
897 lines
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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2011 Justin Santa Barbara
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Drivers for san-stored volumes.
The unique thing about a SAN is that we don't expect that we can run the volume
controller on the SAN hardware. We expect to access it over SSH or some API.
import base64
import httplib
import json
import os
import paramiko
import random
import socket
import string
import uuid
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from nova import exception
from nova import flags
from nova import log as logging
from nova.openstack.common import cfg
from nova import utils
import nova.volume.driver
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
san_opts = [
help='Use thin provisioning for SAN volumes?'),
help='IP address of SAN controller'),
help='Username for SAN controller'),
help='Password for SAN controller'),
help='Filename of private key to use for SSH authentication'),
help='Cluster name to use for creating volumes'),
help='SSH port to use with SAN'),
help='Execute commands locally instead of over SSH; '
'use if the volume service is running on the SAN device'),
help='The ZFS path under which to create zvols for volumes.'),
class SanISCSIDriver(nova.volume.driver.ISCSIDriver):
"""Base class for SAN-style storage volumes
A SAN-style storage value is 'different' because the volume controller
probably won't run on it, so we need to access is over SSH or another
remote protocol.
def __init__(self):
super(SanISCSIDriver, self).__init__()
self.run_local = FLAGS.san_is_local
def _build_iscsi_target_name(self, volume):
return "%s%s" % (FLAGS.iscsi_target_prefix, volume['name'])
def _connect_to_ssh(self):
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
#TODO(justinsb): We need a better SSH key policy
if FLAGS.san_password:
elif FLAGS.san_private_key:
privatekeyfile = os.path.expanduser(FLAGS.san_private_key)
# It sucks that paramiko doesn't support DSA keys
privatekey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(privatekeyfile)
raise exception.Error(_("Specify san_password or san_private_key"))
return ssh
def _execute(self, *cmd, **kwargs):
if self.run_local:
return utils.execute(*cmd, **kwargs)
check_exit_code = kwargs.pop('check_exit_code', None)
command = ' '.join(*cmd)
return self._run_ssh(command, check_exit_code)
def _run_ssh(self, command, check_exit_code=True):
#TODO(justinsb): SSH connection caching (?)
ssh = self._connect_to_ssh()
#TODO(justinsb): Reintroduce the retry hack
ret = utils.ssh_execute(ssh, command, check_exit_code=check_exit_code)
return ret
def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
"""Synchronously recreates an export for a logical volume."""
def create_export(self, context, volume):
"""Exports the volume."""
def remove_export(self, context, volume):
"""Removes an export for a logical volume."""
def check_for_setup_error(self):
"""Returns an error if prerequisites aren't met"""
if not self.run_local:
if not (FLAGS.san_password or FLAGS.san_private_key):
raise exception.Error(_('Specify san_password or '
# The san_ip must always be set, because we use it for the target
if not (FLAGS.san_ip):
raise exception.Error(_("san_ip must be set"))
def _collect_lines(data):
"""Split lines from data into an array, trimming them """
matches = []
for line in data.splitlines():
match = line.strip()
return matches
def _get_prefixed_values(data, prefix):
"""Collect lines which start with prefix; with trimming"""
matches = []
for line in data.splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith(prefix):
match = line[len(prefix):]
match = match.strip()
return matches
class SolarisISCSIDriver(SanISCSIDriver):
"""Executes commands relating to Solaris-hosted ISCSI volumes.
Basic setup for a Solaris iSCSI server:
pkg install storage-server SUNWiscsit
svcadm enable stmf
svcadm enable -r svc:/network/iscsi/target:default
pfexec itadm create-tpg e1000g0 ${MYIP}
pfexec itadm create-target -t e1000g0
Then grant the user that will be logging on lots of permissions.
I'm not sure exactly which though:
zfs allow justinsb create,mount,destroy rpool
usermod -P'File System Management' justinsb
usermod -P'Primary Administrator' justinsb
Also make sure you can login using san_login & san_password/san_private_key
def _execute(self, *cmd, **kwargs):
new_cmd = ['pfexec']
return super(SolarisISCSIDriver, self)._execute(self,
def _view_exists(self, luid):
(out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm',
'list-view', '-l', luid,
if "no views found" in out:
return False
if "View Entry:" in out:
return True
raise exception.Error("Cannot parse list-view output: %s" % (out))
def _get_target_groups(self):
"""Gets list of target groups from host."""
