
68 lines
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# Live migration dedicated ci job will be responsible for testing different
# environments based on underlying storage, used for ephemerals.
# This hook allows to inject logic of environment reconfiguration in ci job.
# Base scenario for this would be:
# 1. test with all local storage (use default for volumes)
# 2. test with NFS for root + ephemeral disks
# 3. test with Ceph for root + ephemeral disks
# 4. test with Ceph for volumes and root + ephemeral disk
set -xe
cd $BASE/new/tempest
source $BASE/new/devstack/functions
source $BASE/new/devstack/functions-common
source $BASE/new/devstack/lib/nova
source $WORKSPACE/devstack-gate/
source $BASE/new/nova/nova/tests/live_migration/hooks/
source $BASE/new/nova/nova/tests/live_migration/hooks/
source $BASE/new/nova/nova/tests/live_migration/hooks/
primary_node=$(cat /etc/nodepool/primary_node_private)
SUBNODES=$(cat /etc/nodepool/sub_nodes_private)
echo '1. test with all local storage (use default for volumes)'
echo 'NOTE: test_volume_backed_live_migration is skipped due to'
run_tempest "block migration test" "^.*test_live_migration(?!.*(test_volume_backed_live_migration))"
#all tests bellow this line use shared storage, need to update tempest.conf
echo 'disabling block_migration in tempest'
$ANSIBLE primary --sudo -f 5 -i "$WORKSPACE/inventory" -m ini_file -a "dest=$BASE/new/tempest/etc/tempest.conf section=compute-feature-enabled option=block_migration_for_live_migration value=False"
echo '2. NFS testing is skipped due to setup failures with Ubuntu 16.04'
#echo '2. test with NFS for root + ephemeral disks'
#run_tempest "NFS shared storage test" "live_migration"
# NOTE(mriedem): devstack in Pike defaults to using systemd but the old side
# for grenade is using screen and that follows through to the new side. Since
# the restart scripts are hard-coded to assume systemd in this job, they will
# fail if the services weren't started under systemd. So we have to skip this
# for grenade jobs in Pike until the bug is fixed to handle restarting services
# running under screen or systemd, or until Queens is our master branch.
# The GRENADE_OLD_BRANCH variable is exported from devstack-gate, not in the
# devstack local.conf.
if [[ "$GRENADE_OLD_BRANCH" == "stable/ocata" ]]; then
# TODO(mriedem): Remove this in Queens if we haven't fixed the bug yet.
echo '3. Grenade testing with Ceph is disabled until bug 1691769 is fixed or Queens.'
echo '3. test with Ceph for root + ephemeral disks'
run_tempest "Ceph nova&glance test" "^.*test_live_migration(?!.*(test_volume_backed_live_migration))"
set +e
#echo '4. test with Ceph for volumes and root + ephemeral disk'
#run_tempest "Ceph nova&glance&cinder test" "live_migration"