
999 lines
42 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import contextlib
import functools
import socket
import uuid
from neutron_lib import constants
from neutron_lib import exceptions as n_exc
from neutron_lib.utils import helpers
from oslo_log import log
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from ovs import socket_util
from ovs import stream
from ovsdbapp.backend import ovs_idl
from ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl import connection
from ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl import idlutils
from ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl import transaction as idl_trans
from ovsdbapp.backend.ovs_idl import vlog
from ovsdbapp.schema.ovn_northbound import impl_idl as nb_impl_idl
from ovsdbapp.schema.ovn_southbound import impl_idl as sb_impl_idl
import tenacity
from neutron._i18n import _
from neutron.common.ovn import constants as ovn_const
from neutron.common.ovn import exceptions as ovn_exc
from neutron.common.ovn import utils
from neutron.common import utils as n_utils
from neutron.conf.plugins.ml2.drivers.ovn import ovn_conf as cfg
from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.ovn.mech_driver.ovsdb import commands as cmd
from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.ovn.mech_driver.ovsdb import ovsdb_monitor
from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.ovn.mech_driver.ovsdb import worker
from import constants as pf_const
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
# Override wait_for_change to not use a timeout so we always try to reconnect
def wait_for_change(idl_, timeout, seqno=None):
if seqno is None:
seqno = idl_.change_seqno
while idl_.change_seqno == seqno and not
poller = idlutils.poller.Poller()
idlutils.wait_for_change = wait_for_change
class OvnNbTransaction(idl_trans.Transaction):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# NOTE(lucasagomes): The bump_nb_cfg parameter is only used by
# the agents health status check
self.bump_nb_cfg = kwargs.pop('bump_nb_cfg', False)
super(OvnNbTransaction, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def pre_commit(self, txn):
if not self.bump_nb_cfg:
def add_keepalives(fn):
def _open(*args, **kwargs):
error, sock = fn(*args, **kwargs)
sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1)
except socket.error as e:
return socket_util.get_exception_errno(e), None
return error, sock
return _open
class NoProbesMixin:
def needs_probes():
# If we are using keepalives, we can force probe_interval=0
return False
class TCPStream(stream.TCPStream, NoProbesMixin):
def _open(cls, suffix, dscp):
return super()._open(suffix, dscp)
class SSLStream(stream.SSLStream, NoProbesMixin):
def _open(cls, suffix, dscp):
return super()._open(suffix, dscp)
# Overwriting globals in a library is clearly a good idea
stream.Stream.register_method("tcp", TCPStream)
stream.Stream.register_method("ssl", SSLStream)
# This version of Backend doesn't use a class variable for ovsdb_connection
# and therefor allows networking-ovn to manage connection scope on its own
class Backend(ovs_idl.Backend):
lookup_table = {}
ovsdb_connection = None
def __init__(self, connection):
self.ovsdb_connection = connection
super(Backend, self).__init__(connection)
def start_connection(self, connection):
except Exception as e:
connection_exception = OvsdbConnectionUnavailable(
db_schema=self.schema, error=e)
raise connection_exception
def idl(self):
return self.ovsdb_connection.idl
def tables(self):
return self.idl.tables
_tables = tables
def connection_string(cls):
raise NotImplementedError()
def schema_helper(cls):
# SchemaHelper.get_idl_schema() sets schema_json to None which is
# called in Idl.__init__(), so if we've done that return new helper
if cls._schema_helper.schema_json:
return cls._schema_helper
except AttributeError:
cls._schema_helper = idlutils.get_schema_helper(cls.connection_string,
return cls._schema_helper
def get_schema_version(cls):
return cls.schema_helper.schema_json['version']
def schema_has_table(cls, table_name):
return table_name in cls.schema_helper.schema_json['tables']
def is_table_present(self, table_name):
return table_name in self._tables
def is_col_present(self, table_name, col_name):
return self.is_table_present(table_name) and (
col_name in self._tables[table_name].columns)
def is_col_supports_value(self, table_name, col_name, value):
if not self.is_col_present(table_name, col_name):
return False
enum = self._tables[table_name].columns[col_name].type.key.enum
if not enum:
return False
return value in {k.value for k in enum.values}
def create_transaction(self, check_error=False, log_errors=True):
return idl_trans.Transaction(
self, self.ovsdb_connection, self.ovsdb_connection.timeout,
check_error, log_errors)
