# Copyright (c) 2018 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections import functools import netaddr from neutron_lib.api.definitions import floating_ip_port_forwarding as apidef from neutron_lib.api.definitions import l3 from neutron_lib.callbacks import events from neutron_lib.callbacks import registry from neutron_lib.callbacks import resources from neutron_lib import constants as lib_consts from neutron_lib.db import utils as db_utils from neutron_lib import exceptions as lib_exc from neutron_lib.exceptions import l3 as lib_l3_exc from neutron_lib.objects import exceptions as obj_exc from neutron_lib.plugins import constants from neutron_lib.plugins import directory from oslo_log import log as logging from neutron._i18n import _ from neutron.api.rpc.callbacks import events as rpc_events from neutron.api.rpc.handlers import resources_rpc from neutron.common import utils from neutron.db import _resource_extend as resource_extend from neutron.db import api as db_api from neutron.db import db_base_plugin_common from neutron.db import l3_dvr_db from neutron.extensions import floating_ip_port_forwarding as fip_pf from neutron.objects import base as base_obj from neutron.objects import port_forwarding as pf from neutron.objects import router from neutron.services.portforwarding.common import exceptions as pf_exc LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def make_result_with_fields(f): @functools.wraps(f) def inner(*args, **kwargs): fields = kwargs.get('fields') result = f(*args, **kwargs) if fields is None: return result elif isinstance(result, list): return [db_utils.resource_fields(r, fields) for r in result] else: return db_utils.resource_fields(result, fields) return inner @resource_extend.has_resource_extenders @registry.has_registry_receivers class PortForwardingPlugin(fip_pf.PortForwardingPluginBase): """Implementation of the Neutron Port Forwarding Service Plugin. This class implements a Port Forwarding plugin. """ required_service_plugins = ['router'] supported_extension_aliases = ['floating-ip-port-forwarding', 'expose-port-forwarding-in-fip'] __native_pagination_support = True __native_sorting_support = True __filter_validation_support = True def __init__(self): super(PortForwardingPlugin, self).__init__() self.push_api = resources_rpc.ResourcesPushRpcApi() self.l3_plugin = directory.get_plugin(constants.L3) self.core_plugin = directory.get_plugin() @staticmethod @resource_extend.extends([l3.FLOATINGIPS]) def _extend_floatingip_dict(result_dict, db): fields = [apidef.INTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS, apidef.PROTOCOL, apidef.INTERNAL_PORT, apidef.EXTERNAL_PORT] result_dict[apidef.COLLECTION_NAME] = [] if db.port_forwardings: port_forwarding_result = [] for port_forwarding in db.port_forwardings: pf_dict = pf.PortForwarding.modify_fields_from_db( port_forwarding) for key in list(pf_dict.keys()): if key not in fields: pf_dict.pop(key) elif key == apidef.INTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS: pf_dict[key] = str(pf_dict[key]) port_forwarding_result.append(pf_dict) result_dict[apidef.COLLECTION_NAME] = port_forwarding_result return result_dict @registry.receives(resources.FLOATING_IP, [events.BEFORE_CREATE, events.BEFORE_UPDATE]) def _check_port_has_port_forwarding(self, resource, event, trigger, payload=None): port_id = payload.request_body['floatingip'].get('port_id') if not port_id: return pf_objs = pf.PortForwarding.get_objects( payload.context, internal_port_id=port_id) if not pf_objs: return # Port may not bind to host yet, or port may migrate from one # dvr_no_external host to one dvr host. So we just do not allow # all dvr router's floating IP to be binded to a port which # already has port forwarding. router = self.l3_plugin.get_router(payload.context.elevated(), pf_objs[0].router_id) if l3_dvr_db.is_distributed_router(router): raise pf_exc.PortHasPortForwarding(port_id=port_id) @registry.receives(resources.FLOATING_IP, [events.PRECOMMIT_UPDATE, events.PRECOMMIT_DELETE]) def _check_floatingip_request(self, resource, event, trigger, context, **kwargs): # We only support the "free" floatingip to be associated with # port forwarding resources. And in the PUT request of floatingip, # the request body must contain a "port_id" field which is not # allowed in port forwarding functionality. floatingip_id = None if event == events.PRECOMMIT_UPDATE: fip_db = kwargs.get('floatingip_db') floatingip_id = fip_db.id # Here the key-value must contain a floatingip param, and the value # must a dict with key 'floatingip'. if not kwargs['floatingip']['floatingip'].get('port_id'): # Only care