e py26' will run python 2.6 unit tests" echo " 'tox -e py27' will run python 2.7 unit tests" echo " 'tox' will run all unit tests and pep8 (as Jenkins does)" echo echo "Tox creates its own virtual environments." echo echo "To run functional tests, run ./functionaltests/run_tests.sh"