# Check for a column match in the table. If not found do a retry with
# a stop delay of 10 secs. This function would be useful if the caller
# wants to verify for the presence of a particular row in the table
# with the column match before doing any transaction.
# Eg. We can check if Logical_Switch row is present before adding a
# logical switch port to it.
def check_for_row_by_value_and_retry(self, table, column, match):
idlutils.row_by_value(self.idl, table, column, match)
except idlutils.RowNotFound:
msg = (_("%(match)s does not exist in %(column)s of %(table)s")
% {'match': match, 'column': column, 'table': table})
raise RuntimeError(msg)
class OvsdbConnectionUnavailable(n_exc.ServiceUnavailable):
message = _("OVS database connection to %(db_schema)s failed with error: "
"'%(error)s'. Verify that the OVS and OVN services are "
"available and that the 'ovn_nb_connection' and "
"'ovn_sb_connection' configuration options are correct.")
# Retry forever to get the OVN NB and SB IDLs. Wait 2^x * 1 seconds between
# each retry, up to 'max_interval' seconds, then interval will be fixed
# to 'max_interval' seconds afterwards. The default 'max_interval' is 180.
def get_ovn_idls(driver, trigger):
def get_ovn_idl_retry(api_cls):
trigger_class = utils.get_method_class(trigger)'Getting %(cls)s for %(trigger)s with retry',
{'cls': api_cls.__name__, 'trigger': trigger_class.__name__})
return api_cls.from_worker(trigger_class, driver)
return tuple(get_ovn_idl_retry(c) for c in (OvsdbNbOvnIdl, OvsdbSbOvnIdl))
class OvsdbNbOvnIdl(nb_impl_idl.OvnNbApiIdlImpl, Backend):
def __init__(self, connection):
super(OvsdbNbOvnIdl, self).__init__(connection)
def connection_string(cls):
return cfg.get_ovn_nb_connection()
def from_worker(cls, worker_class, driver=None):
args = (cls.connection_string, cls.schema_helper)
if worker_class == worker.MaintenanceWorker:
idl_ = ovsdb_monitor.BaseOvnIdl.from_server(*args)
idl_ = ovsdb_monitor.OvnNbIdl.from_server(*args, driver=driver)
conn = connection.Connection(idl_, timeout=cfg.get_ovn_ovsdb_timeout())
return cls(conn)
def nb_global(self):
return next(iter(self.db_list_rows('NB_Global').execute(
def create_transaction(self, check_error=False, log_errors=True,
return OvnNbTransaction(
self, self.ovsdb_connection, self.ovsdb_connection.timeout,
check_error, log_errors, bump_nb_cfg=bump_nb_cfg)
def transaction(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""A wrapper on the ovsdbapp transaction to work with revisions.
This method is just a wrapper around the ovsdbapp transaction
to handle revision conflicts correctly.
revision_mismatch_raise = kwargs.pop('revision_mismatch_raise', False)
with super(OvsdbNbOvnIdl, self).transaction(*args, **kwargs) as t:
yield t
except ovn_exc.RevisionConflict as e:'Transaction aborted. Reason: %s', e)
if revision_mismatch_raise:
raise e
def create_lswitch_port(self, lport_name, lswitch_name, may_exist=True,
return cmd.AddLSwitchPortCommand(self, lport_name, lswitch_name,
may_exist, **columns)
def set_lswitch_port(self, lport_name, external_ids_update=None,
if_exists=True, **columns):
return cmd.SetLSwitchPortCommand(self, lport_name, external_ids_update,
if_exists, **columns)
def update_lswitch_qos_options(self, port, if_exists=True, **qos):
return cmd.UpdateLSwitchPortQosOptionsCommand(self, port, if_exists,
def delete_lswitch_port(self, lport_name=None, lswitch_name=None,
ext_id=None, if_exists=True):
if lport_name is not None:
return cmd.DelLSwitchPortCommand(self, lport_name,
lswitch_name, if_exists)
raise RuntimeError(_("Currently only supports "
"delete by lport-name"))
def get_all_logical_switches_with_ports(self):
result = []
for lswitch in self._tables['Logical_Switch'].rows.values():
if ovn_const.OVN_NETWORK_NAME_EXT_ID_KEY not in (
ports = []
provnet_ports = []
for lport in getattr(lswitch, 'ports', []):
if ovn_const.OVN_PORT_NAME_EXT_ID_KEY in lport.external_ids:
# Handle provider network port
'ports': ports,
'provnet_ports': provnet_ports})
return result
def get_all_logical_routers_with_rports(self):
"""Get logical Router ports associated with all logical Routers
@return: list of dict, each dict has key-value:
- 'name': string router_id in neutron.
