===================================== Integrate radosgw into your Telemetry ===================================== The telemetry (and in consequence accounting) for radosgw as object-storage will not work out of the box. You need to change different parts of your OpenStack and Ceph setup to get it up and running. Ceilometer Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ceilometer needs additional pip packages to talk to Ceph Rados Gateway. To install it, edit the default ceilometer_pip_packages in your user_variables.yml file: .. code-block:: yaml ceilometer_pip_packages: - ceilometer - ceilometermiddleware - cryptography - gnocchiclient - libvirt-python - PyMySQL - pymongo - python-ceilometerclient - python-memcached - tooz - warlock - requests-aws>=0.1.4 #https://github.com/openstack/ceilometer/blob/stable/pike/test-requirements.txt You also have to configure Ceilometer to actually query radosgw. When your ceilometer isn't configured to poll everything, add these pollsters to your polling.yml file: .. code-block:: yaml - name: radosgw_pollsters interval: 1200 meters: - radosgw.containers.objects - radosgw.containers.objects.size - radosgw.objects - radosgw.objects.size - radosgw.objects.containers - radosgw.usage Add them also to your pipeline: .. code-block:: yaml - name: radosgw_source interval: 60 meters: - "rgw.objects" - "rgw.objects.size" - "rgw.objects.containers" - "rgw.api.request" - "rgw.containers.objects" - "rgw.containers.objects.size" sinks: - meter_sink Declare Ceph Rados Gateway as object-store in your ceilometer.conf file by adding this to your user_variables.yml file: .. code-block:: yaml ceilometer_ceilometer_conf_overrides: service_types: radosgw: object-store rgw_admin_credentials: access_key: XXX secret_key: XXX The required user and credentials is created by this command: .. code-block:: bash radosgw-admin user create --uid admin --display-name "admin user" --caps "usage=read,write;metadata=read,write;users=read,write;buckets=read,write" To get your credentials, execute: .. code-block:: bash radosgw-admin user info --uid admin | jq '.keys' Ceph Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The required changes are described in the documentation of Ceilometer. This is just a sum up. In your ceph.conf add: .. code-block:: ini [client.radosgw.gateway] rgw enable usage log = true rgw usage log tick interval = 30 rgw usage log flush threshold = 1024 rgw usage max shards = 32 rgw usage max user shards = 1