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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2011 OpenStack LLC.
# Copyright 2011 United States Government as represented by the
# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# XenAPI plugin for reading/writing information to xenstore
import json
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
import os
import random
import re
import subprocess
import tempfile
import time
import XenAPIPlugin
import pluginlib_nova as pluginlib
host_data_pattern = re.compile(r"\s*(\S+) \([^\)]+\) *: ?(.*)")
config_file_path = "/usr/etc/xenhost.conf"
def jsonify(fnc):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return json.dumps(fnc(*args, **kwargs))
return wrapper
class TimeoutError(StandardError):
def _run_command(cmd):
"""Abstracts out the basics of issuing system commands. If the command
returns anything in stderr, a PluginError is raised with that information.
Otherwise, the output from stdout is returned.
pipe = subprocess.PIPE
proc = subprocess.Popen([cmd], shell=True, stdin=pipe, stdout=pipe,
stderr=pipe, close_fds=True)
err =
if err:
raise pluginlib.PluginError(err)
def _get_host_uuid():
cmd = "xe host-list | grep uuid"
resp = _run_command(cmd)
return resp.split(":")[-1].strip()
def set_host_enabled(self, arg_dict):
"""Sets this host's ability to accept new instances.
It will otherwise continue to operate normally.
enabled = arg_dict.get("enabled")
if enabled is None:
raise pluginlib.PluginError(
_("Missing 'enabled' argument to set_host_enabled"))
if enabled == "true":
result = _run_command("xe host-enable")
elif enabled == "false":
result = _run_command("xe host-disable")
raise pluginlib.PluginError(_("Illegal enabled status: %s") % enabled)
# Should be empty string
if result:
raise pluginlib.PluginError(result)
# Return the current enabled status
host_uuid = _get_host_uuid()
cmd = "xe host-param-list uuid=%s | grep enabled" % host_uuid
resp = _run_command(cmd)
# Response should be in the format: "enabled ( RO): true"
host_enabled = resp.strip().split()[-1]
if host_enabled == "true":
status = "enabled"
status = "disabled"
return {"status": status}
def _write_config_dict(dct):
conf_file = file(config_file_path, "w")
json.dump(dct, conf_file)
def _get_config_dict():
"""Returns a dict containing the key/values in the config file.
If the file doesn't exist, it is created, and an empty dict
is returned.
conf_file = file(config_file_path)
config_dct = json.load(conf_file)
except IOError:
# File doesn't exist
config_dct = {}
# Create the file
return config_dct
def get_config(self, arg_dict):
"""Return the value stored for the specified key, or None if no match."""
conf = _get_config_dict()
params = arg_dict["params"]
dct = json.loads(params)
except Exception, e:
dct = params
key = dct["key"]
ret = conf.get(key)
if ret is None:
# Can't jsonify None
return "None"
return ret
def set_config(self, arg_dict):
"""Write the specified key/value pair, overwriting any existing value."""
conf = _get_config_dict()
params = arg_dict["params"]
dct = json.loads(params)
except Exception, e:
dct = params
key = dct["key"]
val = dct["value"]
if val is None:
# Delete the key, if present
conf.pop(key, None)
conf.update({key: val})
def _power_action(action):
host_uuid = _get_host_uuid()
# Host must be disabled first
result = _run_command("xe host-disable")
if result:
raise pluginlib.PluginError(result)
# All running VMs must be shutdown
result = _run_command("xe vm-shutdown --multiple power-state=running")
if result:
raise pluginlib.PluginError(result)
cmds = {"reboot": "xe host-reboot", "startup": "xe host-power-on",
"shutdown": "xe host-shutdown"}
result = _run_command(cmds[action])
# Should be empty string
if result:
raise pluginlib.PluginError(result)
return {"power_action": action}
def host_reboot(self, arg_dict):
"""Reboots the host."""
return _power_action("reboot")
def host_shutdown(self, arg_dict):
"""Reboots the host."""
return _power_action("shutdown")
def host_start(self, arg_dict):
"""Starts the host. Currently not feasible, since the host
runs on the same machine as Xen.