- 'static_routes': list of static routes dict.
- 'ports': dict of port_id in neutron (key) and networks on
port (value).
- 'snats': list of snats dict
- 'dnat_and_snats': list of dnat_and_snats dict
result = []
for lrouter in self._tables['Logical_Router'].rows.values():
if ovn_const.OVN_ROUTER_NAME_EXT_ID_KEY not in (
lrports = {'lrp-', ''): lrport.networks
for lrport in getattr(lrouter, 'ports', [])}
sroutes = [{'destination': sroute.ip_prefix,
'nexthop': sroute.nexthop}
for sroute in getattr(lrouter, 'static_routes', [])]
dnat_and_snats = []
snat = []
for nat in getattr(lrouter, 'nat', []):
columns = {'logical_ip': nat.logical_ip,
'external_ip': nat.external_ip,
'type': nat.type}
if nat.type == 'dnat_and_snat':
if nat.external_mac:
columns['external_mac'] = nat.external_mac[0]
if nat.logical_port:
columns['logical_port'] = nat.logical_port[0]
columns['external_ids'] = nat.external_ids
columns['uuid'] = nat.uuid
if utils.is_nat_gateway_port_supported(self):
columns['gateway_port'] = nat.gateway_port
elif nat.type == 'snat':
result.append({'name':'neutron-', ''),
'static_routes': sroutes,
'ports': lrports,
'snats': snat,
'dnat_and_snats': dnat_and_snats})
return result
def get_acl_by_id(self, acl_id):
return self.lookup('ACL', uuid.UUID(acl_id))
except idlutils.RowNotFound:
def get_acls_for_lswitches(self, lswitch_names):
"""Get the existing set of acls that belong to the logical switches
@param lswitch_names: List of logical switch names
@type lswitch_names: []
@var acl_values_dict: A dictionary indexed by port_id containing the
list of acl values in string format that belong
to that port
@var acl_obj_dict: A dictionary indexed by acl value containing the
corresponding acl idl object.
@var lswitch_ovsdb_dict: A dictionary mapping from logical switch
name to lswitch idl object
@return: (acl_values_dict, acl_obj_dict, lswitch_ovsdb_dict)
acl_values_dict = {}
acl_obj_dict = {}
lswitch_ovsdb_dict = {}
for lswitch_name in lswitch_names:
lswitch = idlutils.row_by_value(self.idl,
except idlutils.RowNotFound:
