# Copyright (c) 2013 OpenStack Foundation. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from neutron_lib import exceptions as n_exc import sqlalchemy as sa from sqlalchemy import orm from sqlalchemy.orm import exc from sqlalchemy import sql from sqlalchemy.sql import expression as expr from neutron._i18n import _ from neutron.api.v2 import attributes from neutron.callbacks import events from neutron.callbacks import exceptions as c_exc from neutron.callbacks import registry from neutron.callbacks import resources from neutron.common import constants as l3_constants from neutron.db import db_base_plugin_v2 from neutron.db import l3_db from neutron.db import model_base from neutron.db import models_v2 from neutron.db import rbac_db_models as rbac_db from neutron.extensions import external_net from neutron.extensions import rbac as rbac_ext from neutron import manager from neutron.plugins.common import constants as service_constants DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_GW = l3_constants.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_GW class ExternalNetwork(model_base.BASEV2): network_id = sa.Column(sa.String(36), sa.ForeignKey('networks.id', ondelete="CASCADE"), primary_key=True) # introduced by auto-allocated-topology extension is_default = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=False, server_default=sql.false()) # Add a relationship to the Network model in order to instruct # SQLAlchemy to eagerly load this association network = orm.relationship( models_v2.Network, backref=orm.backref("external", lazy='joined', uselist=False, cascade='delete')) class External_net_db_mixin(object): """Mixin class to add external network methods to db_base_plugin_v2.""" def _network_model_hook(self, context, original_model, query): query = query.outerjoin(ExternalNetwork, (original_model.id == ExternalNetwork.network_id)) return query def _network_filter_hook(self, context, original_model, conditions): if conditions is not None and not hasattr(conditions, '__iter__'): conditions = (conditions, ) # Apply the external network filter only in non-admin and non-advsvc # context if self.model_query_scope(context, original_model): # the table will already be joined to the rbac entries for the # shared check so we don't need to worry about ensuring that rbac_model = original_model.rbac_entries.property.mapper.class_ tenant_allowed = ( (rbac_model.action == 'access_as_external') & (rbac_model.target_tenant == context.tenant_id) | (rbac_model.target_tenant == '*')) conditions = expr.or_(tenant_allowed, *conditions) return conditions def _network_result_filter_hook(self, query, filters): vals = filters and filters.get(external_net.EXTERNAL, []) if not vals: return query if vals[0]: return query.filter((ExternalNetwork.network_id != expr.null())) return query.filter((ExternalNetwork.network_id == expr.null())) # TODO(salvatore-orlando): Perform this operation without explicitly # referring to db_base_plugin_v2, as plugins that do not extend from it # might exist in the future db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2.register_model_query_hook( models_v2.Network, "external_net", '_network_model_hook', '_network_filter_hook', '_network_result_filter_hook') def _network_is_external(self, context, net_id): try: context.session.query(ExternalNetwork).filter_by( network_id=net_id).one() return True except exc.NoResultFound: return False def _extend_network_dict_l3(self, network_res, network_db): # Comparing with None for converting uuid into bool network_res[external_net.EXTERNAL] = network_db.external is not None return network_res # Register dict extend functions for networks db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2.register_dict_extend_funcs( attributes.NETWORKS, ['_extend_network_dict_l3']) def _process_l3_create(self, context, net_data, req_data): external = req_data.get(external_net.EXTERNAL) external_set = attributes.is_attr_set(external) if not external_set: return # TODO(armax): these notifications should switch to *_COMMIT # when the event becomes available, as this block is expected # to be called within a plugin's session if external: try: registry.notify( resources.EXTERNAL_NETWORK, events.BEFORE_CREATE, self, context=context, request=req_data, network=net_data) except c_exc.CallbackFailure as e: # raise the underlying exception raise e.errors[0].error context.session.add(ExternalNetwork(network_id=net_data['id'])) context.session.add(rbac_db.NetworkRBAC( object_id=net_data['id'], action='access_as_external', target_tenant='*', tenant_id=net_data['tenant_id'])) registry.notify( resources.EXTERNAL_NETWORK, events.AFTER_CREATE, self, context=context, request=req_data, network=net_data) net_data[external_net.EXTERNAL] = external def _process_l3_update(self, context, net_data, req_data, allow_all=True): try: