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# Copyright 2015, 2017 IBM Corp.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_log import log as logging
from pypowervm import exceptions as pvm_exc
from taskflow import task
from taskflow.types import failure as task_fail
from nova.virt.powervm import media
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class CreateDiskForImg(task.Task):
"""The Task to create the disk from an image in the storage."""
def __init__(self, disk_dvr, context, instance, image_meta):
"""Create the Task.
Provides the 'disk_dev_info' for other tasks. Comes from the disk_dvr
create_disk_from_image method.
:param disk_dvr: The storage driver.
:param context: The context passed into the driver method.
:param instance: The nova instance.
:param nova.objects.ImageMeta image_meta:
The metadata of the image of the instance.
super(CreateDiskForImg, self).__init__(
name='create_disk_from_img', provides='disk_dev_info')
self.disk_dvr = disk_dvr
self.instance = instance
self.context = context
self.image_meta = image_meta
def execute(self):
return self.disk_dvr.create_disk_from_image(
self.context, self.instance, self.image_meta)
def revert(self, result, flow_failures):
# If there is no result, or its a direct failure, then there isn't
# anything to delete.
if result is None or isinstance(result, task_fail.Failure):
# Run the delete. The result is a single disk. Wrap into list
# as the method works with plural disks.
except pvm_exc.Error:
# Don't allow revert exceptions to interrupt the revert flow.
LOG.exception("Disk deletion failed during revert. Ignoring.",
class AttachDisk(task.Task):
"""The task to attach the disk to the instance."""
def __init__(self, disk_dvr, instance, stg_ftsk):
"""Create the Task for the attach disk to instance method.
Requires disk info through requirement of disk_dev_info (provided by
:param disk_dvr: The disk driver.
:param instance: The nova instance.
:param stg_ftsk: FeedTask to defer storage connectivity operations.
super(AttachDisk, self).__init__(
name='attach_disk', requires=['disk_dev_info'])
self.disk_dvr = disk_dvr
self.instance = instance
self.stg_ftsk = stg_ftsk
def execute(self, disk_dev_info):
self.disk_dvr.attach_disk(self.instance, disk_dev_info, self.stg_ftsk)
def revert(self, disk_dev_info, result, flow_failures):
except pvm_exc.Error:
# Don't allow revert exceptions to interrupt the revert flow.
LOG.exception("Disk detach failed during revert. Ignoring.",
class DetachDisk(task.Task):
"""The task to detach the disk storage from the instance."""
def __init__(self, disk_dvr, instance):
"""Creates the Task to detach the storage adapters.
Provides the stor_adpt_mappings. A list of pypowervm
VSCSIMappings or VFCMappings (depending on the storage adapter).
:param disk_dvr: The DiskAdapter for the VM.
:param instance: The nova instance.
super(DetachDisk, self).__init__(
name='detach_disk', provides='stor_adpt_mappings')
self.instance = instance
self.disk_dvr = disk_dvr
def execute(self):
return self.disk_dvr.detach_disk(self.instance)
class DeleteDisk(task.Task):
"""The task to delete the backing storage."""
def __init__(self, disk_dvr):
"""Creates the Task to delete the disk storage from the system.
Requires the stor_adpt_mappings.
:param disk_dvr: The DiskAdapter for the VM.
super(DeleteDisk, self).__init__(
name='delete_disk', requires=['stor_adpt_mappings'])
self.disk_dvr = disk_dvr
def execute(self, stor_adpt_mappings):
class CreateAndConnectCfgDrive(task.Task):
"""The task to create the configuration drive."""
def __init__(self, adapter, instance, injected_files,
network_info, stg_ftsk, admin_pass=None):
"""Create the Task that creates and connects the config drive.
Requires the 'mgmt_cna'
:param adapter: The adapter for the pypowervm API
:param instance: The nova instance
:param injected_files: A list of file paths that will be injected into
the ISO.
:param network_info: The network_info from the nova spawn method.
:param stg_ftsk: FeedTask to defer storage connectivity operations.
:param admin_pass (Optional, Default None): Password to inject for the
super(CreateAndConnectCfgDrive, self).__init__(
name='cfg_drive', requires=['mgmt_cna'])
self.adapter = adapter
self.instance = instance
self.injected_files = injected_files
self.network_info = network_info
self.stg_ftsk = stg_ftsk
self.ad_pass = admin_pass
self.mb = None
def execute(self, mgmt_cna):
self.mb = media.ConfigDrivePowerVM(self.adapter)
self.mb.create_cfg_drv_vopt(self.instance, self.injected_files,
self.network_info, self.stg_ftsk,
admin_pass=self.ad_pass, mgmt_cna=mgmt_cna)
def revert(self, mgmt_cna, result, flow_failures):
# No media builder, nothing to do
if self.mb is None:
# Delete the virtual optical media. We don't care if it fails
self.mb.dlt_vopt(self.instance, self.stg_ftsk)
except pvm_exc.Error:
LOG.exception('VOpt removal (as part of reversion) failed.',
class DeleteVOpt(task.Task):
"""The task to delete the virtual optical."""
def __init__(self, adapter, instance, stg_ftsk=None):
"""Creates the Task to delete the instance's virtual optical media.
:param adapter: The adapter for the pypowervm API
:param instance: The nova instance.
:param stg_ftsk: FeedTask to defer storage connectivity operations.
super(DeleteVOpt, self).__init__(name='vopt_delete')
self.adapter = adapter
self.instance = instance
self.stg_ftsk = stg_ftsk
def execute(self):
media_builder = media.ConfigDrivePowerVM(self.adapter)
media_builder.dlt_vopt(self.instance, stg_ftsk=self.stg_ftsk)