# It is possible for the logical switch to be deleted
# while we are searching for it by name in idl.
lswitch_ovsdb_dict[lswitch_name] = lswitch
acls = getattr(lswitch, 'acls', [])
# Iterate over each acl in a lswitch and store the acl in
# a key:value representation for e.g. acl_string. This
# key:value representation can invoke the code -
# self.add_acl(**acl_string)
for acl in acls:
ext_ids = getattr(acl, 'external_ids', {})
port_id = ext_ids.get('neutron:lport')
acl_list = acl_values_dict.setdefault(port_id, [])
acl_string = {'lport': port_id,
'lswitch': utils.ovn_name(lswitch_name)}
for acl_key in getattr(acl, "_data", {}):
acl_string[acl_key] = getattr(acl, acl_key)
except AttributeError:
acl_obj_dict[str(acl_string)] = acl
return acl_values_dict, acl_obj_dict, lswitch_ovsdb_dict
def update_lrouter(self, name, if_exists=True, **columns):
return cmd.UpdateLRouterCommand(self, name,
if_exists, **columns)
def add_lrouter_port(self, name, lrouter, may_exist=False, **columns):
return cmd.AddLRouterPortCommand(self, name, lrouter,
may_exist, **columns)
def schedule_unhosted_gateways(self, g_name, sb_api, plugin, port_physnets,
all_gw_chassis, chassis_with_physnets,
return cmd.ScheduleUnhostedGatewaysCommand(
self, g_name, sb_api, plugin, port_physnets, all_gw_chassis,
chassis_with_physnets, chassis_with_azs)
def update_lrouter_port(self, name, if_exists=True, **columns):
return cmd.UpdateLRouterPortCommand(self, name, if_exists, **columns)
def delete_lrouter_port(self, name, lrouter, if_exists=True):
return cmd.DelLRouterPortCommand(self, name, lrouter,
def set_lrouter_port_in_lswitch_port(
self, lswitch_port, lrouter_port, is_gw_port=False, if_exists=True,
return cmd.SetLRouterPortInLSwitchPortCommand(self, lswitch_port,
lrouter_port, is_gw_port,
def add_acl(self, lswitch, lport, **columns):
return cmd.AddACLCommand(self, lswitch, lport, **columns)
def delete_acl(self, lswitch, lport, if_exists=True):
return cmd.DelACLCommand(self, lswitch, lport, if_exists)
def add_static_route(self, lrouter, **columns):
return cmd.AddStaticRouteCommand(self, lrouter, **columns)
def delete_static_route(self, lrouter, ip_prefix, nexthop, if_exists=True):
return cmd.DelStaticRouteCommand(self, lrouter, ip_prefix, nexthop,
def _get_logical_router_port_gateway_chassis(self, lrp, priorities=None):
"""Get the list of chassis hosting this gateway port.
@param lrp: logical router port
@type lrp: Logical_Router_Port row
@param priorities: a list of gateway chassis priorities to search for
@type priorities: list of int
@return: List of tuples (chassis_name, priority) sorted by priority. If
``priorities`` is set then only chassis matching of of these
priorities are returned.
# Try retrieving gateway_chassis with new schema. If new schema is not
# supported or user is using old schema, then use old schema for
# getting gateway_chassis
chassis = []
if self._tables.get('Gateway_Chassis'):
for gwc in lrp.gateway_chassis:
if priorities is not None and gwc.priority not in priorities:
chassis.append((gwc.chassis_name, gwc.priority))
rc = lrp.options.get(ovn_const.OVN_GATEWAY_CHASSIS_KEY)
if rc:
chassis.append((rc, 0))
# make sure that chassis are sorted by priority
return sorted(chassis, reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[1])
def get_all_chassis_gateway_bindings(self,
chassis_bindings = {}
for chassis_name in chassis_candidate_list or []:
chassis_bindings.setdefault(chassis_name, [])
for lrp in self._tables['Logical_Router_Port'].rows.values():
if not'lrp-'):
chassis = self._get_logical_router_port_gateway_chassis(
lrp, priorities=priorities)
for chassis_name, prio in chassis:
if (not chassis_candidate_list or
chassis_name in chassis_candidate_list):
routers_hosted = chassis_bindings.setdefault(chassis_name,
routers_hosted.append((, prio))
return chassis_bindings
def get_gateway_chassis_binding(self, gateway_name):
lrp = idlutils.row_by_value(
self.idl, 'Logical_Router_Port', 'name', gateway_name)
chassis_list = self._get_logical_router_port_gateway_chassis(lrp)
return [chassis for chassis, prio in chassis_list]
except idlutils.RowNotFound:
return []
def get_gateway_chassis_az_hints(self, gateway_name):
lrp = self.lookup('Logical_Router_Port', gateway_name,
if not lrp:
return []
router_id = lrp.external_ids.get(
lrouter = self.lookup('Logical_Router', utils.ovn_name(router_id),
if not lrouter:
return []
az_string = lrouter.external_ids.get(
ovn_const.OVN_AZ_HINTS_EXT_ID_KEY, "")
if not az_string:
return []
return az_string.split(",")
def get_chassis_gateways(self, chassis_name):
gw_chassis = self.db_find_rows(
'Gateway_Chassis', ('chassis_name', '=', chassis_name))
return gw_chassis.execute(check_error=True)
def get_unhosted_gateways(self, port_physnet_dict, chassis_with_physnets,
all_gw_chassis, chassis_with_azs):
unhosted_gateways = set()
for port, physnet in port_physnet_dict.items():
lrp_name = '%s%s' % (ovn_const.LRP_PREFIX, port)
original_state = self.get_gateway_chassis_binding(lrp_name)
az_hints = self.get_gateway_chassis_az_hints(lrp_name)