return _power_action("startup")
def host_data(self, arg_dict):
"""Runs the commands on the xenstore host to return the current status
host_uuid = _get_host_uuid()
cmd = "xe host-param-list uuid=%s" % host_uuid
resp = _run_command(cmd)
parsed_data = parse_response(resp)
# We have the raw dict of values. Extract those that we need,
# and convert the data types as needed.
ret_dict = cleanup(parsed_data)
# Add any config settings
config = _get_config_dict()
return ret_dict
def parse_response(resp):
data = {}
for ln in resp.splitlines():
if not ln:
mtch = host_data_pattern.match(ln.strip())
k, v = mtch.groups()
data[k] = v
except AttributeError:
# Not a valid line; skip it
return data
def cleanup(dct):
"""Take the raw KV pairs returned and translate them into the
appropriate types, discarding any we don't need.
def safe_int(val):
"""Integer values will either be string versions of numbers,
or empty strings. Convert the latter to nulls.
return int(val)
except ValueError:
return None
def strip_kv(ln):
return [val.strip() for val in ln.split(":", 1)]
out = {}
# sbs = dct.get("supported-bootloaders", "")
# out["host_supported-bootloaders"] = sbs.split("; ")
# out["host_suspend-image-sr-uuid"] = dct.get("suspend-image-sr-uuid", "")
# out["host_crash-dump-sr-uuid"] = dct.get("crash-dump-sr-uuid", "")
# out["host_local-cache-sr"] = dct.get("local-cache-sr", "")
out["enabled"] = dct.get("enabled", "true") == "true"
out["host_memory"] = omm = {}
omm["total"] = safe_int(dct.get("memory-total", ""))
omm["overhead"] = safe_int(dct.get("memory-overhead", ""))
omm["free"] = safe_int(dct.get("memory-free", ""))
omm["free-computed"] = safe_int(
dct.get("memory-free-computed", ""))
# out["host_API-version"] = avv = {}
# avv["vendor"] = dct.get("API-version-vendor", "")
# avv["major"] = safe_int(dct.get("API-version-major", ""))
# avv["minor"] = safe_int(dct.get("API-version-minor", ""))
out["host_uuid"] = dct.get("uuid", None)
out["host_name-label"] = dct.get("name-label", "")
out["host_name-description"] = dct.get("name-description", "")
# out["host_host-metrics-live"] = dct.get(
# "host-metrics-live", "false") == "true"
out["host_hostname"] = dct.get("hostname", "")
out["host_ip_address"] = dct.get("address", "")
oc = dct.get("other-config", "")
out["host_other-config"] = ocd = {}
if oc:
for oc_fld in oc.split("; "):
ock, ocv = strip_kv(oc_fld)
ocd[ock] = ocv
# out["host_capabilities"] = dct.get("capabilities", "").split("; ")
# out["host_allowed-operations"] = dct.get(
# "allowed-operations", "").split("; ")
# lsrv = dct.get("license-server", "")
# out["host_license-server"] = ols = {}
# if lsrv:
# for lspart in lsrv.split("; "):
# lsk, lsv = lspart.split(": ")
# if lsk == "port":
# ols[lsk] = safe_int(lsv)
# else:
# ols[lsk] = lsv
# sv = dct.get("software-version", "")
# out["host_software-version"] = osv = {}
# if sv:
# for svln in sv.split("; "):
# svk, svv = strip_kv(svln)
# osv[svk] = svv
cpuinf = dct.get("cpu_info", "")
out["host_cpu_info"] = ocp = {}
if cpuinf:
for cpln in cpuinf.split("; "):
cpk, cpv = strip_kv(cpln)
if cpk in ("cpu_count", "family", "model", "stepping"):
ocp[cpk] = safe_int(cpv)
ocp[cpk] = cpv
# out["host_edition"] = dct.get("edition", "")
# out["host_external-auth-service-name"] = dct.get(
# "external-auth-service-name", "")
return out
if __name__ == "__main__":
{"host_data": host_data,
"set_host_enabled": set_host_enabled,
"host_shutdown": host_shutdown,
"host_reboot": host_reboot,
"host_start": host_start,
"get_config": get_config,
"set_config": set_config})