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# Copyright 2011 OpenStack LLC.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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# under the License.
Tests For Abstract Scheduler.
import json
import nova.db
from nova import exception
from nova import rpc
from nova import test
from nova.compute import api as compute_api
from nova.scheduler import driver
from nova.scheduler import abstract_scheduler
from nova.scheduler import zone_manager
def _host_caps(multiplier):
# Returns host capabilities in the following way:
# host1 = memory:free 10 (100max)
# disk:available 100 (1000max)
# hostN = memory:free 10 + 10N
# disk:available 100 + 100N
# in other words: hostN has more resources than host0
# which means ... don't go above 10 hosts.
return {'host_name-description': 'XenServer %s' % multiplier,
'host_hostname': 'xs-%s' % multiplier,
'host_memory_total': 100,
'host_memory_overhead': 10,
'host_memory_free': 10 + multiplier * 10,
'host_memory_free-computed': 10 + multiplier * 10,
'host_other-config': {},
'host_ip_address': '192.168.1.%d' % (100 + multiplier),
'host_cpu_info': {},
'disk_available': 100 + multiplier * 100,
'disk_total': 1000,
'disk_used': 0,
'host_uuid': 'xxx-%d' % multiplier,
'host_name-label': 'xs-%s' % multiplier}
def fake_zone_manager_service_states(num_hosts):
states = {}
for x in xrange(num_hosts):
states['host%02d' % (x + 1)] = {'compute': _host_caps(x)}
return states
class FakeAbstractScheduler(abstract_scheduler.AbstractScheduler):
# No need to stub anything at the moment
class FakeZoneManager(zone_manager.ZoneManager):
def __init__(self):
self.service_states = {
'host1': {
'compute': {'host_memory_free': 1073741824},
'host2': {
'compute': {'host_memory_free': 2147483648},
'host3': {
'compute': {'host_memory_free': 3221225472},
'host4': {
'compute': {'host_memory_free': 999999999},
class FakeEmptyZoneManager(zone_manager.ZoneManager):
def __init__(self):
self.service_states = {}
def fake_empty_call_zone_method(context, method, specs, zones):
return []
# Hmm, I should probably be using mox for this.
was_called = False
def fake_provision_resource(context, item, instance_id, request_spec, kwargs):
global was_called
was_called = True
def fake_ask_child_zone_to_create_instance(context, zone_info,
request_spec, kwargs):
global was_called
was_called = True
def fake_provision_resource_locally(context, build_plan, request_spec, kwargs):
global was_called
was_called = True
def fake_provision_resource_from_blob(context, item, instance_id,
request_spec, kwargs):
global was_called
was_called = True
def fake_decrypt_blob_returns_local_info(blob):
return {'hostname': 'foooooo'} # values aren't important.
def fake_decrypt_blob_returns_child_info(blob):
return {'child_zone': True,
'child_blob': True} # values aren't important. Keys are.
def fake_call_zone_method(context, method, specs, zones):
return [
(1, [
dict(weight=1, blob='AAAAAAA'),
dict(weight=111, blob='BBBBBBB'),
dict(weight=112, blob='CCCCCCC'),
dict(weight=113, blob='DDDDDDD'),
(2, [
dict(weight=120, blob='EEEEEEE'),
dict(weight=2, blob='FFFFFFF'),
dict(weight=122, blob='GGGGGGG'),
dict(weight=123, blob='HHHHHHH'),
(3, [
dict(weight=130, blob='IIIIIII'),
dict(weight=131, blob='JJJJJJJ'),
dict(weight=132, blob='KKKKKKK'),
dict(weight=3, blob='LLLLLLL'),
def fake_zone_get_all(context):
return [
dict(id=1, api_url='zone1',
username='admin', password='password',
weight_offset=0.0, weight_scale=1.0),
dict(id=2, api_url='zone2',
username='admin', password='password',
weight_offset=1000.0, weight_scale=1.0),
dict(id=3, api_url='zone3',
username='admin', password='password',
weight_offset=0.0, weight_scale=1000.0),
class AbstractSchedulerTestCase(test.TestCase):
"""Test case for Abstract Scheduler."""
def test_abstract_scheduler(self):
Create a nested set of FakeZones, try to build multiple instances
and ensure that a select call returns the appropriate build plan.
sched = FakeAbstractScheduler()
self.stubs.Set(sched, '_call_zone_method', fake_call_zone_method)
self.stubs.Set(nova.db, 'zone_get_all', fake_zone_get_all)
zm = FakeZoneManager()
fake_context = {}
build_plan =,
{'instance_type': {'memory_mb': 512},
'num_instances': 4})
# 4 from local zones, 12 from remotes
self.assertEqual(16, len(build_plan))
hostnames = [plan_item['hostname']
for plan_item in build_plan if 'hostname' in plan_item]
# 4 local hosts
self.assertEqual(4, len(hostnames))
def test_adjust_child_weights(self):
"""Make sure the weights returned by child zones are
properly adjusted based on the scale/offset in the zone
db entries.
