Protecting OpenStack Plaintext Secrets Automation ################################################## :date: 2021-04-22 22:00 :tags: protecting plaintext configs, oslo.config, castellan, vault, security OpenStack services require sensitive data to be in configuration files. These are values for various configuration options such as ``password``, ``transport_url``, ``connection``, and so on. The configuration files for OpenStack services are just plaintext files. Because of this, even with proper file permissions set on these files, secret data is kept there without any protection at present. A specification on protecting plaintext secrets in OpenStack was created by **Raildo Mascena de Sousa Filho** [1]. Also, the osloconfig and castellan libraries support the following scheme of configuration files processing: oslo-config can read configuration options and their values with help of castellan, which is able to read that data from a protected key management solution, such as HashiCorp Vault. The proof of concept for this scheme was made by **Moisés Guimarães de Medeiros** in his code [2]. So, the problem of securing sensitive options in OpenStack plaintext configuration is almost solved, with the exception of the automation of such a secure configuration. Problem description =================== At present, ``oslo.config`` allows us to specify the ``config_source`` in the ``DEFAULT`` section of a configuration file, and to use ``castellan`` driver to read configuration options from the appropriate configuration file section: .. code:: bash [DEFAULT] config_source = secrets [secrets] driver=castellan config_file=castellan.conf mapping_file=mapping.conf The ``castellan.conf`` and ``mapping.conf`` configuration files includes information on how to read configuration options values from a secret store. ``castellan.conf`` example: .. code:: bash [key_manager] backend=vault [vault] kv_mountpoint=kv vault_url='https://vault.enterprise.local:8200' use_ssl=True ``mapping.conf`` example: .. code:: bash [oslo_messaging_notifications] transport_url=6d1c6b6bd925418eb3c99523750bc4be [database] connection=20921387a863462dae4db253198156ec ... where the values of ``transport_url`` and ``connection`` parameters are IDs of appropriate records in the HashiCorp Vault. The problem is that a system administrator needs to insert appropriate values to the HashiCorp Vault or another secret storage, and then reconfigure the OpenStack services either manually or with some preferred automation tools. There is no existing solution today for starting OpenStack with secured configuration files from the very beginning. With all of this in mind, we are proposing that system administrators should be allowed to install OpenStack with secured configuration files. Proposed change =============== So, there are two parts of protecting OpenStack plaintext configuration files: * installation of HashiCorp Vault, in case it is not installed; * proper configuration of all OpenStack services with plaintext configs. This spec proposes to make the following additions to ``openstack-ansible`` [3]: * add playbook for HashiCorp Vault installation; * add additional tasks to OpenStack services playbooks; * add additional parameters for system administrator to choose if OpenStack is going to be installed with protected plaintext configs or not. Such additional parameters are: * ``vault_hosts`` – optional parameter which indicates hosts where HasiCorp Vault should be installed. HashiCorp Vault should have high availability installation as other OpenStack services have; * ``protected_configs`` and ``protected_configs_castellan_conf``, should be added to ``openstack_user_config.yml`` file. ``protected_configs`` parameter should take ``true`` or ``false`` values, and the default value should be ``false``. If the system administrator sets the value to ``true``, then additional steps are performed in playbooks to address the below: * check for required Python libraries (such as ``castellan``) and install i them if needed; * add appropriate values to secret store; * prepare service configuration file without sensitive data but with ``config_source`` option and secrets section; * add ``castellan.conf`` to service configuration directory; * add ``mapping.conf`` to service configuration directory. This change does not require any changes to ``oslo.config`` or ``castellan``, since everything is already supported at present. Alternatives ============ The protection of plaintext secrets can be implemented by using a separate Ansible playbook just for the services reconfiguration, after installing OpenStack with unsecured configuration files with ``opentack-ansible``. In that case, the list of services to secure should be given to the playbook, and the tasks of such a playbook should do almost the same steps as described above: * install and initialize HashiCorp Vault; * check for required Python libraries (such as ``castellan``) and install them if needed; * add appropriate values to secret store; * prepare service configuration file without sensitive data but with ``config_source`` option and secrets section; * add ``castellan.conf`` to service configuration directory; * add ``mapping.conf`` to service configuration directory; * restart OpenStack service. Playbook/Role impact -------------------- Additional role on HashiCorp Vault installation should be added. Additional tasks for proper configuration of OpenStack services should be added to playbooks. Upgrade impact -------------- No impact. Security impact --------------- Sensitive data is going to be removed from plaintext config files so security will be improved with this change. Performance impact ------------------ No impact. End user impact --------------- No impact. Deployer impact --------------- No impact in case deployer does not want to protect plaintext configs. Otherwise deployer will be able to configure additional options to remove sensitive data from plaintext configs as described above. Developer impact ---------------- No impact. Dependencies ------------ Here is initial blueprint regarding protection of sensitive data inside plaintext configs: Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary assignee: yeremko Other contributors: Work items ---------- * Implement changes to ``openstack-ansible`` [3] * Implement changes to ``openstack-ansible-tests`` [4] * Update documentation. Testing ======= Additional tests in ``openstack-ansible-tests`` [4] will be required to cover the added functionality. Documentation impact ==================== The documentation will need to be updated to illustrate how to protect plaintext configs and work with them further. References ========== [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]