(out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'list-tg')
matches = _get_prefixed_values(out, 'Target group: ')
LOG.debug("target_groups=%s" % matches)
return matches
def _target_group_exists(self, target_group_name):
return target_group_name not in self._get_target_groups()
def _get_target_group_members(self, target_group_name):
(out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm',
'list-tg', '-v', target_group_name)
matches = _get_prefixed_values(out, 'Member: ')
LOG.debug("members of %s=%s" % (target_group_name, matches))
return matches
def _is_target_group_member(self, target_group_name, iscsi_target_name):
return iscsi_target_name in (
def _get_iscsi_targets(self):
(out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/itadm', 'list-target')
matches = _collect_lines(out)
# Skip header
if len(matches) != 0:
assert 'TARGET NAME' in matches[0]
matches = matches[1:]
targets = []
for line in matches:
items = line.split()
assert len(items) == 3
LOG.debug("_get_iscsi_targets=%s" % (targets))
return targets
def _iscsi_target_exists(self, iscsi_target_name):
return iscsi_target_name in self._get_iscsi_targets()
def _build_zfs_poolname(self, volume):
zfs_poolname = '%s%s' % (FLAGS.san_zfs_volume_base, volume['name'])
return zfs_poolname
def create_volume(self, volume):
"""Creates a volume."""
if int(volume['size']) == 0:
sizestr = '100M'
sizestr = '%sG' % volume['size']
zfs_poolname = self._build_zfs_poolname(volume)
# Create a zfs volume
cmd = ['/usr/sbin/zfs', 'create']
if FLAGS.san_thin_provision:
cmd.extend(['-V', sizestr])
def _get_luid(self, volume):
zfs_poolname = self._build_zfs_poolname(volume)
zvol_name = '/dev/zvol/rdsk/%s' % zfs_poolname
(out, _err) = self._execute('/usr/sbin/sbdadm', 'list-lu')
lines = _collect_lines(out)
# Strip headers
if len(lines) >= 1:
if lines[0] == '':
lines = lines[1:]
if len(lines) >= 4:
assert 'Found' in lines[0]
assert '' == lines[1]
assert 'GUID' in lines[2]
assert '------------------' in lines[3]
lines = lines[4:]
for line in lines:
items = line.split()
assert len(items) == 3
if items[2] == zvol_name:
luid = items[0].strip()
return luid
raise Exception(_('LUID not found for %(zfs_poolname)s. '
'Output=%(out)s') % locals())
def _is_lu_created(self, volume):
luid = self._get_luid(volume)
return luid
def delete_volume(self, volume):
"""Deletes a volume."""
zfs_poolname = self._build_zfs_poolname(volume)
self._execute('/usr/sbin/zfs', 'destroy', zfs_poolname)
def local_path(self, volume):
# TODO(justinsb): Is this needed here?
escaped_group = FLAGS.volume_group.replace('-', '--')
escaped_name = volume['name'].replace('-', '--')
return "/dev/mapper/%s-%s" % (escaped_group, escaped_name)
def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
"""Synchronously recreates an export for a logical volume."""
#TODO(justinsb): On bootup, this is called for every volume.
# It then runs ~5 SSH commands for each volume,
# most of which fetch the same info each time
# This makes initial start stupid-slow
return self._do_export(volume, force_create=False)
def create_export(self, context, volume):
return self._do_export(volume, force_create=True)
def _do_export(self, volume, force_create):
# Create a Logical Unit (LU) backed by the zfs volume
zfs_poolname = self._build_zfs_poolname(volume)
if force_create or not self._is_lu_created(volume):
zvol_name = '/dev/zvol/rdsk/%s' % zfs_poolname
self._execute('/usr/sbin/sbdadm', 'create-lu', zvol_name)
luid = self._get_luid(volume)
iscsi_name = self._build_iscsi_target_name(volume)
target_group_name = 'tg-%s' % volume['name']
# Create a iSCSI target, mapped to just this volume
if force_create or not self._target_group_exists(target_group_name):
self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'create-tg', target_group_name)
# Yes, we add the initiatior before we create it!
# Otherwise, it complains that the target is already active
if force_create or not self._is_target_group_member(target_group_name,
'add-tg-member', '-g', target_group_name, iscsi_name)
if force_create or not self._iscsi_target_exists(iscsi_name):
self._execute('/usr/sbin/itadm', 'create-target', '-n', iscsi_name)
if force_create or not self._view_exists(luid):
'add-view', '-t', target_group_name, luid)
#TODO(justinsb): Is this always 1? Does it matter?