# Filter out chassis that lost physnet, the cms option,
# or has been deleted.
actual_gw_chassis = [
chassis for chassis in original_state
if not utils.is_gateway_chassis_invalid(
chassis, all_gw_chassis, physnet, chassis_with_physnets,
az_hints, chassis_with_azs)]
# Check if gw ports are fully scheduled.
if len(actual_gw_chassis) >= ovn_const.MAX_GW_CHASSIS:
# If there are no gateways with 'enable-chassis-as-gw' cms option
# then try to schedule on all gateways with physnets connected,
# and filter required physnet.
available_chassis = {
c for c in all_gw_chassis or chassis_with_physnets.keys()
if not utils.is_gateway_chassis_invalid(
c, all_gw_chassis, physnet, chassis_with_physnets,
az_hints, chassis_with_azs)}
if available_chassis == set(original_state):
# The same situation as was before. Nothing
# to be rescheduled.
if not available_chassis:
# There is no chassis that could host
# this gateway.
return unhosted_gateways
def add_dhcp_options(self, subnet_id, port_id=None, may_exist=True,
return cmd.AddDHCPOptionsCommand(self, subnet_id, port_id=port_id,
may_exist=may_exist, **columns)
def delete_dhcp_options(self, row_uuid, if_exists=True):
return cmd.DelDHCPOptionsCommand(self, row_uuid, if_exists=if_exists)
def _format_dhcp_row(self, row):
ext_ids = dict(getattr(row, 'external_ids', {}))
return {'cidr': row.cidr, 'options': dict(row.options),
'external_ids': ext_ids, 'uuid': row.uuid}
def get_subnet_dhcp_options(self, subnet_id, with_ports=False):
subnet = {}
ports = []
for row in self._tables['DHCP_Options'].rows.values():
external_ids = getattr(row, 'external_ids', {})
if subnet_id == external_ids.get('subnet_id'):
port_id = external_ids.get('port_id')
if with_ports and port_id:
elif not port_id:
subnet = self._format_dhcp_row(row)
if not with_ports:
return {'subnet': subnet, 'ports': ports}
def get_subnets_dhcp_options(self, subnet_ids):
ret_opts = []
for row in self._tables['DHCP_Options'].rows.values():
external_ids = getattr(row, 'external_ids', {})
if (external_ids.get('subnet_id') in subnet_ids and not
if len(ret_opts) == len(subnet_ids):
return ret_opts
def get_all_dhcp_options(self):
dhcp_options = {'subnets': {}, 'ports_v4': {}, 'ports_v6': {}}
for row in self._tables['DHCP_Options'].rows.values():
external_ids = getattr(row, 'external_ids', {})
if not external_ids.get('subnet_id'):
