Improved search for unlocked system accounts

This patch adds a better check for system accounts that aren't
unlocked. The new logic meets the requirement of V-38496 from the
STIG better than the previous version. Only unlocked accounts with
UID < 500 will trigger the failure/violation.

Closes-Bug: 1550442

Change-Id: I18ccbd8e1cd7c311521d0ffdfcf6f46dbc4e395d
This commit is contained in:
Major Hayden 2016-03-24 10:09:49 -05:00
parent 96079d2280
commit 9058a3f084
1 changed files with 28 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -57,30 +57,44 @@
- cat3
- V-38480
# The awk line here comes from the STIG itself. It does the following:
# * splits each line of /etc/shadow on colons (:)
# * ignores any lines that start with root
# * searches 2nd field (password) for accounts that don't start with ! (that
# would be a locked account)
# * returns a list of those accounts other than root which aren't locked
# This list should be completely empty for a properly secured system.
- name: Check for default system accounts other than root that aren't locked (for V-38496)
shell: "awk -F: '$1 !~ /^root$/ && $2 !~ /^[!*]/ {print $1 \":\" $2}' /etc/shadow | wc -l"
register: v38496_result
changed_when: v38496_result.stdout != '0'
failed_when: False
- name: V-38496 - Get all system accounts
shell: "awk -F: '$1 !~ /^root$/ && $3 < 500 {print $1}' /etc/passwd"
register: v38496_system_users
always_run: True
- auth
- cat2
- V-38496
- name: V-38496 - Loop through system accounts to find unlocked accounts
shell: "awk -F: '$1 ~ /^{{ item }}$/ && $2 !~ /^[!*]/ {print $1}' /etc/shadow"
register: v38496_unlocked_system_users
always_run: True
with_items: v38496_system_users.stdout_lines
- auth
- cat2
- V-38496
- name: V-38496 - Gather problematic system accounts
v38496_violations: |
{% for i in v38496_unlocked_system_users.results %}
{% if i.stdout|length > 0 %}
{{ i.stdout }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
- auth
- cat2
- V-38496
# The playbook will fail here if any default system accounts besides root are
# not locked.
- name: V-38496 - Default operating system accounts (other than root) must be locked
msg: "FAILED: Lock default system user accounts (other than root)"
when: v38496_result.stdout != '0'
msg: "FAILED: System accounts are unlocked: {{ v38496_violations|trim|replace('\n',', ') }}"
when: v38496_violations|length > 0
- auth
- cat2