iscsi_portal_interface = '1'
iscsi_portal = FLAGS.san_ip + ":3260," + iscsi_portal_interface
db_update = {}
db_update['provider_location'] = ("%s %s" %
return db_update
def remove_export(self, context, volume):
"""Removes an export for a logical volume."""
# This is the reverse of _do_export
luid = self._get_luid(volume)
iscsi_name = self._build_iscsi_target_name(volume)
target_group_name = 'tg-%s' % volume['name']
if self._view_exists(luid):
self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'remove-view', '-l', luid, '-a')
if self._iscsi_target_exists(iscsi_name):
self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'offline-target', iscsi_name)
self._execute('/usr/sbin/itadm', 'delete-target', iscsi_name)
# We don't delete the tg-member; we delete the whole tg!
if self._target_group_exists(target_group_name):
self._execute('/usr/sbin/stmfadm', 'delete-tg', target_group_name)
if self._is_lu_created(volume):
self._execute('/usr/sbin/sbdadm', 'delete-lu', luid)
class HpSanISCSIDriver(SanISCSIDriver):
"""Executes commands relating to HP/Lefthand SAN ISCSI volumes.
We use the CLIQ interface, over SSH.
Rough overview of CLIQ commands used:
:createVolume: (creates the volume)
:getVolumeInfo: (to discover the IQN etc)
:getClusterInfo: (to discover the iSCSI target IP address)
:assignVolumeChap: (exports it with CHAP security)
The 'trick' here is that the HP SAN enforces security by default, so
normally a volume mount would need both to configure the SAN in the volume
layer and do the mount on the compute layer. Multi-layer operations are
not catered for at the moment in the nova architecture, so instead we
share the volume using CHAP at volume creation time. Then the mount need
only use those CHAP credentials, so can take place exclusively in the
compute layer.
def _cliq_run(self, verb, cliq_args):
"""Runs a CLIQ command over SSH, without doing any result parsing"""
cliq_arg_strings = []
for k, v in cliq_args.items():
cliq_arg_strings.append(" %s=%s" % (k, v))
cmd = verb + ''.join(cliq_arg_strings)
return self._run_ssh(cmd)
def _cliq_run_xml(self, verb, cliq_args, check_cliq_result=True):
"""Runs a CLIQ command over SSH, parsing and checking the output"""
cliq_args['output'] = 'XML'
(out, _err) = self._cliq_run(verb, cliq_args)
LOG.debug(_("CLIQ command returned %s"), out)
result_xml = ElementTree.fromstring(out)
if check_cliq_result:
response_node = result_xml.find("response")
if response_node is None:
msg = (_("Malformed response to CLIQ command "
"%(verb)s %(cliq_args)s. Result=%(out)s") %
raise exception.Error(msg)
result_code = response_node.attrib.get("result")
if result_code != "0":
msg = (_("Error running CLIQ command %(verb)s %(cliq_args)s. "
" Result=%(out)s") %
raise exception.Error(msg)
return result_xml
def _cliq_get_cluster_info(self, cluster_name):
"""Queries for info about the cluster (including IP)"""
cliq_args = {}
cliq_args['clusterName'] = cluster_name
cliq_args['searchDepth'] = '1'
cliq_args['verbose'] = '0'
result_xml = self._cliq_run_xml("getClusterInfo", cliq_args)
return result_xml
def _cliq_get_cluster_vip(self, cluster_name):
"""Gets the IP on which a cluster shares iSCSI volumes"""
cluster_xml = self._cliq_get_cluster_info(cluster_name)
vips = []
for vip in cluster_xml.findall("response/cluster/vip"):
if len(vips) == 1:
return vips[0]
_xml = ElementTree.tostring(cluster_xml)
