remove virt driver requires_allocation_refresh

The driver "capability" of requires_allocation_refresh was only needed
for old pre-Pike code in Ironic where we needed to correct migrated
allocation records before Ironic was using custom resource classes. Now
that Ironic is only using custom resource classes and we're past Pike,
rip this code out.

Change-Id: If272365e58a583e2831a15a5c2abad2d77921729
This commit is contained in:
Jay Pipes 2018-09-13 18:17:51 -04:00
parent ffdd809838
commit 6a68f9140d
7 changed files with 2 additions and 335 deletions

View File

@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@ class ResourceTracker(object):
def _update_usage_from_instance(self, context, instance, nodename,
is_removed=False, require_allocation_refresh=False):
"""Update usage for a single instance."""
uuid = instance['uuid']
@ -1189,10 +1189,6 @@ class ResourceTracker(object):
if require_allocation_refresh:
LOG.debug("Auto-correcting allocations.")
self.reportclient.update_instance_allocation(context, cn,
instance, sign)
# new instance, update compute node resource usage:
self._update_usage(self._get_usage_dict(instance), nodename,
@ -1228,78 +1224,10 @@ class ResourceTracker(object):
cn.current_workload = 0
cn.running_vms = 0
# NOTE(jaypipes): In Pike, we need to be tolerant of Ocata compute
# nodes that overwrite placement allocations to look like what the
# resource tracker *thinks* is correct. When an instance is
# migrated from an Ocata compute node to a Pike compute node, the
# Pike scheduler will have created a "doubled-up" allocation that
# contains allocated resources against both the source and
# destination hosts. The Ocata source compute host, during its
# update_available_resource() periodic call will find the instance
# in its list of known instances and will call
# update_instance_allocation() in the report client. That call will
# pull the allocations for the instance UUID which will contain
# both the source and destination host providers in the allocation
# set. Seeing that this is different from what the Ocata source
# host thinks it should be and will overwrite the allocation to
# only be an allocation against itself.
# And therefore, here we need to have Pike compute hosts
# "correct" the improper healing that the Ocata source host did
# during its periodic interval. When the instance is fully migrated
# to the Pike compute host, the Ocata compute host will find an
# allocation that refers to itself for an instance it no longer
# controls and will *delete* all allocations that refer to that
# instance UUID, assuming that the instance has been deleted. We
# need the destination Pike compute host to recreate that
# allocation to refer to its own resource provider UUID.
# For Pike compute nodes that migrate to either a Pike compute host
# or a Queens compute host, we do NOT want the Pike compute host to
# be "healing" allocation information. Instead, we rely on the Pike
# scheduler to properly create allocations during scheduling.
# Pike compute hosts may still rework an
# allocation for an instance in a move operation during
# confirm_resize() on the source host which will remove the
# source resource provider from any allocation for an
# instance.
# In Queens and beyond, the scheduler will understand when
# a move operation has been requested and instead of
# creating a doubled-up allocation that contains both the
# source and destination host, the scheduler will take the
# original allocation (against the source host) and change
# the consumer ID of that allocation to be the migration
# UUID and not the instance UUID. The scheduler will
# allocate the resources for the destination host to the
# instance UUID.
# Some drivers (ironic) still need the allocations to be
# fixed up, as they transition the way their inventory is reported.
require_allocation_refresh = self.driver.requires_allocation_refresh
if require_allocation_refresh:
msg_allocation_refresh = (
"Compute driver requires allocation refresh. "
"Will auto-correct allocations to handle "
"Ocata-style assumptions.")
msg_allocation_refresh = (
"Compute driver doesn't require allocation refresh and we're "
"on a compute host in a deployment that only has compute "
"hosts with Nova versions >=16 (Pike). Skipping "
"auto-correction of allocations.")
instance_by_uuid = {}
for instance in instances:
if instance.vm_state not in vm_states.ALLOW_RESOURCE_REMOVAL:
if msg_allocation_refresh:
msg_allocation_refresh = False
self._update_usage_from_instance(context, instance, nodename,
self._update_usage_from_instance(context, instance, nodename)
instance_by_uuid[instance.uuid] = instance
return instance_by_uuid

