Fix instance_get_by_sort_filters() for multiple sort keys

This method would not actually work for any query where multiple sort
keys were provided. Since it effectively ANDed all of the sort_key > val
conditions in the query, any multi-key sort would exclude a lot of

This fix actually replicates much of the logic from the base
paginate_query() utility method, which properly handles multiple
keys by creating key1>val1 OR (key1=val2 AND key2>=val2) WHERE
clauses necessary for proper ordering.

Change-Id: I3dac96759f7c7f11a0e0e9d86731dd4d22462d33
Partial-Bug: #1721791
This commit is contained in:
Dan Smith 2017-10-06 10:33:33 -07:00
parent a347b8099e
commit 00bbc2ffd3
2 changed files with 164 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -38,8 +38,10 @@ import six
from six.moves import range
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy import and_
from sqlalchemy import Boolean
from sqlalchemy.exc import NoSuchTableError
from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
from sqlalchemy import Integer
from sqlalchemy import MetaData
from sqlalchemy import or_
from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased
@ -51,6 +53,7 @@ from sqlalchemy.orm import undefer
from sqlalchemy.schema import Table
from sqlalchemy import sql
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import asc
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import cast
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import desc
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import UpdateBase
from sqlalchemy.sql import false
@ -2297,13 +2300,74 @@ def instance_get_by_sort_filters(context, sort_keys, sort_dirs, values):
This returns just a uuid of the instance that matched.
query = context.session.query(models.Instance.uuid)
model = models.Instance
query = context.session.query(model.uuid)
# NOTE(danms): Below is a re-implementation of our
# oslo_db.sqlalchemy.utils.paginate_query() utility. We can't use that
# directly because it does not return the marker and we need it to.
# The below is basically the same algorithm, stripped down to just what
# we need, and augmented with the filter criteria required for us to
# get back the instance that would correspond to our query.
# This is our position in sort_keys,sort_dirs,values for the loop below
key_index = 0
# We build a list of criteria to apply to the query, which looks
# approximately like this (assuming all ascending):
# OR(row.key1 > val1,
# AND(row.key1 == val1, row.key2 > val2),
# AND(row.key1 == val1, row.key2 == val2, row.key3 >= val3),
# )
# The final key is compared with the "or equal" variant so that
# a complete match instance is still returned.
criteria = []
for skey, sdir, val in zip(sort_keys, sort_dirs, values):
col = getattr(models.Instance, skey)
if sdir == 'asc':
query = query.filter(col >= val).order_by(col)
# Apply ordering to our query for the key, direction we're processing
if sdir == 'desc':
query = query.order_by(desc(getattr(model, skey)))
query = query.filter(col <= val).order_by(col.desc())
query = query.order_by(asc(getattr(model, skey)))
# Build a list of equivalence requirements on keys we've already
# processed through the loop. In other words, if we're adding
# key2 > val2, make sure that key1 == val1
crit_attrs = []
for equal_attr in range(0, key_index):
(getattr(model, sort_keys[equal_attr]) == values[equal_attr]))
model_attr = getattr(model, skey)
if isinstance(model_attr.type, Boolean):
model_attr = cast(model_attr, Integer)
val = int(val)
if skey == sort_keys[-1]:
# If we are the last key, then we should use or-equal to
# allow a complete match to be returned
if sdir == 'asc':
crit = (model_attr >= val)
crit = (model_attr <= val)
# If we're not the last key, then strict greater or less than
# so we order strictly.
if sdir == 'asc':
crit = (model_attr > val)
crit = (model_attr < val)
# AND together all the above
key_index += 1
# OR together all the ANDs
query = query.filter(or_(*criteria))
# We can't raise InstanceNotFound because we don't have a uuid to
# be looking for, so just return nothing if no match.

