# Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import netaddr from oslo_log import log from tempest.common import waiters from tempest.lib.common import ssh from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc from neutron.tests.tempest.api import base as base_api from neutron.tests.tempest import config from neutron.tests.tempest.scenario import constants CONF = config.CONF LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) class BaseTempestTestCase(base_api.BaseNetworkTest): @classmethod def resource_setup(cls): super(BaseTempestTestCase, cls).resource_setup() cls.servers = [] cls.keypairs = [] @classmethod def resource_cleanup(cls): for server in cls.servers: cls.manager.servers_client.delete_server(server) waiters.wait_for_server_termination(cls.manager.servers_client, server) for keypair in cls.keypairs: cls.manager.keypairs_client.delete_keypair( keypair_name=keypair['name']) super(BaseTempestTestCase, cls).resource_cleanup() @classmethod def create_server(cls, flavor_ref, image_ref, key_name, networks, name=None, security_groups=None): """Create a server using tempest lib All the parameters are the ones used in Compute API Args: flavor_ref(str): The flavor of the server to be provisioned. image_ref(str): The image of the server to be provisioned. key_name(str): SSH key to to be used to connect to the provisioned server. networks(list): List of dictionaries where each represent an interface to be attached to the server. For network it should be {'uuid': network_uuid} and for port it should be {'port': port_uuid} name(str): Name of the server to be provisioned. security_groups(list): List of dictionaries where the keys is 'name' and the value is the name of the security group. If it's not passed the default security group will be used. """ name = name or data_utils.rand_name('server-test') if not security_groups: security_groups = [{'name': 'default'}] server = cls.manager.servers_client.create_server( name=name, flavorRef=flavor_ref, imageRef=image_ref, key_name=key_name, networks=networks, security_groups=security_groups) cls.servers.append(server['server']['id']) return server @classmethod def create_keypair(cls, client=None): client = client or cls.manager.keypairs_client name = data_utils.rand_name('keypair-test') body = client.create_keypair(name=name) cls.keypairs.append(body['keypair']) return body['keypair'] @classmethod def create_secgroup_rules(cls, rule_list, secgroup_id=None): client = cls.manager.network_client if not secgroup_id: sgs = client.list_security_groups()['security_groups'] for sg in sgs: if sg['name'] == constants.DEFAULT_SECURITY_GROUP: secgroup_id = sg['id'] break for rule in rule_list: direction = rule.pop('direction') client.create_security_group_rule( direction=direction, security_group_id=secgroup_id, **rule) @classmethod def create_loginable_secgroup_rule(cls, secgroup_id=None): """This rule is intended to permit inbound ssh Allowing ssh traffic traffic from all sources, so no group_id is provided. Setting a group_id would only permit traffic from ports belonging to the same security group. """ rule_list = [{'protocol': 'tcp', 'direction': 'ingress', 'port_range_min': 22, 'port_range_max': 22, 'remote_ip_prefix': ''}] cls.create_secgroup_rules(rule_list, secgroup_id=secgroup_id) @classmethod def create_pingable_secgroup_rule(cls, secgroup_id=None): """This rule is intended to permit inbound ping """ rule_list = [{'protocol': 'icmp', 'direction': 'ingress', 'port_range_min': 8, # type 'port_range_max': 0, # code 'remote_ip_prefix': ''}] cls.create_secgroup_rules(rule_list, secgroup_id=secgroup_id) @classmethod def create_router_by_client(cls, is_admin=False, **kwargs): kwargs.update({'router_name': data_utils.rand_name('router'), 'admin_state_up': True, 'external_network_id': CONF.network.public_network_id}) if not is_admin: router = cls.create_router(**kwargs) else: router = cls.create_admin_router(**kwargs) LOG.debug("Created router %s", router['name']) cls.routers.append(router) return router @classmethod def create_and_associate_floatingip(cls, port_id): fip = cls.manager.network_client.create_floatingip( CONF.network.public_network_id, port_id=port_id)['floatingip'] cls.floating_ips.append(fip) return fip @classmethod def setup_network_and_server(cls, router=None, **kwargs): """Create network resources and a server. Creating a network, subnet, router, keypair, security group and a server. """ cls.network = cls.create_network() LOG.debug("Created network %s", cls.network['name']) cls.subnet = cls.create_subnet(cls.network) LOG.debug("Created subnet %s", cls.subnet['id']) secgroup = cls.manager.network_client.create_security_group( name=data_utils.rand_name('secgroup-')) LOG.debug("Created security group %s", secgroup['security_group']['name']) cls.security_groups.append(secgroup['security_group']) if not router: router = cls.create_router_by_client(**kwargs) cls.create_router_interface(router['id'], cls.subnet['id']) cls.keypair = cls.create_keypair() cls.create_loginable_secgroup_rule( secgroup_id=secgroup['security_group']['id']) cls.server = cls.create_server( flavor_ref=CONF.compute.flavor_ref, image_ref=CONF.compute.image_ref, key_name=cls.keypair['name'], networks=[{'uuid': cls.network['id']}], security_groups=[{'name': secgroup['security_group']['name']}]) waiters.wait_for_server_status(cls.manager.servers_client, cls.server['server']['id'], constants.SERVER_STATUS_ACTIVE) port = cls.client.list_ports(network_id=cls.network['id'], device_id=cls.server[ 'server']['id'])['ports'][0] cls.fip = cls.create_and_associate_floatingip(port['id']) def check_connectivity(self, host, ssh_user, ssh_key, servers=None): ssh_client = ssh.Client(host, ssh_user, pkey=ssh_key) try: ssh_client.test_connection_auth() except lib_exc.SSHTimeout as ssh_e: LOG.debug(ssh_e) self._log_console_output(servers) raise def _log_console_output(self, servers=None): if not CONF.compute_feature_enabled.console_output: LOG.debug('Console output not supported, cannot log') return if not servers: servers = self.manager.servers_client.list_servers() servers = servers['servers'] for server in servers: try: console_output = ( self.manager.servers_client.get_console_output( server['id'])['output']) LOG.debug('Console output for %s\nbody=\n%s', server['id'], console_output) except lib_exc.NotFound: LOG.debug("Server %s disappeared(deleted) while looking " "for the console log", server['id']) def _check_remote_connectivity(self, source, dest, should_succeed=True, nic=None): """check ping server via source ssh connection :param source: RemoteClient: an ssh connection from which to ping :param dest: and IP to ping against :param should_succeed: boolean should ping succeed or not :param nic: specific network interface to ping from :returns: boolean -- should_succeed == ping :returns: ping is false if ping failed """ def ping_host(source, host, count=CONF.validation.ping_count, size=CONF.validation.ping_size, nic=None): addr = netaddr.IPAddress(host) cmd = 'ping6' if addr.version == 6 else 'ping' if nic: cmd = 'sudo {cmd} -I {nic}'.format(cmd=cmd, nic=nic) cmd += ' -c{0} -w{0} -s{1} {2}'.format(count, size, host) return source.exec_command(cmd) def ping_remote(): try: result = ping_host(source, dest, nic=nic) except lib_exc.SSHExecCommandFailed: LOG.warning('Failed to ping IP: %s via a ssh connection ' 'from: %s.', dest, source.host) return not should_succeed LOG.debug('ping result: %s', result) # Assert that the return traffic was from the correct # source address. from_source = 'from %s' % dest self.assertIn(from_source, result) return should_succeed return test_utils.call_until_true(ping_remote, CONF.validation.ping_timeout, 1) def check_remote_connectivity(self, source, dest, should_succeed=True, nic=None): self.assertTrue(self._check_remote_connectivity( source, dest, should_succeed, nic))