
77 lines
4.5 KiB

{% if not repo_build_wheel_selective | bool %}
{% for requirement in local_packages.results.0.item.packages %}
{{ requirement.split('#')[0].strip().replace('-', '_') }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{# #}
{# We can't have duplicated requirements (pip wheel will fail). #}
{# To combat this we will use the overall package list requirements #}
{# as a reference set, and pull from there for whatever each role #}
{# needs. #}
{# #}
{% set all_requirements={} %}
{% for requirement_raw in local_packages.results.0.item.packages %}
{% set name = requirement_raw | regex_replace('(\[|>=|<=|>|<|==|~=|!=).*$','') %}
{% set data = requirement_raw | regex_replace(name,'') %}
{% set name_normalized = name | replace('-', '_') | lower %}
{% set requirement_normalized = name_normalized + data %}
{% set _ = all_requirements.update({name_normalized: requirement_normalized}) %}
{% endfor %}
{# #}
{# Now we have a complete reference set to work with. We now need #}
{# to build a set of the packages we actually want to build which #}
{# we need to ensure is a unique set. We will use a key:value #}
{# mechanism to do this. #}
{# #}
{% set selected_requirements={} %}
{# #}
{# These are files which are in the root repo requirements and must #}
{# always be built. #}
{# #}
{% for requirement_raw in local_packages.results.0.item.role_requirement_files.default.txt_file_packages %}
{% set name = requirement_raw | regex_replace('(\[|>=|<=|>|<|==|~=|!=).*$','') %}
{% set name_normalized = name | replace('-', '_') | lower %}
{% set requirement_normalized = all_requirements[name_normalized] %}
{% set _ = selected_requirements.update({name_normalized: requirement_normalized}) %}
{% endfor %}
{# #}
{# These are files which are in the roles. We only select them if #}
{# their project_groups are populated. #}
{# #}
{% for role_name, role_data in local_packages.results.0.item.role_requirements.items() %}
{% set _host_group = role_data['project_group'] %}
{% if ((groups[_host_group] is defined) and (groups[_host_group] | length > 0)) %}
{% set _build_wheel = True %}
{% else %}
{% set _build_wheel = False %}
{% endif %}
{% if (_build_wheel | bool) %}
{% for requirement_key, requirement_data in role_data.items() %}
{# #}
{# We only want to iterate through the '_pip_packages' lists #}
{# as there may be other data structures in the role_data. #}
{# We must also make sure we're skipping the properietary #}
{# packages as they're not available for the repo server to #}
{# download/build. #}
{# #}
{% if '_pip_packages' in requirement_key and 'proprietary' not in requirement_key %}
{% for requirement_raw in requirement_data %}
{% set name = requirement_raw | regex_replace('(\[|>=|<=|>|<|==|~=|!=).*$','') %}
{% set name_normalized = name | replace('-', '_') | lower %}
{% if name_normalized in all_requirements %}
{% set requirement_normalized = all_requirements[name_normalized] %}
{% set _ = selected_requirements.update({name_normalized: requirement_normalized}) %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{# #}
{# Now that we have a complete set of requirements, we output them. #}
{# #}
{% for requirement_name, requirement in selected_requirements.iteritems() | sort %}
{{ requirement }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}