View File

@ -10791,48 +10791,120 @@ class SortMarkerHelper(test.TestCase):
values = {
'key_name': ['dan', 'dan', 'taylor', 'jax'],
'memory_mb': [512, 1024, 2048, 256],
'memory_mb': [512, 1024, 512, 256],
'launched_at': [launched + td(1), launched - td(256),
launched + td(32), launched - td(5000)],
for i in range(0, 4):
inst = {'user_id': self.context.user_id,
'project_id': self.context.project_id}
'project_id': self.context.project_id,
'auto_disk_config': bool(i % 2),
'vcpus': 1}
for key in values:
inst[key] = values[key].pop(0)
db_instance = db.instance_create(self.context, inst)
def test_thing(self):
# Pull out the first instance sorted by our desired key
first = db.instance_get_all_by_filters_sort(self.context, {}, limit=1,
marker = first[0]['uuid']
def test_with_one_key(self):
"""Test instance_get_by_sort_filters() with one sort key."""
# If we sort ascending by key_name and our marker was something
# just after jax, taylor would be the next one.
marker = db.instance_get_by_sort_filters(
['key_name'], ['asc'], ['jaxz'])
self.assertEqual(self.instances[2]['uuid'], marker)
# Starting with the marker, page through one at a time looking for the
# instance that would match if the previous marker was our marker.
values_found = [marker]
while True:
marker_inst = db.instance_get_by_uuid(self.context, marker)
def _test_with_multiple_keys(self, sort_keys, sort_dirs, value_fn):
"""Test instance_get_by_sort_filters() with multiple sort keys.
Since this returns the marker it's looking for, it's actually really
hard to test this like we normally would with pagination, i.e. marching
through the instances in order. Attempting to do so covered up a bug
in this previously.
So, for a list of marker values, query and assert we get the instance
we expect.
# For the query below, ordering memory_mb asc, key_name desc,
# The following is the expected ordering of the instances we
# have to test:
# 256-jax
# 512-taylor
# 512-dan
# 1024-dan
steps = [
(200, 'foo', 3), # all less than 256-jax
(256, 'xyz', 3), # name comes before jax
(256, 'jax', 3), # all equal to 256-jax
(256, 'abc', 2), # name after jax
(500, 'foo', 2), # all greater than 256-jax
(512, 'xyz', 2), # name before taylor and dan
(512, 'mno', 0), # name after taylor, before dan-512
(512, 'abc', 1), # name after dan-512
(999, 'foo', 1), # all greater than 512-taylor
(1024, 'xyz', 1), # name before dan
(1024, 'abc', None), # name after dan
(2048, 'foo', None), # all greater than 1024-dan
for mem, name, expected in steps:
marker = db.instance_get_by_sort_filters(
[marker_inst['memory_mb'] + 1,
marker_inst['key_name'] + 'z'])
if not marker:
value_fn(mem, name))
if expected is None:
expected_inst = self.instances[expected]
got_inst = [inst for inst in self.instances
if inst['uuid'] == marker][0]
'marker %s-%s expected %s-%s got %s-%s' % (
mem, name,
expected_inst['memory_mb'], expected_inst['key_name'],
got_inst['memory_mb'], got_inst['key_name']))
# Make sure we found everything
self.assertEqual(set([x['uuid'] for x in self.instances]),
def test_with_two_keys(self):
"""Test instance_get_by_sort_filters() with two sort_keys."""
['memory_mb', 'key_name'],
['asc', 'desc'],
lambda mem, name: [mem, name])
def test_with_three_keys(self):
"""Test instance_get_by_sort_filters() with three sort_keys.
This inserts another key in the middle of memory_mb,key_name
which is always equal in all the test instances. We do this
to make sure that we are only including the equivalence fallback
on the final sort_key, otherwise we might stall out in the
middle of a series of instances with equivalent values for
a key in the middle of sort_keys.
['memory_mb', 'vcpus', 'key_name'],
['asc', 'asc', 'desc'],
lambda mem, name: [mem, 1, name])
def test_no_match(self):
marker = db.instance_get_by_sort_filters(self.context,
['memory_mb'], ['asc'],
def test_by_bool(self):
"""Verify that we can use booleans in sort_keys."""
# If we sort ascending by auto_disk_config, the first one
# with True for that value would be the second instance we
# create, because bool(1 % 2) == True.
marker = db.instance_get_by_sort_filters(
['auto_disk_config', 'id'], ['asc', 'asc'], [True, 2])
self.assertEqual(self.instances[1]['uuid'], marker)