Add override for gluster host used for bootstrap operations

This change permits overriding of the host used to bootstrap the
cluster. This is necessary when the cluster already exists and
a new (or upgraded) host needs to join an existing cluster. This
only works when actions are performed from an existing cluster

This patch additionally resolves an issue where the volume
creation step can fail if the bootstrap host's peer names don't
exactly match those being passed to it (such as when they end with
.openstack.local). A restart of the service fixes this by reading
the correct hostnames back from the peer files.

Change-Id: I7127cb86e81abc982290681d24b8a6554a46f58b
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Bonney 2024-02-12 15:53:31 +00:00
parent da602d64fb
commit 51e2d84869
3 changed files with 41 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -21,4 +21,6 @@ glusterfs_server_backing_dir: "/gluster/bricks/1"
glusterfs_server_bricks: "{{ glusterfs_server_backing_dir }}"
glusterfs_server_volume_name: "gfs"
glusterfs_package_state: "{{ package_state | default('latest') }}"
glusterfs_bootstrap_node: "{{ groups[glusterfs_server_group_name][0] }}"
glusterfs_package_state: "{{ package_state | default('latest') }}"

View File

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
- name: Create gluster peers
nodes: "{{ glusterfs_server_cluster_members }}"
when: _glusterfs_is_first_play_host
when: _glusterfs_is_bootstrap_host
- name: Ensure glusterfs backing directory exists
@ -129,16 +129,40 @@
- gluster volume reset-brick {{ glusterfs_server_volume_name }} {{ brick }} start
- gluster volume reset-brick {{ glusterfs_server_volume_name }} {{ brick }} {{ brick }} commit force
- name: Create gluster volume
num_cluster_members: "{{ glusterfs_server_cluster_members | length }}"
cluster_has_replicas: "{{ (glusterfs_server_cluster_members | length) > 1 }}"
state: present
name: "{{ glusterfs_server_volume_name }}"
bricks: "{{ glusterfs_server_bricks }}"
replicas: "{{ cluster_has_replicas | ternary(num_cluster_members, omit) }}"
cluster: "{{ glusterfs_server_cluster_members | map('regex_replace', '_', '-') | list }}"
force: true
when: _glusterfs_is_first_play_host
- name: Handle volume creation
# NOTE: When first establishing a peer relationship, a reverse DNS lookup happens which can cause a
# peer's active hostname not to match the one stored on disk. Restarting the service resolves
# this and prevents failures upon calls to create volumes.
- name: Find existing peers' runtime hostnames
shell: "gluster peer status | grep Hostname: | cut -d ' ' -f 2"
changed_when: false
register: _existing_peer_hostnames
when: (glusterfs_server_cluster_members | length) > 1
- name: Restart glusterfs server
name: "{{ glusterfs_server_service }}"
state: restarted
- _existing_peer_hostnames is not skipped
- ((_existing_peer_hostnames.stdout_lines | intersect(glusterfs_server_cluster_members)) | length) != (_existing_peer_hostnames.stdout_lines | length)
# Retry as the service may have just restarted
- name: Create gluster volume
num_cluster_members: "{{ glusterfs_server_cluster_members | length }}"
cluster_has_replicas: "{{ (glusterfs_server_cluster_members | length) > 1 }}"
state: present
name: "{{ glusterfs_server_volume_name }}"
bricks: "{{ glusterfs_server_bricks }}"
replicas: "{{ cluster_has_replicas | ternary(num_cluster_members, omit) }}"
cluster: "{{ glusterfs_server_cluster_members | map('regex_replace', '_', '-') | list }}"
force: true
register: _volume_create
delay: 1
retries: 5
until: _volume_create is success
when: _glusterfs_is_bootstrap_host

View File

@ -13,4 +13,4 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
_glusterfs_is_first_play_host: "{{ (inventory_hostname == (ansible_play_hosts | first)) | bool }}"
_glusterfs_is_bootstrap_host: "{{ ((inventory_hostname | regex_replace('_', '-')) == (glusterfs_bootstrap_node | regex_replace('_', '-'))) | bool }}"