msg = (_("Unexpected number of virtual ips for cluster "
" %(cluster_name)s. Result=%(_xml)s") %
raise exception.Error(msg)
def _cliq_get_volume_info(self, volume_name):
"""Gets the volume info, including IQN"""
cliq_args = {}
cliq_args['volumeName'] = volume_name
result_xml = self._cliq_run_xml("getVolumeInfo", cliq_args)
# Result looks like this:
#<gauche version="1.0">
# <response description="Operation succeeded." name="CliqSuccess"
# processingTime="87" result="0">
# <volume autogrowPages="4" availability="online" blockSize="1024"
# bytesWritten="0" checkSum="false" clusterName="Cluster01"
# created="2011-02-08T19:56:53Z" deleting="false" description=""
# groupName="Group01" initialQuota="536870912" isPrimary="true"
# iscsiIqn=""
# maxSize="6865387257856" md5="9fa5c8b2cca54b2948a63d833097e1ca"
# minReplication="1" name="vol-b" parity="0" replication="2"
# reserveQuota="536870912" scratchQuota="4194304"
# serialNumber="9fa5c8b2cca54b2948a63d833097e1ca0000000000006316"
# size="1073741824" stridePages="32" thinProvision="true">
# <status description="OK" value="2"/>
# <permission access="rw"
# authGroup="api-34281B815713B78-(trimmed)51ADD4B7030853AA7"
# chapName="chapusername" chapRequired="true" id="25369"
# initiatorSecret="" iqn="" iscsiEnabled="true"
# loadBalance="true" targetSecret="supersecret"/>
# </volume>
# </response>
# Flatten the nodes into a dictionary; use prefixes to avoid collisions
volume_attributes = {}
volume_node = result_xml.find("response/volume")
for k, v in volume_node.attrib.items():
volume_attributes["volume." + k] = v
status_node = volume_node.find("status")
if not status_node is None:
for k, v in status_node.attrib.items():
volume_attributes["status." + k] = v
# We only consider the first permission node
permission_node = volume_node.find("permission")
if not permission_node is None:
for k, v in status_node.attrib.items():
volume_attributes["permission." + k] = v
LOG.debug(_("Volume info: %(volume_name)s => %(volume_attributes)s") %
return volume_attributes
def create_volume(self, volume):
"""Creates a volume."""
cliq_args = {}
cliq_args['clusterName'] = FLAGS.san_clustername
#TODO(justinsb): Should we default to inheriting thinProvision?
cliq_args['thinProvision'] = '1' if FLAGS.san_thin_provision else '0'
cliq_args['volumeName'] = volume['name']
if int(volume['size']) == 0:
cliq_args['size'] = '100MB'
cliq_args['size'] = '%sGB' % volume['size']
self._cliq_run_xml("createVolume", cliq_args)
volume_info = self._cliq_get_volume_info(volume['name'])
cluster_name = volume_info['volume.clusterName']
iscsi_iqn = volume_info['volume.iscsiIqn']
#TODO(justinsb): Is this always 1? Does it matter?
cluster_interface = '1'
cluster_vip = self._cliq_get_cluster_vip(cluster_name)
iscsi_portal = cluster_vip + ":3260," + cluster_interface
model_update = {}
model_update['provider_location'] = ("%s %s" %
return model_update
def delete_volume(self, volume):
"""Deletes a volume."""
cliq_args = {}
cliq_args['volumeName'] = volume['name']
cliq_args['prompt'] = 'false' # Don't confirm
self._cliq_run_xml("deleteVolume", cliq_args)
def local_path(self, volume):
# TODO(justinsb): Is this needed here?
raise exception.Error(_("local_path not supported"))
def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
"""Synchronously recreates an export for a logical volume."""