View File

@ -186,221 +186,6 @@ class IronicResourceTrackerTest(test_base.SchedulerReportClientTestBase):
instances[instance.uuid] = instance
return instances
def placement_get_inventory(self, rp_uuid):
url = '/resource_providers/%s/inventories' % rp_uuid
resp = self.report_client.get(url)
if 200 <= resp.status_code < 300:
return resp.json()['inventories']
return resp.status_code
def placement_get_allocations(self, consumer_uuid):
url = '/allocations/%s' % consumer_uuid
resp = self.report_client.get(url)
if 200 <= resp.status_code < 300:
return resp.json()['allocations']
return resp.status_code
def placement_get_custom_rcs(self):
url = '/resource_classes'
resp = self.report_client.get(url)
if 200 <= resp.status_code < 300:
all_rcs = resp.json()['resource_classes']
return [rc['name'] for rc in all_rcs
if rc['name'] not in fields.ResourceClass.STANDARD]
@mock.patch('', new=mock.Mock())
def test_ironic_ocata_to_pike(self):
"""Check that when going from an Ocata installation with Ironic having
node's resource class attributes set, that we properly "auto-heal" the
inventory and allocation records in the placement API to account for
both the old-style VCPU/MEMORY_MB/DISK_GB resources as well as the new
custom resource class from Ironic's node.resource_class attribute.
with self._interceptor():
# Before the resource tracker is "initialized", we shouldn't have
# any compute nodes in the RT's cache...
self.assertEqual(0, len(self.rt.compute_nodes))
# There should not be any records in the placement API since we
# haven't yet run update_available_resource() in the RT.
for cn in self.COMPUTE_NODE_FIXTURES.values():
self.assertEqual(404, self.placement_get_inventory(cn.uuid))
for inst in self.INSTANCE_FIXTURES.keys():
self.assertEqual({}, self.placement_get_allocations(inst))
# Nor should there be any custom resource classes in the placement
# API, since we haven't had an Ironic node's resource class set yet
self.assertEqual(0, len(self.placement_get_custom_rcs()))
# Now "initialize" the resource tracker as if the compute host is a
# Ocata host, with Ironic virt driver, but the admin has not yet
# added a resource_class attribute to the Ironic baremetal nodes in
# her system.
# NOTE(jaypipes): This is what nova.compute.manager.ComputeManager
# does when "initializing" the service...
for cn in self.COMPUTE_NODE_FIXTURES.values():
nodename = cn.hypervisor_hostname
self.driver_mock.get_available_resource.return_value = {
'hypervisor_hostname': nodename,
'hypervisor_type': 'ironic',
'hypervisor_version': 0,
'vcpus': cn.vcpus,
'vcpus_used': cn.vcpus_used,
'memory_mb': cn.memory_mb,
'memory_mb_used': cn.memory_mb_used,
'local_gb': cn.local_gb,
'local_gb_used': cn.local_gb_used,
'numa_topology': None,
'resource_class': None, # Act like admin hasn't set yet...
self.driver_mock.get_inventory.return_value = {
'total': cn.vcpus,
'reserved': 0,
'min_unit': 1,
'max_unit': cn.vcpus,
'step_size': 1,
'allocation_ratio': 1.0,
'total': cn.memory_mb,
'reserved': 0,
'min_unit': 1,
'max_unit': cn.memory_mb,
'step_size': 1,
'allocation_ratio': 1.0,
'total': cn.local_gb,
'reserved': 0,
'min_unit': 1,
'max_unit': cn.local_gb,
'step_size': 1,
'allocation_ratio': 1.0,
self.rt.update_available_resource(self.ctx, nodename)
self.assertEqual(3, len(self.rt.compute_nodes))
# A canary just to make sure the assertion below about the custom
# resource class being added wasn't already added somehow...
crcs = self.placement_get_custom_rcs()
self.assertNotIn('CUSTOM_SMALL_IRON', crcs)
# Verify that the placement API has the "old-style" resources in
# inventory and allocations
for cn in self.COMPUTE_NODE_FIXTURES.values():
inv = self.placement_get_inventory(cn.uuid)
self.assertEqual(3, len(inv))
# Now "spawn" an instance to the first compute node by calling the
# RT's instance_claim().
cn1_obj = self.COMPUTE_NODE_FIXTURES[uuids.cn1]
cn1_nodename = cn1_obj.hypervisor_hostname
inst = self.instances[uuids.instance1]
# Since we're pike, the scheduler would have created our
# allocation for us. So, we can use our old update routine
# here to mimic that before we go do the compute RT claim,
# and then the checks below.
with self.rt.instance_claim(self.ctx, inst, cn1_nodename):
allocs = self.placement_get_allocations(inst.uuid)
self.assertEqual(1, len(allocs))
self.assertIn(uuids.cn1, allocs)
resources = allocs[uuids.cn1]['resources']
self.assertEqual(3, len(resources))
for rc in (VCPU, MEMORY_MB, DISK_GB):
self.assertIn(rc, resources)
# Now we emulate the operator setting ONE of the Ironic node's
# resource class attribute to the value of a custom resource class
# and re-run update_available_resource(). We will expect to see the
# inventory and allocations reset for the first compute node that
# had an instance on it. The new inventory and allocation records
# will be for VCPU, MEMORY_MB, DISK_GB, and also a new record for
# the custom resource class of the Ironic node.
self.driver_mock.get_available_resource.return_value = {
'hypervisor_hostname': cn1_obj.hypervisor_hostname,
'hypervisor_type': 'ironic',
'hypervisor_version': 0,
'vcpus': cn1_obj.vcpus,
'vcpus_used': cn1_obj.vcpus_used,
'memory_mb': cn1_obj.memory_mb,
'memory_mb_used': cn1_obj.memory_mb_used,
'local_gb': cn1_obj.local_gb,
'local_gb_used': cn1_obj.local_gb_used,
'numa_topology': None,
'resource_class': 'small-iron',
self.driver_mock.get_inventory.return_value = {
'total': cn1_obj.vcpus,
'reserved': 0,
'min_unit': 1,
'max_unit': cn1_obj.vcpus,
'step_size': 1,
'allocation_ratio': 1.0,
'total': cn1_obj.memory_mb,
'reserved': 0,
'min_unit': 1,
'max_unit': cn1_obj.memory_mb,
'step_size': 1,
'allocation_ratio': 1.0,
'total': cn1_obj.local_gb,
'reserved': 0,
'min_unit': 1,
'max_unit': cn1_obj.local_gb,
'step_size': 1,
'allocation_ratio': 1.0,
'total': 1,
'reserved': 0,
'min_unit': 1,
'max_unit': 1,
'step_size': 1,
'allocation_ratio': 1.0,
self.rt.update_available_resource(self.ctx, cn1_nodename)
# Verify the auto-creation of the custom resource class, normalized
# to what the placement API expects
self.assertIn('CUSTOM_SMALL_IRON', self.placement_get_custom_rcs())
allocs = self.placement_get_allocations(inst.uuid)
self.assertEqual(1, len(allocs))
self.assertIn(uuids.cn1, allocs)
resources = allocs[uuids.cn1]['resources']
self.assertEqual(3, len(resources))
for rc in (VCPU, MEMORY_MB, DISK_GB):
self.assertIn(rc, resources)
# TODO(jaypipes): Check allocations include the CUSTOM_SMALL_IRON
# resource class. At the moment, we do not add an allocation record
# for the Ironic custom resource class. Once the flavor is updated
# to store a resources:$CUSTOM_RESOURCE_CLASS=1 extra_spec key and
# the scheduler is constructing the request_spec to actually
# request a single amount of that custom resource class, we will
# modify the allocation/claim to consume only the custom resource
# class and not the VCPU, MEMORY_MB and DISK_GB.
@mock.patch('', new=mock.Mock())