registry.notify( resources.EXTERNAL_NETWORK, events.BEFORE_UPDATE, self, context=context, request=req_data, network=net_data) except c_exc.CallbackFailure as e: # raise the underlying exception raise e.errors[0].error new_value = req_data.get(external_net.EXTERNAL) net_id = net_data['id'] if not attributes.is_attr_set(new_value): return if net_data.get(external_net.EXTERNAL) == new_value: return if new_value: context.session.add(ExternalNetwork(network_id=net_id)) net_data[external_net.EXTERNAL] = True if allow_all: context.session.add(rbac_db.NetworkRBAC( object_id=net_id, action='access_as_external', target_tenant='*', tenant_id=net_data['tenant_id'])) else: # must make sure we do not have any external gateway ports # (and thus, possible floating IPs) on this network before # allow it to be update to external=False port = context.session.query(models_v2.Port).filter_by( device_owner=DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_GW, network_id=net_data['id']).first() if port: raise external_net.ExternalNetworkInUse(net_id=net_id) context.session.query(ExternalNetwork).filter_by( network_id=net_id).delete() context.session.query(rbac_db.NetworkRBAC).filter_by( object_id=net_id, action='access_as_external').delete() net_data[external_net.EXTERNAL] = False def _process_l3_delete(self, context, network_id): l3plugin = manager.NeutronManager.get_service_plugins().get( service_constants.L3_ROUTER_NAT) if l3plugin: l3plugin.delete_disassociated_floatingips(context, network_id) def get_external_network_id(self, context): nets = self.get_networks(context, {external_net.EXTERNAL: [True]}) if len(nets) > 1: raise n_exc.TooManyExternalNetworks() else: return nets[0]['id'] if nets else None def _process_ext_policy_create(self, resource, event, trigger, context, object_type, policy, **kwargs): if (object_type != 'network' or policy['action'] != 'access_as_external'): return net = self.get_network(context, policy['object_id']) if not context.is_admin and net['tenant_id'] != context.tenant_id: msg = _("Only admins can manipulate policies on networks they " "do not own.") raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) if not self._network_is_external(context, policy['object_id']): # we automatically convert the network into an external network self._process_l3_update(context, net, {external_net.EXTERNAL: True}, allow_all=False) def _validate_ext_not_in_use_by_tenant(self, resource, event, trigger, context, object_type, policy, **kwargs): if (object_type != 'network' or policy['action'] != 'access_as_external'): return if event == events.BEFORE_UPDATE: new_tenant = kwargs['policy_tenant']['target_tenant'] if new_tenant == policy['target_tenant']: # nothing to validate if the tenant didn't change return ports = context.session.query(models_v2.Port.id).filter_by( device_owner=DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_GW, network_id=policy['object_id']) router = context.session.query(l3_db.Router).filter( l3_db.Router.gw_port_id.in_(ports)) rbac = rbac_db.NetworkRBAC if policy['target_tenant'] != '*': router = router.filter( l3_db.Router.tenant_id == policy['target_tenant']) # if there is a wildcard entry we can safely proceed without the # router lookup because they will have access either way if context.session.query(rbac_db.NetworkRBAC).filter( rbac.object_id == policy['object_id'], rbac.action == 'access_as_external', rbac.target_tenant == '*').count(): return else: # deleting the wildcard is okay as long as the tenants with # attached routers have their own entries and the network is # not the default external network. is_default = context.session.query(ExternalNetwork).filter_by( network_id=policy['object_id'], is_default=True).count() if is_default: msg = _("Default external networks must be shared to " "everyone.") raise rbac_ext.RbacPolicyInUse(object_id=policy['object_id'], details=msg) tenants_with_entries = ( context.session.query(rbac.target_tenant). filter(rbac.object_id == policy['object_id'], rbac.action == 'access_as_external', rbac.target_tenant != '*')) router = router.filter( ~l3_db.Router.tenant_id.in_(tenants_with_entries)) if router.count(): msg = _("There are routers attached to this network that " "depend on this policy for access.") raise rbac_ext.RbacPolicyInUse(object_id=policy['object_id'], details=msg) def _register_external_net_rbac_hooks(self): registry.subscribe(self._process_ext_policy_create, 'rbac-policy', events.BEFORE_CREATE) for e in (events.BEFORE_UPDATE, events.BEFORE_DELETE): registry.subscribe(self._validate_ext_not_in_use_by_tenant, 'rbac-policy', e) def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): new = super(External_net_db_mixin, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) new._register_external_net_rbac_hooks() return new