Do not generate the html ARA report any more

With [1] we no longer need to generate the html report,
so in this patch we change the log collection process
in order to use the new mechanism.


Change-Id: I6d7a9af234b7a8a6e83f9a730ffe1c4fd698786a
This commit is contained in:
Jesse Pretorius 2018-04-03 19:12:55 +01:00
parent 8662acf5ec
commit e7b21c813c
1 changed files with 32 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -124,6 +124,30 @@ function exit_fail {
exit_state 1
function find_log_files {
find "${GATE_LOG_DIR}/" -type f \
! -name "*.gz" \
! -name '*.html' \
! -name '*.subunit' \
! -name 'ansible.sqlite'
function rename_log_files {
find_files |\
while read filename; do \
mv ${filename} ${filename}.txt || echo "WARNING: Could not rename ${filename}"; \
function compress_log_files {
# We use 'command' to ensure that we're not executing with an alias.
GZIP_CMD="command gzip --force --best"
find_files |\
while read filename; do \
${GZIP_CMD} ${filename} || echo "WARNING: Could not gzip ${filename}"; \
function gate_job_exit_tasks {
# This environment variable captures the exit code
# which was present when the trap was initiated.
@ -148,8 +172,7 @@ function gate_job_exit_tasks {
rsync $RSYNC_OPTS /openstack/log/ "${GATE_LOG_DIR}/openstack" || true
# Rename all files gathered to have a .txt suffix so that the compressed
# files are viewable via a web browser in OpenStack-CI.
# except tempest results testrepository.subunit and testr_results.html
find "${GATE_LOG_DIR}/" -type f -not -name "testrepository.subunit" -not -name "testr_results.html" -not -name "dstat.html" -exec mv {} {}.txt \;
# Generate the ARA report if enabled
if [ "$GATE_EXIT_RUN_ARA" == true ]; then
@ -158,27 +181,17 @@ function gate_job_exit_tasks {
# Create the ARA log directory and store the sqlite source database
mkdir ${GATE_LOG_DIR}/ara
rsync $RSYNC_OPTS "${HOME}/.ara/ansible.sqlite" "${GATE_LOG_DIR}/ara/"
mkdir ${GATE_LOG_DIR}/ara-report
rsync $RSYNC_OPTS "${HOME}/.ara/ansible.sqlite" "${GATE_LOG_DIR}/ara-report/"
# To avoid consuming lots of inodes in OpenStack's CI infra, we tar up
# the ARA report when we have a successful job.
${ARA_CMD} generate html "${GATE_LOG_DIR}/ara/" || true
if [[ "${TEST_EXIT_CODE}" == "0" ]] || [[ "${TEST_EXIT_CODE}" == "true" ]]; then
tar cvf ara-report.tar ara/
rm -rf ara/*
mv ara-report.tar ara/
# We still want the subunit report though, as that reflects
# success/failure in OpenStack Health
${ARA_CMD} generate subunit "${GATE_LOG_DIR}/ara/testrepository.subunit" || true
# Generate the ARA subunit report so that the
# results reflect in OpenStack-Health
mkdir "${GATE_LOG_DIR}/ara-data"
${ARA_CMD} generate subunit "${GATE_LOG_DIR}/ara-data/testrepository.subunit" || true
# Compress the files gathered so that they do not take up too much space.
# We use 'command' to ensure that we're not executing with some sort of alias.
if [ "$GATE_EXIT_LOG_GZIP" == true ]; then
command gzip --best --recursive "${GATE_LOG_DIR}/"
# Ensure that the files are readable by all users, including the non-root
# OpenStack-CI jenkins user.