return self._do_export(context, volume, force_create=False)
def create_export(self, context, volume):
return self._do_export(context, volume, force_create=True)
def _do_export(self, context, volume, force_create):
"""Supports ensure_export and create_export"""
volume_info = self._cliq_get_volume_info(volume['name'])
is_shared = 'permission.authGroup' in volume_info
model_update = {}
should_export = False
if force_create or not is_shared:
should_export = True
# Check that we have a project_id
project_id = volume['project_id']
if not project_id:
project_id = context.project_id
if project_id:
#TODO(justinsb): Use a real per-project password here
chap_username = 'proj_' + project_id
# HP/Lefthand requires that the password be >= 12 characters
chap_password = 'project_secret_' + project_id
msg = (_("Could not determine project for volume %s, "
"can't export") %
if force_create:
raise exception.Error(msg)
should_export = False
if should_export:
cliq_args = {}
cliq_args['volumeName'] = volume['name']
cliq_args['chapName'] = chap_username
cliq_args['targetSecret'] = chap_password
self._cliq_run_xml("assignVolumeChap", cliq_args)
model_update['provider_auth'] = ("CHAP %s %s" %
(chap_username, chap_password))
return model_update
def remove_export(self, context, volume):
"""Removes an export for a logical volume."""
cliq_args = {}
cliq_args['volumeName'] = volume['name']
self._cliq_run_xml("unassignVolume", cliq_args)
class SolidFireSanISCSIDriver(SanISCSIDriver):
def _issue_api_request(self, method_name, params):
"""All API requests to SolidFire device go through this method
Simple json-rpc web based API calls.
each call takes a set of paramaters (dict)
and returns results in a dict as well.
host = FLAGS.san_ip
# For now 443 is the only port our server accepts requests on
port = 443
# NOTE(john-griffith): Probably don't need this, but the idea is
# we provide a request_id so we can correlate
# responses with requests
request_id = int(uuid.uuid4()) # just generate a random number
cluster_admin = FLAGS.san_login
cluster_password = FLAGS.san_password
command = {'method': method_name,
'id': request_id}
if params is not None:
command['params'] = params
payload = json.dumps(command, ensure_ascii=False)
# we use json-rpc, webserver needs to see json-rpc in header
header = {'Content-Type': 'application/json-rpc; charset=utf-8'}
if cluster_password is not None:
# base64.encodestring includes a newline character
# in the result, make sure we strip it off
auth_key = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (cluster_admin,
header['Authorization'] = 'Basic %s' % auth_key
LOG.debug(_("Payload for SolidFire API call: %s") % payload)
connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host, port)
connection.request('POST', '/json-rpc/1.0', payload, header)
response = connection.getresponse()
data = {}
if response.status != 200:
raise exception.SolidFireAPIException(status=response.status)
data =
data = json.loads(data)
except (TypeError, ValueError), exc:
msg = _("Call to json.loads() raised an exception: %s") % exc
raise exception.SfJsonEncodeFailure(msg)
LOG.debug(_("Results of SolidFire API call: %s") % data)
return data
def _get_volumes_by_sfaccount(self, account_id):
params = {'accountID': account_id}
data = self._issue_api_request('ListVolumesForAccount', params)
if 'result' in data:
return data['result']['volumes']
def _get_sfaccount_by_name(self, sf_account_name):
sfaccount = None
params = {'username': sf_account_name}
data = self._issue_api_request('GetAccountByName', params)
if 'result' in data and 'account' in data['result']:
LOG.debug(_('Found solidfire account: %s') % sf_account_name)
sfaccount = data['result']['account']
return sfaccount
def _create_sfaccount(self, nova_project_id):
"""Create account on SolidFire device if it doesn't already exist.
We're first going to check if the account already exits, if it does
just return it. If not, then create it.
sf_account_name = socket.gethostname() + '-' + nova_project_id
sfaccount = self._get_sfaccount_by_name(sf_account_name)
if sfaccount is None:
LOG.debug(_('solidfire account: %s does not exist, create it...')
