Remove Neutron LBaaS static example configuration files

Oslo config generator was introduced in patch [1] to
automatically generate the sample Neutron LBaaS configuration

This patch removes the static example configuration files from
the repository as they are now redundant.


Change-Id: Ied6baba264e46aee59fb97f4909df3cbf4d00237
Partially-Implements: blueprint autogen-neutron-conf-file
Partial-bug: #1199963
Depends-On: Iae1e581ec2bea9c0ced700229effcc716d53fe4e
This commit is contained in:
Martin Hickey 2015-12-10 15:43:49 +00:00
parent 96e2aa35e2
commit d13d53bce7
4 changed files with 0 additions and 205 deletions

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
# Show debugging output in log (sets DEBUG log level output).
# debug = False
# The LBaaS agent will resync its state with Neutron to recover from any
# transient notification or rpc errors. The interval is number of
# seconds between attempts.
# periodic_interval = 10
# LBaas requires an interface driver be set. Choose the one that best
# matches your plugin.
# interface_driver =
# Example of interface_driver option for OVS based plugins (OVS, Ryu, NEC, NVP,
# BigSwitch/Floodlight)
# interface_driver = neutron.agent.linux.interface.OVSInterfaceDriver
# Use veth for an OVS interface or not.
# Support kernels with limited namespace support
# (e.g. RHEL 6.5) so long as ovs_use_veth is set to True.
# ovs_use_veth = False
# Example of interface_driver option for LinuxBridge
# interface_driver = neutron.agent.linux.interface.BridgeInterfaceDriver
# The agent requires drivers to manage the loadbalancer. HAProxy is the opensource version.
# Multiple device drivers reflecting different service providers could be specified:
# device_driver =
# device_driver =
# Default is:
# device_driver =
# Location to store config and state files
# loadbalancer_state_path = $state_path/lbaas
# The user group
# user_group = nogroup
# When delete and re-add the same vip, send this many gratuitous ARPs to flush
# the ARP cache in the Router. Set it below or equal to 0 to disable this feature.
# send_gratuitous_arp = 3

View File

@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
# =========== items for agent scheduler extension =============
# loadbalancer_pool_scheduler_driver =
# loadbalancer_pool_scheduler_driver =
# loadbalancer_scheduler_driver = neutron.agent_scheduler.ChanceScheduler
# Number of vips allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited. This
# is only applicable when v1 of the lbaas extension is used.
# quota_vip = 10
# Number of pools allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited. This
# is applicable in both the v1 and v2 lbaas extensions.
# quota_pool = 10
# Number of pool members allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.
# The default is unlimited because a member is not a real resource consumer
# on OpenStack. However, on back-end, a member is a resource consumer
# and that is the reason why quota is possible. This is applicable in both
# the v1 and v2 lbaas extensions.
# quota_member = -1
# Number of health monitors allowed per tenant. A negative value means
# unlimited.
# The default is unlimited because a health monitor is not a real resource
# consumer on OpenStack. However, on back-end, a health monitor is a resource
# consumer and that is the reason why quota is possible. This is only
# applicable when using the v1 lbaas extension. The quota for the v2 lbaas
# extension health monitor is quota_healthmonitor.
# quota_health_monitor = -1
# Number of loadbalancers allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.
# This is only applicable in the v2 lbaas extension.
# quota_loadbalancer = 10
# Number of listeners allowed per tenant. A negative value means unlimited.
# This is only applicable in the v2 lbaas extension.
# quota_listener = -1
# Number of v2 health monitors allowed per tenant. A negative value means
# unlimited. This is only applicable in the v2 lbaas extension. The quota for
# the v1 lbaas extension health monitor is configured with
# quota_health_monitor.
# quota_healthmonitor = -1
# auth_url =
# admin_tenant_name = %SERVICE_TENANT_NAME%
# admin_user = %SERVICE_USER%
# admin_password = %SERVICE_PASSWORD%
# admin_user_domain = %SERVICE_USER_DOMAIN%
# admin_project_domain = %SERVICE_PROJECT_DOMAIN%
# region = %REGION%
# service_name = lbaas
# auth_version = 2
# Must be in form:
# service_provider=<service_type>:<name>:<driver>[:default]
# List of allowed service types includes LOADBALANCER
# Combination of <service type> and <name> must be unique; <driver> must also be unique
# This is multiline option
# service_provider=LOADBALANCER:name:lbaas_plugin_driver_path:default
# service_provider =
# service_provider = LOADBALANCERV2:radwarev2:neutron_lbaas.drivers.radware.v2_driver.RadwareLBaaSV2Driver:default
# service_provider =
# service_provider =
# LBaaS v2 drivers
# service_provider = LOADBALANCERV2:Octavia:neutron_lbaas.drivers.octavia.driver.OctaviaDriver:default
# service_provider = LOADBALANCERV2:LoggingNoop:neutron_lbaas.drivers.logging_noop.driver.LoggingNoopLoadBalancerDriver:default
# service_provider=LOADBALANCERV2:Haproxy:neutron_lbaas.drivers.haproxy.plugin_driver.HaproxyOnHostPluginDriver:default
# service_provider = LOADBALANCERV2:A10Networks:neutron_lbaas.drivers.a10networks.driver_v2.ThunderDriver:default
# service_provider = LOADBALANCERV2:brocade:neutron_lbaas.drivers.brocade.driver_v2.BrocadeLoadBalancerDriver:default
# service_provider = LOADBALANCERV2:kemptechnologies:neutron_lbaas.drivers.kemptechnologies.driver_v2.KempLoadMasterDriver:default
# cert_manager_type = barbican
## The following option is only valid when using neutron_lbaas.common.cert_manager.local_cert_manager
# storage_path = /var/lib/neutron-lbaas/certificates/