sched = FakeAbstractScheduler()
child_results = fake_call_zone_method(None, None, None, None)
zones = fake_zone_get_all(None)
sched._adjust_child_weights(child_results, zones)
scaled = [130000, 131000, 132000, 3000]
for zone, results in child_results:
for item in results:
w = item['weight']
if zone == 'zone1': # No change
self.assertTrue(w < 1000.0)
if zone == 'zone2': # Offset +1000
self.assertTrue(w >= 1000.0 and w < 2000)
if zone == 'zone3': # Scale x1000
self.assertEqual(scaled.pop(0), w)
def test_empty_abstract_scheduler(self):
Ensure empty hosts & child_zones result in NoValidHosts exception.
sched = FakeAbstractScheduler()
self.stubs.Set(sched, '_call_zone_method', fake_empty_call_zone_method)
self.stubs.Set(nova.db, 'zone_get_all', fake_zone_get_all)
zm = FakeEmptyZoneManager()
fake_context = {}
self.assertRaises(driver.NoValidHost, sched.schedule_run_instance,
fake_context, 1,
dict(host_filter=None, instance_type={}))
def test_schedule_do_not_schedule_with_hint(self):
Check the local/child zone routing in the run_instance() call.
If the zone_blob hint was passed in, don't re-schedule.
global was_called
sched = FakeAbstractScheduler()
was_called = False
self.stubs.Set(sched, '_provision_resource', fake_provision_resource)
request_spec = {
'instance_properties': {},
'instance_type': {},
'filter_driver': 'nova.scheduler.host_filter.AllHostsFilter',
'blob': "Non-None blob data",
result = sched.schedule_run_instance(None, 1, request_spec)
self.assertEquals(None, result)
def test_provision_resource_local(self):
"""Provision a resource locally or remotely."""
global was_called
sched = FakeAbstractScheduler()
was_called = False
self.stubs.Set(sched, '_provision_resource_locally',
request_spec = {'hostname': "foo"}
sched._provision_resource(None, request_spec, 1, request_spec, {})
def test_provision_resource_remote(self):
"""Provision a resource locally or remotely."""
global was_called
sched = FakeAbstractScheduler()
was_called = False
self.stubs.Set(sched, '_provision_resource_from_blob',
request_spec = {}
sched._provision_resource(None, request_spec, 1, request_spec, {})
def test_provision_resource_from_blob_empty(self):
"""Provision a resource locally or remotely given no hints."""
global was_called
sched = FakeAbstractScheduler()
request_spec = {}
None, {}, 1, {}, {})
def test_provision_resource_from_blob_with_local_blob(self):
Provision a resource locally or remotely when blob hint passed in.
global was_called
sched = FakeAbstractScheduler()
was_called = False
def fake_create_db_entry_for_new_instance(self, context,
image, base_options, security_group,
block_device_mapping, num=1):
global was_called
was_called = True
# return fake instances
return {'id': 1, 'uuid': 'f874093c-7b17-49c0-89c3-22a5348497f9'}
def fake_rpc_cast(*args, **kwargs):
self.stubs.Set(sched, '_decrypt_blob',
self.stubs.Set(rpc, 'cast', fake_rpc_cast)
build_plan_item = {'blob': "Non-None blob data"}
request_spec = {'image': {}, 'instance_properties': {}}
sched._provision_resource_from_blob(None, build_plan_item, 1,
request_spec, {})
def test_provision_resource_from_blob_with_child_blob(self):
Provision a resource locally or remotely when child blob hint
passed in.
global was_called
sched = FakeAbstractScheduler()
self.stubs.Set(sched, '_decrypt_blob',
was_called = False
self.stubs.Set(sched, '_ask_child_zone_to_create_instance',
request_spec = {'blob': "Non-None blob data"}
sched._provision_resource_from_blob(None, request_spec, 1,
request_spec, {})
def test_provision_resource_from_blob_with_immediate_child_blob(self):
Provision a resource locally or remotely when blob hint passed in
from an immediate child.
global was_called
sched = FakeAbstractScheduler()
was_called = False
self.stubs.Set(sched, '_ask_child_zone_to_create_instance',
request_spec = {'child_blob': True, 'child_zone': True}
sched._provision_resource_from_blob(None, request_spec, 1,
request_spec, {})
def test_decrypt_blob(self):
"""Test that the decrypt method works."""
fixture = FakeAbstractScheduler()
test_data = {"foo": "bar"}
class StubDecryptor(object):
def decryptor(self, key):
return lambda blob: blob
self.stubs.Set(abstract_scheduler, 'crypto',