% sf_account_name)
chap_secret = self._generate_random_string(12)
params = {'username': sf_account_name,
'initiatorSecret': chap_secret,
'targetSecret': chap_secret,
'attributes': {}}
data = self._issue_api_request('AddAccount', params)
if 'result' in data:
sfaccount = self._get_sfaccount_by_name(sf_account_name)
return sfaccount
def _get_cluster_info(self):
params = {}
data = self._issue_api_request('GetClusterInfo', params)
if 'result' not in data:
raise exception.SolidFireAPIDataException(data=data)
return data['result']
def _do_export(self, volume):
"""Gets the associated account, retrieves CHAP info and updates."""
sfaccount_name = '%s-%s' % (socket.gethostname(), volume['project_id'])
sfaccount = self._get_sfaccount_by_name(sfaccount_name)
model_update = {}
model_update['provider_auth'] = ('CHAP %s %s'
% (sfaccount['username'], sfaccount['targetSecret']))
return model_update
def _generate_random_string(self, length):
"""Generates random_string to use for CHAP password."""
char_set = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits
return ''.join(random.sample(char_set, length))
def create_volume(self, volume):
"""Create volume on SolidFire device.
The account is where CHAP settings are derived from, volume is
created and exported. Note that the new volume is immediately ready
for use.
One caveat here is that an existing user account must be specified
in the API call to create a new volume. We use a set algorithm to
determine account info based on passed in nova volume object. First
we check to see if the account already exists (and use it), or if it
does not already exist, we'll go ahead and create it.
For now, we're just using very basic settings, QOS is
turned off, 512 byte emulation is off etc. Will be
looking at extensions for these things later, or
this module can be hacked to suit needs.
LOG.debug(_("Enter SolidFire create_volume..."))
GB = 1048576 * 1024
slice_count = 1
enable_emulation = False
attributes = {}
cluster_info = self._get_cluster_info()
iscsi_portal = cluster_info['clusterInfo']['svip'] + ':3260'
sfaccount = self._create_sfaccount(volume['project_id'])
account_id = sfaccount['accountID']
account_name = sfaccount['username']
chap_secret = sfaccount['targetSecret']
params = {'name': volume['name'],
'accountID': account_id,
'sliceCount': slice_count,
'totalSize': volume['size'] * GB,
'enable512e': enable_emulation,
'attributes': attributes}
data = self._issue_api_request('CreateVolume', params)
if 'result' not in data or 'volumeID' not in data['result']:
raise exception.SolidFireAPIDataException(data=data)
volume_id = data['result']['volumeID']
volume_list = self._get_volumes_by_sfaccount(account_id)
iqn = None
for v in volume_list:
if v['volumeID'] == volume_id:
iqn = '' + v['iqn']
model_update = {}
# NOTE(john-griffith): SF volumes are always at lun 0
model_update['provider_location'] = ('%s %s %s'
% (iscsi_portal, iqn, 0))
model_update['provider_auth'] = ('CHAP %s %s'
% (account_name, chap_secret))
LOG.debug(_("Leaving SolidFire create_volume"))
return model_update
def delete_volume(self, volume):
"""Delete SolidFire Volume from device.
SolidFire allows multipe volumes with same name,
volumeID is what's guaranteed unique.
What we'll do here is check volumes based on account. this
should work because nova will increment its volume_id
so we should always get the correct volume. This assumes
that nova does not assign duplicate ID's.
LOG.debug(_("Enter SolidFire delete_volume..."))
sf_account_name = socket.gethostname() + '-' + volume['project_id']
sfaccount = self._get_sfaccount_by_name(sf_account_name)
if sfaccount is None:
raise exception.SfAccountNotFound(account_name=sf_account_name)
params = {'accountID': sfaccount['accountID']}
data = self._issue_api_request('ListVolumesForAccount', params)
if 'result' not in data:
raise exception.SolidFireAPIDataException(data=data)
found_count = 0
volid = -1
for v in data['result']['volumes']:
if v['name'] == volume['name']:
found_count += 1
volid = v['volumeID']
if found_count != 1:
LOG.debug(_("Deleting volumeID: %s ") % volid)
raise exception.DuplicateSfVolumeNames(vol_name=volume['name'])
params = {'volumeID': volid}
data = self._issue_api_request('DeleteVolume', params)
if 'result' not in data:
raise exception.SolidFireAPIDataException(data=data)
LOG.debug(_("Leaving SolidFire delete_volume"))
def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
LOG.debug(_("Executing SolidFire ensure_export..."))
return self._do_export(volume)
def create_export(self, context, volume):
LOG.debug(_("Executing SolidFire create_export..."))
return self._do_export(volume)