# This row is not created by OVN ML2 driver. Ignore it.
if not external_ids.get('port_id'):
dhcp_options['subnets'][external_ids['subnet_id']] = (
port_dict = 'ports_v6' if ':' in row.cidr else 'ports_v4'
dhcp_options[port_dict][external_ids['port_id']] = (
return dhcp_options
def get_router_port_options(self, lsp_name):
lsp = idlutils.row_by_value(self.idl, 'Logical_Switch_Port',
'name', lsp_name)
options = getattr(lsp, 'options')
for key in list(options.keys()):
if key not in ovn_const.OVN_ROUTER_PORT_OPTION_KEYS:
del options[key]
return options
except idlutils.RowNotFound:
return {}
def add_nat_rule_in_lrouter(self, lrouter, **columns):
return cmd.AddNATRuleInLRouterCommand(self, lrouter, **columns)
def delete_nat_rule_in_lrouter(self, lrouter, type, logical_ip,
external_ip, if_exists=True):
return cmd.DeleteNATRuleInLRouterCommand(self, lrouter, type,
logical_ip, external_ip,
def get_lrouter_nat_rules(self, lrouter_name):
lrouter = idlutils.row_by_value(self.idl, 'Logical_Router',
'name', lrouter_name)
except idlutils.RowNotFound:
msg = _("Logical Router %s does not exist") % lrouter_name
raise RuntimeError(msg)
nat_rules = []
for nat_rule in getattr(lrouter, 'nat', []):
ext_ids = dict(getattr(nat_rule, 'external_ids', {}))
nat_rules.append({'external_ip': nat_rule.external_ip,
'logical_ip': nat_rule.logical_ip,
'type': nat_rule.type,
'uuid': nat_rule.uuid,
'external_ids': ext_ids})
return nat_rules
def set_nat_rule_in_lrouter(self, lrouter, nat_rule_uuid, **columns):
return cmd.SetNATRuleInLRouterCommand(self, lrouter, nat_rule_uuid,
def get_lswitch_port(self, lsp_name):
return self.lookup('Logical_Switch_Port', lsp_name)
except idlutils.RowNotFound:
return None
def get_parent_port(self, lsp_name):
lsp = self.get_lswitch_port(lsp_name)
if not lsp:
return ''
return lsp.parent_name
def get_lswitch(self, lswitch_name):
# FIXME(lucasagomes): We should refactor those get_*()
# methods. Some of 'em require the name, others IDs etc... It can
# be confusing.
if uuidutils.is_uuid_like(lswitch_name):
lswitch_name = utils.ovn_name(lswitch_name)
return self.lookup('Logical_Switch', lswitch_name)
except idlutils.RowNotFound:
return None
def get_ls_and_dns_record(self, lswitch_name):
ls = self.get_lswitch(lswitch_name)
if not ls:
return (None, None)
if not hasattr(ls, 'dns_records'):
return (ls, None)
for dns_row in ls.dns_records:
if dns_row.external_ids.get('ls_name') == lswitch_name:
return (ls, dns_row)
return (ls, None)
def get_router_floatingip_lbs(self, lrouter_name):
rc = self.db_find_rows('Load_Balancer', (
'external_ids', '=',
ovn_const.OVN_ROUTER_NAME_EXT_ID_KEY: lrouter_name}))
return [ovn_obj for ovn_obj in rc.execute(check_error=True)
if ovn_const.OVN_FIP_EXT_ID_KEY in ovn_obj.external_ids]
def get_floatingip_in_nat_or_lb(self, fip_id):
fip = self.get_floatingip(fip_id)
if fip:
return fip
result = self.db_find('Load_Balancer', (
'external_ids', '=',
ovn_const.OVN_FIP_EXT_ID_KEY: fip_id})).execute(check_error=True)
return result[0] if result else None
def get_floatingip(self, fip_id):
fip = self.db_find('NAT', ('external_ids', '=',
{ovn_const.OVN_FIP_EXT_ID_KEY: fip_id}))
result = fip.execute(check_error=True)
return result[0] if result else None
def check_revision_number(self, name, resource, resource_type,
return cmd.CheckRevisionNumberCommand(
self, name, resource, resource_type, if_exists)
def get_lrouter(self, lrouter_name):
if uuidutils.is_uuid_like(lrouter_name):
lrouter_name = utils.ovn_name(lrouter_name)
return self.lr_get(lrouter_name).execute(log_errors=False,
except idlutils.RowNotFound:
return None
def get_lrouter_port(self, lrp_name):
# TODO(mangelajo): Implement lrp_get() ovsdbapp and use from here
if uuidutils.is_uuid_like(lrp_name):
lrp_name = utils.ovn_lrouter_port_name(lrp_name)
lrp = self.db_find_rows('Logical_Router_Port', ('name', '=', lrp_name))
result = lrp.execute(check_error=True)
return result[0] if result else None
def get_lrouter_gw_ports(self, lrouter_name):
lr = self.get_lrouter(lrouter_name)
gw_ports = []
for lrp in getattr(lr, 'ports', []):
lrp_ext_ids = getattr(lrp, 'external_ids', {})
if (ovn_const.OVN_ROUTER_NAME_EXT_ID_KEY not in lrp_ext_ids or
lrp_ha_cfg = (getattr(lrp, 'gateway_chassis', None) or
getattr(lrp, 'options', {}).get(
if lrp_ha_cfg:
return gw_ports
def delete_lrouter_ext_gw(self, lrouter_name, if_exists=True):
return cmd.DeleteLRouterExtGwCommand(self, lrouter_name, if_exists)
def get_port_group(self, pg_name):
if uuidutils.is_uuid_like(pg_name):
pg_name = utils.ovn_port_group_name(pg_name)
return self.lookup('Port_Group', pg_name, default=None)
def get_sg_port_groups(self):
"""Returns OVN port groups used as Neutron Security Groups.
