
417 lines
18 KiB

# Copyright 2014 Rackspace
# Copyright 2016 Blue Box, an IBM Company
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_db import exception as odb_exceptions
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import excutils
from oslo_utils import strutils
import pecan
from wsme import types as wtypes
from wsmeext import pecan as wsme_pecan
from octavia.api.v2.controllers import base
from octavia.api.v2.controllers import listener
from octavia.api.v2.controllers import pool
from octavia.api.v2.types import load_balancer as lb_types
from octavia.common import constants
from octavia.common import data_models
from octavia.common import exceptions
from octavia.common import utils
import octavia.common.validate as validate
from octavia.db import api as db_api
from octavia.db import prepare as db_prepare
from octavia.i18n import _
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class LoadBalancersController(base.BaseController):
def __init__(self):
super(LoadBalancersController, self).__init__()
self.handler = self.handler.load_balancer
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose(lb_types.LoadBalancerRootResponse, wtypes.text)
def get_one(self, id):
"""Gets a single load balancer's details."""
context = pecan.request.context.get('octavia_context')
load_balancer = self._get_db_lb(context.session, id)
# Check that the user is authorized to show this lb
action = '{rbac_obj}{action}'.format(
rbac_obj=constants.RBAC_LOADBALANCER, action='get_one')
target = {'project_id': load_balancer.project_id}
context.policy.authorize(action, target)
result = self._convert_db_to_type(
load_balancer, lb_types.LoadBalancerResponse)
return lb_types.LoadBalancerRootResponse(loadbalancer=result)
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose(lb_types.LoadBalancersRootResponse, wtypes.text,
def get_all(self, project_id=None):
"""Lists all load balancers."""
pcontext = pecan.request.context
context = pcontext.get('octavia_context')
# Check that the user is authorized to list lbs under all projects
action = '{rbac_obj}{action}'.format(
rbac_obj=constants.RBAC_LOADBALANCER, action='get_all-global')
target = {'project_id': project_id}
if not context.policy.authorize(action, target, do_raise=False):
# Not a global observer or admin
if project_id is None:
project_id = context.project_id
# Check that the user is authorized to list lbs under this project
action = '{rbac_obj}{action}'.format(
rbac_obj=constants.RBAC_LOADBALANCER, action='get_all')
target = {'project_id': project_id}
context.policy.authorize(action, target)
if project_id is None:
query_filter = {}
query_filter = {'project_id': project_id}
load_balancers, links = self.repositories.load_balancer.get_all(
context.session, show_deleted=False,
result = self._convert_db_to_type(
load_balancers, [lb_types.LoadBalancerResponse])
return lb_types.LoadBalancersRootResponse(
loadbalancers=result, loadbalancers_links=links)
def _test_lb_status(self, session, id, lb_status=constants.PENDING_UPDATE):
"""Verify load balancer is in a mutable state."""
lb_repo = self.repositories.load_balancer
if not lb_repo.test_and_set_provisioning_status(
session, id, lb_status):
prov_status = lb_repo.get(session, id=id).provisioning_status
LOG.info("Invalid state %(state)s of loadbalancer resource %(id)s",
{"state": prov_status, "id": id})
raise exceptions.LBPendingStateError(
state=prov_status, id=id)
def _validate_network_and_fill_or_validate_subnet(load_balancer):
network = validate.network_exists_optionally_contains_subnet(
# If subnet is not provided, pick the first subnet, preferring ipv4
if not load_balancer.vip_subnet_id:
network_driver = utils.get_network_driver()
for subnet_id in network.subnets:
# Use the first subnet, in case there are no ipv4 subnets
if not load_balancer.vip_subnet_id:
load_balancer.vip_subnet_id = subnet_id
subnet = network_driver.get_subnet(subnet_id)
if subnet.ip_version == 4:
load_balancer.vip_subnet_id = subnet_id
if not load_balancer.vip_subnet_id:
raise exceptions.ValidationException(detail=_(
"Supplied network does not contain a subnet."
