
112 lines
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# Copyright 2011 Eldar Nugaev
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import mock
from nova.api.openstack import compute
from nova.compute import api as compute_api
from nova import exception
from nova.openstack.common import jsonutils
from nova import test
from nova.tests.api.openstack import fakes
UUID = 'abc'
def fake_get_instance_diagnostics(self, _context, instance_uuid):
return {'state': 'running',
'driver': 'fake',
'uptime': 7,
'cpu_details': [{'time': 1024}],
'nic_details': [{'rx_octets': 0,
'rx_errors': 0,
'rx_drop': 0,
'rx_packets': 0,
'tx_octets': 0,
'tx_errors': 0,
'tx_drop': 0,
'tx_packets': 0}],
'disk_details': [{'read_bytes': 0,
'read_requests': 0,
'write_bytes': 0,
'write_requests': 0,
'errors': 0}],
'memory_details': {'maximum': 512, 'used': 256},
'version': '1.0'}
def fake_instance_get(self, _context, instance_uuid, want_objects=False):
if instance_uuid != UUID:
raise Exception("Invalid UUID")
return {'uuid': instance_uuid}
class ServerDiagnosticsTest(test.NoDBTestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(ServerDiagnosticsTest, self).setUp()
self.router = compute.APIRouterV3(init_only=('servers',
@mock.patch.object(compute_api.API, 'get_instance_diagnostics',
@mock.patch.object(compute_api.API, 'get', fake_instance_get)
def test_get_diagnostics(self):
req = fakes.HTTPRequestV3.blank(
'/servers/%s/os-server-diagnostics' % UUID)
res = req.get_response(self.router)
output = jsonutils.loads(res.body)
expected = {'state': 'running',
'driver': 'fake',
'uptime': 7,
'cpu_details': [{'time': 1024}],
'nic_details': [{'rx_octets': 0,
'rx_errors': 0,
'rx_drop': 0,
'rx_packets': 0,
'tx_octets': 0,
'tx_errors': 0,
'tx_drop': 0,
'tx_packets': 0}],
'disk_details': [{'read_bytes': 0,
'read_requests': 0,
'write_bytes': 0,
'write_requests': 0,
'errors': 0}],
'memory_details': {'maximum': 512, 'used': 256},
'version': '1.0'}
self.assertEqual(expected, output)
@mock.patch.object(compute_api.API, 'get_instance_diagnostics',
@mock.patch.object(compute_api.API, 'get',
def test_get_diagnostics_with_non_existed_instance(self, mock_get):
req = fakes.HTTPRequestV3.blank(
'/servers/%s/os-server-diagnostics' % UUID)
res = req.get_response(self.router)
self.assertEqual(res.status_int, 404)
@mock.patch.object(compute_api.API, 'get_instance_diagnostics',
side_effect=exception.InstanceInvalidState('fake message'))
@mock.patch.object(compute_api.API, 'get', fake_instance_get)
def test_get_diagnostics_raise_conflict_on_invalid_state(self,
req = fakes.HTTPRequestV3.blank(
'/servers/%s/os-server-diagnostics' % UUID)
res = req.get_response(self.router)
self.assertEqual(409, res.status_int)