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# Copyright (c) 2015 Red Hat, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
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from neutron.agent.linux import utils as agent_utils
def extract_mod_nw_tos_action(flows):
tos_mark = None
if flows:
flow_list = flows.splitlines()
for flow in flow_list:
if 'mod_nw_tos' in flow:
actions = flow.partition('actions=')[2]
after_mod = actions.partition('mod_nw_tos:')[2]
tos_mark = int(after_mod.partition(',')[0])
return tos_mark
def wait_until_bandwidth_limit_rule_applied(bridge, port_vif, rule):
def _bandwidth_limit_rule_applied():
bw_rule = bridge.get_egress_bw_limit_for_port(port_vif)
expected = None, None
if rule:
expected = rule.max_kbps, rule.max_burst_kbps
return bw_rule == expected
def wait_until_dscp_marking_rule_applied(bridge, port_vif, rule):
def _dscp_marking_rule_applied():
port_num = bridge.get_port_ofport(port_vif)
flows = bridge.dump_flows_for(table='0', in_port=str(port_num))
dscp_mark = extract_mod_nw_tos_action(flows)
expected = None
if rule:
expected = rule
return dscp_mark == expected