
316 lines
8.6 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import base64
import collections
import random
import re
import string
import time
import types
import jsonpatch
import jsonpointer
import yaql.context
import yaql.functions.builtin as yaql_builtin
import murano.common.config as cfg
import murano.dsl.helpers as helpers
_random_string_counter = None
def _transform_json(json, mappings):
if isinstance(json, types.ListType):
return [_transform_json(t, mappings) for t in json]
if isinstance(json, types.DictionaryType):
result = {}
for key, value in json.items():
result[_transform_json(key, mappings)] = \
_transform_json(value, mappings)
return result
elif isinstance(json, types.ListType):
result = []
for value in json:
result.append(_transform_json(value, mappings))
return result
elif isinstance(json, types.StringTypes) and json.startswith('$'):
value = _convert_macro_parameter(json[1:], mappings)
if value is not None:
return value
return json
def _convert_macro_parameter(macro, mappings):
replaced = [False]
def replace(match):
replaced[0] = True
return unicode(mappings.get(
result = re.sub('{(\\w+?)}', replace, macro)
if replaced[0]:
return result
return mappings[macro]
@yaql.context.EvalArg('format', types.StringTypes)
def _format(format, *args):
return format.format(*[t() for t in args])
@yaql.context.EvalArg('src', types.StringTypes)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('substring', types.StringTypes)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', types.StringTypes)
def _replace_str(src, substring, value):
return src.replace(substring, value)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('src', types.StringTypes)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('replacements', dict)
def _replace_dict(src, replacements):
for key, value in replacements.iteritems():
if isinstance(src, str):
src = src.replace(key, str(value))
src = src.replace(key, unicode(value))
return src
def _len(value):
return len(value())
def _coalesce(*args):
for t in args:
val = t()
if val:
return val
return None
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', types.StringTypes)
def _base64encode(value):
return base64.b64encode(value)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', types.StringTypes)
def _base64decode(value):
return base64.b64decode(value)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('group', types.StringTypes)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('setting', types.StringTypes)
def _config(group, setting):
return cfg.CONF[group][setting]
@yaql.context.EvalArg('setting', types.StringTypes)
def _config_default(setting):
return cfg.CONF[setting]
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', types.StringTypes)
def _upper(value):
return value.upper()
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', types.StringTypes)
def _lower(value):
return value.lower()
@yaql.context.EvalArg('separator', types.StringTypes)
def _join(separator, *args):
return separator.join([t() for t in args])
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', types.StringTypes)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('separator', types.StringTypes)
def _split(value, separator):
return value.split(separator)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', types.StringTypes)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('prefix', types.StringTypes)
def _startswith(value, prefix):
return value.startswith(prefix)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', types.StringTypes)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('suffix', types.StringTypes)
def _endswith(value, suffix):
return value.endswith(suffix)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', types.StringTypes)
def _trim(value):
return value.strip()
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', types.StringTypes)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('pattern', types.StringTypes)
def _mathces(value, pattern):
return re.match(pattern, value) is not None
@yaql.context.EvalArg('value', types.StringTypes)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('index', int)
@yaql.context.EvalArg('length', int)
def _substr(value, index=0, length=-1):
if length < 0:
return value[index:]
return value[index:index + length]
def _str(value):
value = value()
if value is None:
return None
return unicode(value)
def _int(value):
value = value()
return int(value)
def _pselect(collection, composer):
return helpers.parallel_select(collection(), composer)
def _patch(obj, patch):
obj = obj()
patch = patch()
if not isinstance(patch, types.ListType):
patch = [patch]
patch = jsonpatch.JsonPatch(patch)
return patch.apply(obj)
except jsonpointer.JsonPointerException:
return obj
def _int2base(x, base):
"""Converts decimal integers into another number base
from base-2 to base-36.
:param x: decimal integer
:param base: number base, max value is 36
:return: integer converted to the specified base
digs = string.digits + string.lowercase
if x < 0:
sign = -1
elif x == 0:
return '0'
sign = 1
x *= sign
digits = []
while x:
digits.append(digs[x % base])
x /= base
if sign < 0:
return ''.join(digits)
def _random_name():
"""Replace '#' char in pattern with supplied number, if no pattern is
supplied generate short and unique name for the host.
:param pattern: hostname pattern
:param number: number to replace with in pattern
:return: hostname
global _random_string_counter
counter = _random_string_counter or 1
# generate first 5 random chars
prefix = ''.join(random.choice(string.lowercase) for _ in range(5))
# convert timestamp to higher base to shorten hostname string
# (up to 8 chars)
timestamp = _int2base(int(time.time() * 1000), 36)[:8]
# third part of random name up to 2 chars
# (1295 is last 2-digit number in base-36, 1296 is first 3-digit number)
suffix = _int2base(counter, 36)
_random_string_counter = (counter + 1) % 1296
return prefix + timestamp + suffix
@yaql.context.EvalArg('self', dict)
def _values(self):
return self.values()
@yaql.context.EvalArg('self', dict)
def _keys(self):
return self.keys()
@yaql.context.EvalArg('self', collections.Iterable)
def _flatten(self):
for i in self:
if isinstance(i, collections.Iterable):
for ii in i:
yield ii
yield i
def register(context):
lambda json, mappings: _transform_json(json(), mappings()), 'bind')
context.register_function(_format, 'format')
context.register_function(_replace_str, 'replace')
context.register_function(_replace_dict, 'replace')
context.register_function(_len, 'len')
context.register_function(_coalesce, 'coalesce')
context.register_function(_base64decode, 'base64decode')
context.register_function(_base64encode, 'base64encode')
context.register_function(_config, 'config')
context.register_function(_config_default, 'config')
context.register_function(_lower, 'toLower')
context.register_function(_upper, 'toUpper')
context.register_function(_join, 'join')
context.register_function(_split, 'split')
context.register_function(_pselect, 'pselect')
context.register_function(_startswith, 'startsWith')
context.register_function(_endswith, 'endsWith')
context.register_function(_trim, 'trim')
context.register_function(_mathces, 'matches')
context.register_function(_substr, 'substr')
context.register_function(_str, 'str')
context.register_function(_int, 'int')
context.register_function(_patch, 'patch')
context.register_function(_random_name, 'randomName')
# Temporary workaround as YAQL does not provide "where" function for
# dictionaries, and there is no easy way to implement it there.
context.register_function(yaql_builtin.dict_attribution, 'get')
# Temporary workaround, these functions should be moved to YAQL
context.register_function(_keys, 'keys')
context.register_function(_values, 'values')
context.register_function(_flatten, 'flatten')