================ Agent management ================ In a typical OpenStack Networking deployment, some agents run on network or compute nodes, such as ``neutron-dhcp-agent``, ``neutron-ovs-agent``, and ``neutron-l3-agent``. This extension enables administrators (enforced by the policy engine) to view status and update attributes for agents. Updating agent management API attributes affects operations of other components, such as OpenStack Networking schedulers. For example, administrators can disable a specified agent so that OpenStack Networking schedulers do not schedule resources to it. For how to use agent management extension and OpenStack Networking schedulers feature, see the *OpenStack Cloud Administrator Guide*. **GET** /agents Lists agents that report their status to Networking server. **GET** /agents/*``agent_id``* Shows details for a specified agent. **PUT** /agents/*``agent_id``* Updates the admin status and description for the agent. **DELETE** /agents/*``agent_id``* Deletes a specified agent. List agents ~~~~~~~~~~~ **GET** /agents Lists agents that report their status to OpenStack Networking server. Normal Response Code: 200 This operation does not require a request body. This operation returns a response body. The default policy behavior is that non-admin user won't be able to see any agent in the response when this call is invoked **Example List agents: JSON request** .. code:: GET /v2.0/agents HTTP/1.1 Host: controlnode:9696 User-Agent: python-neutronclient Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json X-Auth-Token: c52a1b304fec4ca0ac85dc1741eec6e2 **Example List agents: JSON response** .. code:: { "agents":[ { "binary":"neutron-dhcp-agent", "description":null, "admin_state_up":false, "heartbeat_timestamp":"2013-03-26T09:35:13.000000", "alive":false, "id":"af4567ad-c2e6-4311-944d-22efc12f89af", "topic":"dhcp_agent", "host":"HostC", "agent_type":"DHCP agent", "started_at":"2013-03-26T09:35:01.000000", "created_at":"2013-03-26T09:35:01.000000", "configurations":{ "subnets":2, "use_namespaces":true, "dhcp_driver":"neutron.agent.linux.dhcp.Dnsmasq", "networks":2, "dhcp_lease_time":120, "ports":3 } } ] } Show agent details ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **GET** /agents/*``agent_id``* Shows details for a specified agent. Normal Response Code: 200 Error Response Codes:NotFound (404) if not authorized or the agent does not exist This operation returns information for the given agent. This operation does not require a request body. This operation returns a response body. The body contents depend on the agent's type. **Example Show agent details: JSON request** .. code:: GET /v2.0/agents/af4567ad-c2e6-4311-944d-22efc12f89af HTTP/1.1 Host: controlnode:9696 User-agent: python-neutronclient Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json X-Auth-Token: a54d6fdda41341f892150e2aaf648f0d **Example Show agent details: JSON response** .. code:: { "agent":{ "binary":"neutron-dhcp-agent", "description":null, "admin_state_up":false, "heartbeat_timestamp":"2013-03-26T09:35:13.000000", "alive":false, "id":"af4567ad-c2e6-4311-944d-22efc12f89af", "topic":"dhcp_agent", "host":"HostC", "agent_type":"DHCP agent", "started_at":"2013-03-26T09:35:01.000000", "created_at":"2013-03-26T09:35:01.000000", "configurations":{ "subnets":2, "use_namespaces":true, "dhcp_driver":"neutron.agent.linux.dhcp.Dnsmasq", "networks":2, "dhcp_lease_time":120, "ports":3 } } } Update agent ~~~~~~~~~~~~ **PUT** /agents/*``agent_id``* Updates the admin status and description for a specified agent. Normal Response Code: 200 Error Response Codes: BadRequest (400) if something other than description or admin status is changed, NotFound (404) if not authorized or the agent does not exist This operation updates the agent's admin status and description. This operation requires a request body. This operation returns a response body. **Example Update agent: JSON request** .. code:: PUT /v2.0/agents/af4567ad-c2e6-4311-944d-22efc12f89af HTTP/1.1 Host: controlnode:9696 User-Agent: python-neutronclient Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json X-Auth-Token: 4cbb09e780434b249ff596d6979fd8fc Content-Length: 38{ "agent": { "admin_state_up": "False" } } **Example Update agents: JSON response** .. code:: { "agent":{ "binary":"neutron-dhcp-agent", "description":null, "admin_state_up":false, "heartbeat_timestamp":"2013-03-26T09:35:13.000000", "alive":false, "id":"af4567ad-c2e6-4311-944d-22efc12f89af", "topic":"dhcp_agent", "host":"HostC", "agent_type":"DHCP agent", "started_at":"2013-03-26T09:35:01.000000", "created_at":"2013-03-26T09:35:01.000000", "configurations":{ "subnets":2, "use_namespaces":true, "dhcp_driver":"neutron.agent.linux.dhcp.Dnsmasq", "networks":2, "dhcp_lease_time":120, "ports":3 } } } Delete agent ~~~~~~~~~~~~ **DELETE** /agents/*``agent_id``* Deletes a specified agent. Normal Response Code: 204 Error Response Codes: NotFound (404) if not authorized or the agent does not exist This operation deletes the agent. This operation does not require a request body. This operation does not return a response body. **Example Delete agent: JSON request** .. code:: DELETE /v2.0/agents/44002aeb-2817-4cb8-9306-34308b4b40d9 HTTP/1.1 Host: controlnode:9696 User-Agent: python-neutronclient Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json X-Auth-Token: 4cbb09e780434b249ff596d6979fd8fc **Example Delete agent: JSON response** .. code:: HTTP/1.1 204 No Content Content-Length: 0 Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2013 12:12:35 GMT