about the associate floatingip cases. # The port_id field is a must-option. But if a floatingip # disassociate a internal port, the port_id should be null. LOG.debug('Skip check for floatingip %s, as the update ' 'request does not contain port_id.', floatingip_id) return elif event == events.PRECOMMIT_DELETE: floatingip_id = kwargs.get('port').get('device_id') if not floatingip_id: return exist_pf_resources = pf.PortForwarding.get_objects( context, floatingip_id=floatingip_id) if exist_pf_resources: raise pf_exc.FipInUseByPortForwarding(id=floatingip_id) @registry.receives(resources.PORT, [events.AFTER_UPDATE, events.PRECOMMIT_DELETE]) @db_api.retry_if_session_inactive() def _process_port_request(self, resource, event, trigger, context, **kwargs): # Deleting floatingip will receive port resource with precommit_delete # event, so just return, then check the request in # _check_floatingip_request callback. if kwargs['port']['device_owner'].startswith( lib_consts.DEVICE_OWNER_FLOATINGIP): return # This block is used for checking if there are some fixed ips updates. # Whatever the event is AFTER_UPDATE/PRECOMMIT_DELETE, # we will use the update_ip_set for checking if the possible associated # port forwarding resources need to be deleted for port's AFTER_UPDATE # event. Or get all affected ip addresses for port's PRECOMMIT_DELETE # event. port_id = kwargs['port']['id'] update_fixed_ips = kwargs['port']['fixed_ips'] update_ip_set = set() for update_fixed_ip in update_fixed_ips: if (netaddr.IPNetwork(update_fixed_ip.get('ip_address')).version == lib_consts.IP_VERSION_4): update_ip_set.add(update_fixed_ip.get('ip_address')) if not update_ip_set: return # If the port owner wants to update or delete port, we must elevate the # context to check if the floatingip or port forwarding resources # are owned by other tenants. if not context.is_admin: context = context.elevated() # If the logic arrives here, that means we have got update_ip_set and # its value is not None. So we need to get all port forwarding # resources based on the request port_id for preparing the next # process, such as deleting them. pf_resources = pf.PortForwarding.get_objects( context, internal_port_id=port_id) if not pf_resources: return # If the logic arrives here, that means we have got pf_resources and # its value is not None either. Then we collect all ip addresses # which are used by port forwarding resources to generate used_ip_set, # and we default to set remove_ip_set as used_ip_set which means we # want to delete all port forwarding resources when event is # PRECOMMIT_DELETE. And when event is AFTER_UPDATE, we get the # different part. used_ip_set = set() for pf_resource in pf_resources: used_ip_set.add(str(pf_resource.internal_ip_address)) remove_ip_set = used_ip_set if event == events.AFTER_UPDATE: remove_ip_set = used_ip_set - update_ip_set if not remove_ip_set: return # Here, we get the remove_ip_set, the following block will delete the # port forwarding resources based on remove_ip_set. Just need to note # here, if event is AFTER_UPDATE, and remove_ip_set is empty, the # following block won't be processed. remove_port_forwarding_list = [] with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): for pf_resource in pf_resources: if str(pf_resource.internal_ip_address) in remove_ip_set: pf_objs = pf.PortForwarding.get_objects( context, floatingip_id=pf_resource.floatingip_id) if len(pf_objs) == 1 and pf_objs[0].id == pf_resource.id: fip_obj = router.FloatingIP.get_object( context, id=pf_resource.floatingip_id) fip_obj.update_fields({'router_id': None}) fip_obj.update() pf_resource.delete() remove_port_forwarding_list.append(pf_resource) self.push_api.push(context, remove_port_forwarding_list, rpc_events.DELETED) def _get_internal_ip_subnet(self, request_ip, fixed_ips): request_ip = netaddr.IPNetwork(request_ip) for fixed_ip in fixed_ips: if netaddr.IPNetwork(fixed_ip['ip_address']) == request_ip: return fixed_ip['subnet_id'] def _find_a_router_for_fip_port_forwarding( self, context, pf_dict, fip_obj): internal_port_id = pf_dict['internal_port_id'] internal_port = self.core_plugin.get_port(context, internal_port_id) v4_fixed_ips = [fixed_ip for fixed_ip in internal_port['fixed_ips'] if (netaddr.IPNetwork(fixed_ip['ip_address'] ).version == lib_consts.IP_VERSION_4)] if not v4_fixed_ips: # As port forwarding works with ipv4 addresses, # if there is no ipv4 address, we need to raise. message = _("Requested internal port %s must allocate " "an IPv4 address at least.") % internal_port_id raise lib_exc.BadRequest(resource=apidef.RESOURCE_NAME, msg=message) # Get the internal ip address, if