This method will return all port group entries in OVN that map to
a Security Group. Even though neutron_pg_drop is used to assist on
SGs, it will also not be returned.
port_groups = {}
for row in self._tables['Port_Group'].rows.values():
name = getattr(row, 'name')
if (ovn_const.OVN_SG_EXT_ID_KEY not in row.external_ids or
name == ovn_const.OVN_DROP_PORT_GROUP_NAME):
data = {}
for row_key in getattr(row, "_data", {}):
data[row_key] = getattr(row, row_key)
port_groups[name] = data
return port_groups
def check_liveness(self):
return cmd.CheckLivenessCommand(self)
def set_lswitch_port_to_virtual_type(self, lport_name, vip,
virtual_parent, if_exists=True):
return cmd.SetLSwitchPortToVirtualTypeCommand(
self, lport_name, vip, virtual_parent, if_exists)
def unset_lswitch_port_to_virtual_type(self, lport_name,
virtual_parent, if_exists=True):
return cmd.UnsetLSwitchPortToVirtualTypeCommand(
self, lport_name, virtual_parent, if_exists)
def update_lb_external_ids(self, lb_name, values, if_exists=True):
return cmd.UpdateLbExternalIds(self, lb_name, values, if_exists)
def set_nb_global_options(self, **options):
LOG.debug("Setting NB_Global options: %s", options)
return self.db_set("NB_Global", ".", options=options)
def set_router_mac_age_limit(self, router=None):
# Set the MAC_Binding age limit on OVN Logical Routers
return cmd.SetLRouterMacAgeLimitCommand(
self, router, cfg.get_ovn_mac_binding_age_threshold())
class OvsdbSbOvnIdl(sb_impl_idl.OvnSbApiIdlImpl, Backend):
def __init__(self, connection):
super(OvsdbSbOvnIdl, self).__init__(connection)
def connection_string(cls):
return cfg.get_ovn_sb_connection()
def from_worker(cls, worker_class, driver=None):
args = (cls.connection_string, cls.schema_helper)
if worker_class == worker.MaintenanceWorker:
idl_ = ovsdb_monitor.BaseOvnSbIdl.from_server(*args)
idl_ = ovsdb_monitor.OvnSbIdl.from_server(*args, driver=driver)
conn = connection.Connection(idl_, timeout=cfg.get_ovn_ovsdb_timeout())
return cls(conn)
def _get_chassis_physnets(self, chassis):
other_config = utils.get_ovn_chassis_other_config(chassis)
bridge_mappings = other_config.get('ovn-bridge-mappings', '')
mapping_dict = helpers.parse_mappings(bridge_mappings.split(','))
return list(mapping_dict.keys())
def chassis_exists(self, hostname):
cmd = self.db_find('Chassis', ('hostname', '=', hostname))
return bool(cmd.execute(check_error=True))
def get_chassis_hostname_and_physnets(self):
chassis_info_dict = {}
for ch in self.chassis_list().execute(check_error=True):
chassis_info_dict[ch.hostname] = self._get_chassis_physnets(ch)
return chassis_info_dict
def get_gateway_chassis_from_cms_options(self, name_only=True):
return [ if name_only else ch
for ch in self.chassis_list().execute(check_error=True)
if utils.is_gateway_chassis(ch)]
def get_extport_chassis_from_cms_options(self):
return [ch for ch in self.chassis_list().execute(check_error=True)
if utils.is_extport_host_chassis(ch)]
def get_chassis_and_physnets(self):
chassis_info_dict = {}
for ch in self.chassis_list().execute(check_error=True):
chassis_info_dict[] = self._get_chassis_physnets(ch)
return chassis_info_dict
def get_chassis_and_azs(self):
chassis_azs = {}
for ch in self.chassis_list().execute(check_error=True):
chassis_azs[] = utils.get_chassis_availability_zones(ch)
return chassis_azs
def get_all_chassis(self, chassis_type=None):