View File

@ -3104,40 +3104,6 @@ class TestUpdateUsageFromInstance(BaseTestCase):
self.assertEqual(-1024, cn.free_ram_mb)
self.assertEqual(-1, cn.free_disk_gb)
def test_update_usage_from_instances_refreshes_ironic(self):
self.rt.driver.requires_allocation_refresh = True
@mock.patch.object(self.rt, '_update_usage_from_instance')
def test(version_mock, uufi, rdia):
self.rt._update_usage_from_instances('ctxt', [self.instance],
uufi.assert_called_once_with('ctxt', self.instance, _NODENAME,
def test_update_usage_from_instances_no_refresh(self):
self.rt.driver.requires_allocation_refresh = False
@mock.patch.object(self.rt, '_update_usage_from_instance')
def test(version_mock, uufi, rdia):
self.rt._update_usage_from_instances('ctxt', [self.instance],
uufi.assert_called_once_with('ctxt', self.instance, _NODENAME,
def test_delete_allocation_for_evacuated_instance(
self, mock_resource_from_flavor):

View File

@ -144,8 +144,6 @@ class IronicDriverTestCase(test.NoDBTestCase):
'Driver capabilities for '
'\'supports_migrate_to_same_host\' is invalid')
'Driver requires allocation refresh')
def test__get_hypervisor_type(self):
self.assertEqual('ironic', self.driver._get_hypervisor_type())

View File

@ -944,8 +944,6 @@ class LibvirtConnTestCase(test.NoDBTestCase,
'Driver capabilities for '
'\'supports_extend_volume\' '
'is invalid')
'Driver does not need allocation refresh')
'Driver capabilities for '
'\'supports_trusted_certs\' '

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@ -134,8 +134,6 @@ class ComputeDriver(object):
"supports_trusted_certs": False,
requires_allocation_refresh = False
# Indicates if this driver will rebalance nodes among compute service
# hosts. This is really here for ironic and should not be used by any
# other driver.

View File

@ -142,12 +142,6 @@ class IronicDriver(virt_driver.ComputeDriver):
"supports_trusted_certs": False,
# Needed for exiting instances to have allocations for custom resource
# class resources
# TODO(johngarbutt) we should remove this once the resource class
# migration has been completed.
requires_allocation_refresh = True
# This driver is capable of rebalancing nodes between computes.
rebalances_nodes = True