View File

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
#vdirect_address =
#vdirect_user = vDirect
#vdirect_password = radware
#service_ha_pair = False
#service_throughput = 1000
#service_ssl_throughput = 200
#service_compression_throughput = 100
#service_cache = 20
#service_adc_type = VA
#service_session_mirroring_enabled = False
#service_isl_vlan = -1
#service_resource_pool_ids = []
#actions_to_skip = 'setup_l2_l3'
#l4_action_name = 'BaseCreate'
#l2_l3_workflow_name = openstack_l2_l3
#l4_workflow_name = openstack_l4
#l2_l3_ctor_params = service: _REPLACE_, ha_network_name: HA-Network, ha_ip_pool_name: default, allocate_ha_vrrp: True, allocate_ha_ips: True
#l2_l3_setup_params = data_port: 1, data_ip_address:, data_ip_mask:, gateway:, ha_port: 2
#vdirect_address =
#vdirect_user = vDirect
#vdirect_password = radware
#service_ha_pair = False
#service_throughput = 1000
#service_ssl_throughput = 200
#service_compression_throughput = 100
#service_cache = 20
#service_adc_type = VA
#service_session_mirroring_enabled = False
#service_isl_vlan = -1
#service_resource_pool_ids = []
#workflow_template_name = os_lb_v2
#child_workflow_template_names = [manage_l3]
#workflow_params = twoleg_enabled: _REPLACE_, ha_network_name: HA-Network, ha_ip_pool_name: default, allocate_ha_vrrp: True, allocate_ha_ips: True, data_port: 1, data_ip_address:, data_ip_mask:, gateway:, ha_port: 2"
#workflow_action_name = apply
#stats_action_name = stats
#provision_service = True
#configure_l3 = True
#configure_l4 = True
#netscaler_ncc_uri =
#netscaler_ncc_username = admin
#netscaler_ncc_password = secret
#esm_mgmt =
#admin_username =
#admin_password =
#lb_image =
#inband_id =
#oob_id =
#mgmt_id =
#dummy_utif_id =
#resource_pool_id =
#async_requests =
#lb_flavor = small
#sync_interval = 60
#jinja_config_template = /opt/stack/neutron/neutron/services/drivers/haproxy/templates/haproxy_v1.4.template
#periodic_interval = 10
#interface_driver = neutron.agent.linux.interface.OVSInterfaceDriver
#send_gratuitous_arp = 3
#user_group = nogroup
#loadbalancer_state_path = $state_path/lbaas
# base_url = http://localhost:9191

View File

@ -20,10 +20,6 @@ classifier =
packages = packages =
neutron_lbaas neutron_lbaas
data_files = data_files =
etc/neutron =
etc/neutron/rootwrap.d = etc/neutron/rootwrap.d =
etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/lbaas-haproxy.filters etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/lbaas-haproxy.filters