# TODO(azbiswas): Use chassis_type as input once the compute type
# preference patch (as part of external ids) merges.
return [ for c in self.chassis_list().execute(check_error=True)]
def get_chassis_by_card_serial_from_cms_options(self,
for ch in self.chassis_list().execute(check_error=True):
if ('{}={}'
in utils.get_ovn_chassis_other_config(ch).get(
ovn_const.OVN_CMS_OPTIONS, '').split(',')):
return ch
msg = _('Chassis with %s %s %s does not exist'
) % (ovn_const.OVN_CMS_OPTIONS,
raise RuntimeError(msg)
def get_metadata_port_network(self, network):
# TODO(twilson) This function should really just take a Row/RowView
dp = self.lookup('Datapath_Binding', uuid.UUID(network))
except idlutils.RowNotFound:
return None
cmd = self.db_find_rows('Port_Binding', ('datapath', '=', dp),
('type', '=', ovn_const.LSP_TYPE_LOCALPORT),
('external_ids', '=', {
return next(iter(cmd.execute(check_error=True)), None)
def set_chassis_neutron_description(self, chassis, description,
desc_key = (ovn_const.OVN_AGENT_METADATA_DESC_KEY
if agent_type == ovn_const.OVN_METADATA_AGENT else
return cmd.UpdateChassisExtIdsCommand(
self, chassis, {desc_key: description}, if_exists=False)
def get_network_port_bindings_by_ip(self, network, ip_address, mac=None):
rows = self.db_list_rows('Port_Binding').execute(check_error=True)
# TODO(twilson) It would be useful to have a db_find that takes a
# comparison function
def check_net_and_ip(port):
# If the port is not bound to any chassis it is not relevant
if not port.chassis:
return False
if not port.mac:
return False
# The MAC and IP address(es) are both present in port.mac as
# ["MAC IP {IP2...IPN}"]. If either one is present that is a
# match, since for link-local clients we can only match the MAC.
mac_ip = port.mac[0].split(' ')
address_match = False
if mac and mac in mac_ip:
address_match = True
elif ip_address in mac_ip:
address_match = True
if not address_match:
return False
is_in_network = utils.get_network_name_from_datapath(
port.datapath) == network
return is_in_network
return [r for r in rows if check_net_and_ip(r)]
def set_port_cidrs(self, name, cidrs):
# TODO(twilson) add if_exists to db commands
return self.db_set('Port_Binding', name, 'external_ids',
{'neutron-port-cidrs': cidrs})
def get_ports_on_chassis(self, chassis, include_additional_chassis=False):
# TODO(twilson) Some day it would be nice to stop passing names around
# and just start using chassis objects so db_find_rows could be used
rows = self.db_list_rows('Port_Binding').execute(check_error=True)
if (include_additional_chassis and
return [r for r in rows
if r.chassis and r.chassis[0].name == chassis or
chassis in [ for ch in r.additional_chassis]]
return [r for r in rows
if r.chassis and r.chassis[0].name == chassis]
def get_chassis_host_for_port(self, port_id):
chassis = set()
cmd = self.db_find_rows('Port_Binding', ('logical_port', '=', port_id))
for row in cmd.execute(check_error=True):
except IndexError:
# Do not short-circuit here. Proceed to additional
# chassis handling
if utils.is_additional_chassis_supported(self):
for ch in row.additional_chassis:
return chassis