def _validate_vip_request_object(self, load_balancer):
allowed_network_objects = []
if CONF.networking.allow_vip_port_id:
if CONF.networking.allow_vip_network_id:
if CONF.networking.allow_vip_subnet_id:
msg = _("use of %(object)s is disallowed by this deployment's "
if (load_balancer.vip_port_id and
not CONF.networking.allow_vip_port_id):
raise exceptions.ValidationException(
detail=msg % {'object': 'vip_port_id'})
if (load_balancer.vip_network_id and
not CONF.networking.allow_vip_network_id):
raise exceptions.ValidationException(
detail=msg % {'object': 'vip_network_id'})
if (load_balancer.vip_subnet_id and
not CONF.networking.allow_vip_subnet_id):
raise exceptions.ValidationException(
detail=msg % {'object': 'vip_subnet_id'})
if not (load_balancer.vip_port_id or
load_balancer.vip_network_id or
raise exceptions.VIPValidationException(
objects=', '.join(allowed_network_objects))
# Validate the port id
if load_balancer.vip_port_id:
port = validate.port_exists(port_id=load_balancer.vip_port_id)
load_balancer.vip_network_id = port.network_id
# If no port id, validate the network id (and subnet if provided)
elif load_balancer.vip_network_id:
# Validate just the subnet id
elif load_balancer.vip_subnet_id:
subnet = validate.subnet_exists(
load_balancer.vip_network_id = subnet.network_id
body=lb_types.LoadBalancerRootPOST, status_code=201)
def post(self, load_balancer):
"""Creates a load balancer."""
load_balancer = load_balancer.loadbalancer
context = pecan.request.context.get('octavia_context')
if not load_balancer.project_id and context.project_id:
load_balancer.project_id = context.project_id
if not load_balancer.project_id:
raise exceptions.ValidationException(detail=_(
"Missing project ID in request where one is required."))
# Check that the user is authorized to create under this project
action = '{rbac_obj}{action}'.format(
rbac_obj=constants.RBAC_LOADBALANCER, action='post')
target = {'project_id': load_balancer.project_id}
context.policy.authorize(action, target)
lock_session = db_api.get_session(autocommit=False)
if self.repositories.check_quota_met(
raise exceptions.QuotaException
db_lb, db_pools, db_lists = None, None, None
lb_dict = db_prepare.create_load_balancer(load_balancer.to_dict(
vip_dict = lb_dict.pop('vip', {})
# NoneType can be weird here, have to force type a second time
listeners = lb_dict.pop('listeners', []) or []
pools = lb_dict.pop('pools', []) or []
db_lb = self.repositories.create_load_balancer_and_vip(
lock_session, lb_dict, vip_dict)
if listeners or pools:
db_pools, db_lists = self._graph_create(
context.session, lock_session, db_lb, listeners, pools)
except odb_exceptions.DBDuplicateEntry:
raise exceptions.IDAlreadyExists()
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
# Handler will be responsible for sending to controller
LOG.info("Sending created Load Balancer %s to the handler",
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(reraise=False):
context.session, db_lb.id,
db_lb = self._get_db_lb(context.session, db_lb.id)
result = self._convert_db_to_type(
db_lb, lb_types.LoadBalancerFullResponse)
return lb_types.LoadBalancerFullRootResponse(loadbalancer=result)
def _graph_create(self, session, lock_session, db_lb, listeners, pools):
# Track which pools must have a full specification
pools_required = set()
# Look through listeners and find any extra pools, and move them to the
# top level so they are created first.
for l in listeners:
default_pool = l.get('default_pool')
pool_name = (
default_pool.get('name') if default_pool else None)
# All pools need to have a name so they can be referenced
if default_pool and not pool_name:
raise exceptions.ValidationException(
detail='Pools must be named when creating a fully '
'populated loadbalancer.')
# If a pool has more than a name, assume it's a full specification
# (but use >2 because it will also have "enabled" as default)
if default_pool and len(default_pool) > 2:
l['default_pool'] = {'name': pool_name}
# Otherwise, it's a reference and we record it and move on
elif default_pool:
# We also need to check policy redirects
for policy in l.get('l7policies'):
redirect_pool = policy.get('redirect_pool')
pool_name = (
redirect_pool.get('name') if redirect_pool else None)
# All pools need to have a name so they can be referenced
if default_pool and not pool_name:
raise exceptions.ValidationException(
detail='Pools must be named when creating a fully '
'populated loadbalancer.')
