Add HTTP/2 support for frontends/backends

This patch implements extra variables/keys that can be used to
enable HTTP/2 protocol for frontends and backends.

With that patch does not add HTTP/2 support for any redirect frontends
since they can not be configured to use TLS and this it will
cause such redirect backends to be HTTP/2 only, which might break old

With that regular frontends, that are not terminating TLS can be
configured to be HTTP/2 only as well as TCP backends.

Change-Id: Ib14f031f3c61f31bf7aaf345a3ba635ca5fb9ff8
This commit is contained in:
Dmitriy Rabotyagov 2023-08-16 10:36:58 +02:00 committed by Dmitriy Rabotyagov
parent 97390e88e0
commit 67e19ebccd
3 changed files with 38 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -49,6 +49,12 @@ haproxy_backup_nodes: []
haproxy_frontend_extra_raw: []
haproxy_frontend_redirect_extra_raw: "{{ haproxy_frontend_extra_raw }}"
# Default values for enabling HTTP/2 support
# Note, that while HTTP/2 will be enabled on frontends that are covered with TLS,
# backends can be configured to use HTTP/2 regardless of TLS.
haproxy_frontend_h2: True
haproxy_backend_h2: False
haproxy_service_configs: []
# Example:
# haproxy_service_configs:
@ -67,6 +73,8 @@ haproxy_service_configs: []
# allow_list:
# rule: "src"
# backend_name: "mybackend"
# haproxy_frontend_h2: True
# haproxy_backend_h2: False
# haproxy_frontend_acls:
# letsencrypt-acl:
# rule: "path_beg /.well-known/acme-challenge/"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
- |
Added new keys ``haproxy_frontend_h2`` and ``haproxy_backend_h2``
per service definition to enable HTTP/2 for a specified service.
This also add new variables to control default behavoir for
frontends and backends:
* ``haproxy_frontend_h2: true``
* ``haproxy_backend_h2: false``
Please mention, that double stack of HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 is only available
for TLS protected frontends. In case frontend is just TCP
haproxy_frontend_h2 will be ignored.
At the same time ``haproxy_backend_h2`` will be respected regardless of
TLS/plain TCP configuration.
- |
HTTP/2 is enabled by default for frontends that are covered with TLS.
You can disable this behaviour by setting ``haproxy_frontend_h2: false``

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ bind {{ vip_address }}:{{ service.haproxy_redirect_http_port }}{{ (vip_interface
{% else %}
{% set haproxy_ssl_path=haproxy_ssl_cert_path + "/haproxy_" + (haproxy_host | default(ansible_facts['hostname'])) + "-" + ((vip_interface is truthy) | ternary(vip_address ~ '-' ~ vip_interface, vip_address)) + ".pem" %}
frontend {{ service.haproxy_service_name }}-front-{{ loop.index }}
bind {{ vip_address }}:{{ service.haproxy_port }}{{ (vip_interface is truthy) | ternary(' interface ' ~ vip_interface, '') }} {% if (service.haproxy_ssl | default(false) | bool) and (loop.index == 1 or vip_address in extra_lb_tls_vip_addresses or (service.haproxy_ssl_all_vips | default(false) | bool and vip_address not in extra_lb_vip_addresses)) %}ssl crt {{ service.haproxy_ssl_path | default(haproxy_ssl_path) }} {% endif %}
bind {{ vip_address }}:{{ service.haproxy_port }}{{ (vip_interface is truthy) | ternary(' interface ' ~ vip_interface, '') }} {% if (service.haproxy_ssl | default(false) | bool) and (loop.index == 1 or vip_address in extra_lb_tls_vip_addresses or (service.haproxy_ssl_all_vips | default(false) | bool and vip_address not in extra_lb_vip_addresses)) %}ssl crt {{ service.haproxy_ssl_path | default(haproxy_ssl_path) }}{% if service.haproxy_frontend_h2 | default(haproxy_frontend_h2) and request_option == "http" %} alpn h2,http/1.1{% endif %}{% endif %}
{% if request_option == "http" %}
option httplog
@ -156,6 +156,13 @@ backend {{ service.haproxy_service_name }}-back
{% else %}
{% set _ = entry.append("verify none") %}
{% endif %}
{% if service.haproxy_backend_h2 | default(haproxy_backend_h2) and request_option == "http" %}
{% set _ = entry.append("alpn h2,http/1.1") %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if service.haproxy_backend_h2 | default(haproxy_backend_h2) and request_option == "http" %}
{% set _ = entry.append("proto h2") %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% set backend_server_options = service.haproxy_backend_server_options|default([]) %}
{% for option in backend_server_options %}