not specified, choose the first ipv4 # address. internal_ip_address = pf_dict.get('internal_ip_address') if not internal_ip_address: internal_ip_address = v4_fixed_ips[0]['ip_address'] pf_dict['internal_ip_address'] = internal_ip_address internal_subnet_id = v4_fixed_ips[0]['subnet_id'] else: # check the matched fixed ip internal_subnet_id = self._get_internal_ip_subnet( internal_ip_address, v4_fixed_ips) if not internal_subnet_id: message = _( "Requested internal IP address %(internal_ip_address)s is " "not suitable for internal neutron port " "%(internal_port_id)s, as its fixed_ips are " "%(fixed_ips)s") % { 'internal_ip_address': internal_ip_address, 'internal_port_id': internal_port['id'], 'fixed_ips': v4_fixed_ips} raise lib_exc.BadRequest(resource=apidef.RESOURCE_NAME, msg=message) internal_subnet = self.core_plugin.get_subnet( context, internal_subnet_id) external_network_id = fip_obj.floating_network_id try: return self.l3_plugin.get_router_for_floatingip( context, internal_port, internal_subnet, external_network_id) except lib_l3_exc.ExternalGatewayForFloatingIPNotFound: message = _( "External network %(external_net_id)s is not reachable from " "subnet %(internal_subnet_id)s. Cannot set " "Port forwarding for port %(internal_port_id)s with " "Floating IP %(port_forwarding_id)s") % { 'external_net_id': external_network_id, 'internal_subnet_id': internal_subnet_id, 'internal_port_id': internal_port_id, 'port_forwarding_id': fip_obj.id} raise lib_exc.BadRequest(resource=apidef.RESOURCE_NAME, msg=message) @db_base_plugin_common.convert_result_to_dict def create_floatingip_port_forwarding(self, context, floatingip_id, port_forwarding): port_forwarding = port_forwarding.get(apidef.RESOURCE_NAME) port_forwarding['floatingip_id'] = floatingip_id with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): fip_obj = self._get_fip_obj(context, floatingip_id) if fip_obj.fixed_port_id: raise lib_l3_exc.FloatingIPPortAlreadyAssociated( port_id=port_forwarding['internal_port_id'], fip_id=fip_obj.id, floating_ip_address=fip_obj.floating_ip_address, fixed_ip=str(port_forwarding['internal_ip_address']), net_id=fip_obj.floating_network_id) router_id = self._find_a_router_for_fip_port_forwarding( context, port_forwarding, fip_obj) pf_obj = pf.PortForwarding(context, **port_forwarding) # If this func does not raise an exception, means the # router_id matched. # case1: fip_obj.router_id = None # case2: fip_obj.router_id is the same with we selected. self._check_router_match(context, fip_obj, router_id, port_forwarding) if not fip_obj.router_id: values = {'router_id': router_id, 'fixed_port_id': None} router.FloatingIP.update_objects( context, values, id=floatingip_id) try: pf_obj.create() except obj_exc.NeutronDbObjectDuplicateEntry: (__, conflict_params) = self._find_existing_port_forwarding( context, floatingip_id, port_forwarding) message = _("A duplicate port forwarding entry with same " "attributes already exists, conflicting " "values are %s") % conflict_params raise lib_exc.BadRequest(resource=apidef.RESOURCE_NAME, msg=message) self.push_api.push(context, [pf_obj], rpc_events.CREATED) return pf_obj @db_base_plugin_common.convert_result_to_dict def update_floatingip_port_forwarding(self, context, id, floatingip_id, port_forwarding): port_forwarding = port_forwarding.get(apidef.RESOURCE_NAME) new_internal_port_id = None if port_forwarding and port_forwarding.get('internal_port_id'): new_internal_port_id = port_forwarding.get('internal_port_id') try: with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): fip_obj = self._get_fip_obj(context, floatingip_id) pf_obj = pf.PortForwarding.get_object(context, id=id) if not pf_obj: raise pf_exc.PortForwardingNotFound(id=id) ori_internal_port_id = pf_obj.internal_port_id if new_internal_port_id and (new_internal_port_id != ori_internal_port_id): router_id = self._find_a_router_for_fip_port_forwarding( context, port_forwarding, fip_obj) self._check_router_match(context, fip_obj, router_id, port_forwarding) # As the socket will update when dict contains # internal_ip_address and internal_port. internal_ip_address = port_forwarding.get( 'internal_ip_address') internal_port = port_forwarding.get('internal_port') if any([internal_ip_address, internal_port]): port_forwarding.update({ 'internal_ip_address': internal_ip_address if internal_ip_address else str(pf_obj.internal_ip_address), 'internal_port': internal_port if internal_port else pf_obj.internal_port }) pf_obj.update_fields(port_forwarding, reset_changes=True) pf_obj.update() except obj_exc.NeutronDbObjectDuplicateEntry: (__, conflict_params) = self._find_existing_port_forwarding( context, floatingip_id, pf_obj.to_dict()) message = _("A duplicate port forwarding entry with same " "attributes already exists, conflicting values " "are %s") % conflict_params raise lib_exc.BadRequest(resource=apidef.RESOURCE_NAME, msg=message) self.push_api.push(context, [pf_obj], rpc_events.UPDATED) return pf_obj def _check_router_match(self, context, fip_obj, router_id, pf_dict): internal_port_id = pf_dict['internal_port_id'] if fip_obj.router_id and fip_obj.router_id != router_id: objs = pf.PortForwarding.get_objects( context, floatingip_id=fip_obj.id, internal_ip_address=pf_dict['internal_ip_address'], internal_port=pf_dict['internal_port']) if objs: message = _("Floating IP %(floatingip_id)s with params: " "internal_ip_address: %(internal_ip_address)s, " "internal_port: %(internal_port)s " "already exists") % { 'floatingip_id': fip_obj.id, 'internal_ip_address': pf_dict['internal_ip_address'], 'internal_port': pf_dict['internal_port']} else: message = _("The Floating IP %(floatingip_id)s had been set " "on router %(router_id)s, the internal Neutron " "port %(internal_port_id)s can not reach it") % { 'floatingip_id': fip_obj.id, 'router_id': fip_obj.router_id, 'internal_port_id': internal_port_id} raise lib_exc.BadRequest(resource=apidef.RESOURCE_NAME, msg=message) def _find_existing_port_forwarding(self, context, floatingip_id, port_forwarding, specify_params=None): # Because the session had been flushed by NeutronDbObjectDuplicateEntry # so if we want to use the context to get another db queries, we need # to rollback first. context.session.rollback() if not specify_params: specify_params = [ {'floatingip_id': floatingip_id, 'external_port': port_forwarding['external_port']}, {'internal_port_id': port_forwarding['internal_port_id'], 'internal_ip_address': port_forwarding['internal_ip_address'], 'internal_port': port_forwarding['internal_port']}] for param in specify_params: objs = pf.PortForwarding.get_objects(context, **param) if objs: return (objs[0], param) def _get_fip_obj(self, context, fip_id): fip_obj = router.FloatingIP.get_object(context, id=fip_id) if not fip_obj: raise lib_l3_exc.FloatingIPNotFound(floatingip_id=fip_id) return fip_obj @make_result_with_fields @db_base_plugin_common.convert_result_to_dict def get_floatingip_port_forwarding(self, context, id, floatingip_id, fields=None): self._get_fip_obj(context, floatingip_id) obj = pf.PortForwarding.get_object(context, id=id) if not obj: raise pf_exc.PortForwardingNotFound(id=id) return obj def _validate_filter_for_port_forwarding(self, request_filter): if not request_filter: return for filter_member_key in request_filter.keys(): if filter_member_key in pf.FIELDS_NOT_SUPPORT_FILTER: raise pf_exc.PortForwardingNotSupportFilterField( filter=filter_member_key) @make_result_with_fields @db_base_plugin_common.convert_result_to_dict def get_floatingip_port_forwardings(self, context, floatingip_id=None, filters=None, fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False): self._get_fip_obj(context, floatingip_id) filters = filters or {} self._validate_filter_for_port_forwarding(filters) pager = base_obj.Pager(sorts, limit, page_reverse, marker) return pf.PortForwarding.get_objects( context, _pager=pager, floatingip_id=floatingip_id, **filters) def delete_floatingip_port_forwarding(self, context, id, floatingip_id): pf_obj = pf.PortForwarding.get_object(context, id=id) if not pf_obj or pf_obj.floatingip_id != floatingip_id: raise pf_exc.PortForwardingNotFound(id=id) with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): fip_obj = self._get_fip_obj(context, pf_obj.floatingip_id) pf_objs = pf.PortForwarding.get_objects( context, floatingip_id=pf_obj.floatingip_id) if len(pf_objs) == 1 and pf_objs[0].id == pf_obj.id: fip_obj.update_fields({'router_id': None}) fip_obj.update() pf_obj.delete() self.push_api.push(context, [pf_obj], rpc_events.DELETED) def sync_port_forwarding_fip(self, context, routers): if not routers: return router_ids = [router.get('id') for router in routers] router_pf_fip_set = collections.defaultdict(set) fip_pfs = collections.defaultdict(set) router_fip = collections.defaultdict(set) item_pf_fields = pf.PortForwarding.get_port_forwarding_obj_by_routers( context, router_ids) for router_id, fip_addr, pf_id, fip_id in item_pf_fields: router_pf_fip_set[router_id].add(utils.ip_to_cidr(fip_addr, 32)) fip_pfs[fip_id].add(pf_id) router_fip[router_id].add(fip_id) for router in routers: if router['id'] in router_fip: router['port_forwardings_fip_set'] = router_pf_fip_set[ router['id']] router['fip_managed_by_port_forwardings'] = router_fip[ router['id']]