# If a pool has more than a name, assume it's a full spec
# (but use >2 because it will also have "enabled" as default)
if redirect_pool and len(redirect_pool) > 2:
pool_name = redirect_pool['name']
policy['redirect_pool'] = {'name': pool_name}
# Otherwise, it's a reference and we record it and move on
elif default_pool:
# Make sure all pool names are unique.
pool_names = [p.get('name') for p in pools]
if len(set(pool_names)) != len(pool_names):
raise exceptions.ValidationException(
detail="Pool names must be unique when creating a fully "
"populated loadbalancer.")
# Make sure every reference is present in our spec list
for pool_ref in pools_required:
if pool_ref not in pool_names:
raise exceptions.ValidationException(
detail="Pool '{name}' was referenced but no full "
"definition was found.".format(name=pool_ref))
# Check quotas for pools.
if pools and self.repositories.check_quota_met(
session, lock_session, data_models.Pool, db_lb.project_id,
raise exceptions.QuotaException
# Now create all of the pools ahead of the listeners.
new_pools = []
pool_name_ids = {}
for p in pools:
# Check that pools have mandatory attributes, since we have to
# bypass the normal validation layer to allow for name-only
for attr in ('protocol', 'lb_algorithm'):
if attr not in p:
raise exceptions.ValidationException(
detail="Pool definition for '{name}' missing required "
"attribute: {attr}".format(name=p['name'],
p['load_balancer_id'] = db_lb.id
p['project_id'] = db_lb.project_id
new_pool, new_hm, new_members = (
session, lock_session, p))
pool_name_ids[new_pool.name] = new_pool.id
# Now check quotas for listeners
if listeners and self.repositories.check_quota_met(
session, lock_session, data_models.Listener, db_lb.project_id,
raise exceptions.QuotaException
# Now create all of the listeners
new_lists = []
for l in listeners:
default_pool = l.pop('default_pool', None)
# If there's a default pool, replace it with the ID
if default_pool:
pool_name = default_pool['name']
pool_id = pool_name_ids.get(pool_name)
if not pool_id:
raise exceptions.SingleCreateDetailsMissing(
type='Pool', name=pool_name)
l['default_pool_id'] = pool_id
l['load_balancer_id'] = db_lb.id
l['project_id'] = db_lb.project_id
lock_session, l, pool_name_ids=pool_name_ids))
return new_pools, new_lists
wtypes.text, status_code=200,
def put(self, id, load_balancer):
"""Updates a load balancer."""
load_balancer = load_balancer.loadbalancer
context = pecan.request.context.get('octavia_context')
db_lb = self._get_db_lb(context.session, id)
# Check that the user is authorized to update this lb
action = '{rbac_obj}{action}'.format(
rbac_obj=constants.RBAC_LOADBALANCER, action='put')
target = {'project_id': db_lb.project_id}
context.policy.authorize(action, target)
self._test_lb_status(context.session, id)
LOG.info("Sending updated Load Balancer %s to the handler", id)
self.handler.update(db_lb, load_balancer)
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(reraise=False):
context.session, id, provisioning_status=constants.ERROR)
db_lb = self._get_db_lb(context.session, id)
result = self._convert_db_to_type(db_lb, lb_types.LoadBalancerResponse)
return lb_types.LoadBalancerRootResponse(loadbalancer=result)
@wsme_pecan.wsexpose(None, wtypes.text, wtypes.text, status_code=204)
def delete(self, id, cascade=False):
"""Deletes a load balancer."""
context = pecan.request.context.get('octavia_context')
cascade = strutils.bool_from_string(cascade)
db_lb = self._get_db_lb(context.session, id)
# Check that the user is authorized to delete this lb
action = '{rbac_obj}{action}'.format(
rbac_obj=constants.RBAC_LOADBALANCER, action='delete')
target = {'project_id': db_lb.project_id}
context.policy.authorize(action, target)
with db_api.get_lock_session() as lock_session:
self._test_lb_status(lock_session, id,
if (db_lb.listeners or db_lb.pools) and not cascade:
msg = _("Cannot delete Load Balancer %s - "
"it has children") % id
raise exceptions.ValidationException(detail=msg)
LOG.info("Sending deleted Load Balancer %s to the handler", id)
self.handler.delete(db_lb, cascade)
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(reraise=False):
context.session, id,
result = self._convert_db_to_type(db_lb, lb_types.LoadBalancerResponse)
return lb_types.LoadBalancersRootResponse(loadbalancer=result)