Added support for *-manage CLI doc generation

Support for the *-manage commands was added to Two new
options were added as well, --all-api and --all-manage.

--all-api generates files for all API commands
--all-manage generates files for all manage commands

--all generates files for all commands, API and manage

At present, only trove-manage is supported for *-manage commands.

As an aside, the Swift CLI help command is different from most other
CLI help, and as it is the same as the *-manage help it was changed to
use the same help syntax.

Change-Id: I851f39a405f91216257a5965a6ce5c01d1889851
Closes-Bug: #1338806
This commit is contained in:
Peter Stachowski 2014-07-06 18:34:52 -04:00
parent ea5202f734
commit 7461b48006
1 changed files with 66 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -21,6 +21,18 @@ import os_doc_tools
from os_doc_tools.common import check_output # noqa
def use_help_flag(os_command):
"""Use --help flag (instead of help keyword)
Returns true if the command requires a --help flag instead
of a help keyword.
if os_command == "swift" or "-manage" in os_command:
return True
return False
def quote_xml(line):
"""Convert special characters for XML output."""
@ -57,6 +69,10 @@ def generate_heading(os_command, api_name, title, os_file):
print("Documenting '%s help (version %s)'" % (os_command, version))
if use_help_flag(os_command):
help_str = "<replaceable>COMMAND</replaceable> <option>--help</option>"
help_str = "<option>help</option> <replaceable>COMMAND</replaceable>"
header = """<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
<chapter xmlns=\"\"
@ -76,12 +92,13 @@ def generate_heading(os_command, api_name, title, os_file):
command, enter:
<screen><prompt>$</prompt> <userinput><command>{0}</command> \
<option>help</option> <replaceable>COMMAND</replaceable></userinput></screen>
<section xml:id=\"{0}client_command_usage\">
<title>{0} usage</title>\n"""
os_file.write(header.format(os_command, api_name, title, version))
os_file.write(header.format(os_command, api_name, title, version,
def is_option(string):
@ -319,7 +336,7 @@ def generate_subcommand(os_command, os_subcommand, os_file):
:param os_file: open filehandle for output of DocBook file
if os_command == "swift":
if use_help_flag(os_command):
help_lines = check_output([os_command, os_subcommand,
@ -463,13 +480,13 @@ def document_single_project(os_command, output_dir):
title = "Bare metal command-line client"
# Does not know about bash-completion yet, need to specify
# subcommands manually
subcommands = ['chassis-create', 'chassis-delete', 'chassis-list',
'chassis-node-list', 'chassis-show', 'chassis-update',
'driver-list', 'node-create', 'node-delete',
'node-list', 'node-port-list', 'node-set-power-state',
'node-show', 'node-update', 'node-validate',
'port-create', 'port-delete', 'port-list',
'port-show', 'port-update']
subcommands = ["chassis-create", "chassis-delete", "chassis-list",
"chassis-node-list", "chassis-show", "chassis-update",
"driver-list", "node-create", "node-delete",
"node-list", "node-port-list", "node-set-power-state",
"node-show", "node-update", "node-validate",
"port-create", "port-delete", "port-list", "port-show",
elif os_command == 'keystone':
api_name = "OpenStack Identity API"
title = "Identity service command-line client"
@ -493,18 +510,27 @@ def document_single_project(os_command, output_dir):
elif os_command == 'trove':
api_name = "Database API"
title = "Database Service command-line client"
blacklist = ["resize-flavor"]
elif os_command == 'trove-manage':
api_name = "Database Management Utility"
title = "Database Service Management command-line client"
# Does not know about bash-completion yet, need to specify
# subcommands manually
subcommands = ["db_sync", "db_upgrade",
"db_downgrade", "datastore_update",
"datastore_version_update", "db_recreate"]
print("Not yet handled command")
print("'%s' command not yet handled" % os_command)
out_file = "ch_cli_" + os_command + "_commands.xml"
os_file = open(os.path.join(output_dir, out_file), 'w')
generate_heading(os_command, api_name, title, os_file)
generate_command(os_command, os_file)
generate_subcommands(os_command, os_file, blacklist,
out_filename = "ch_cli_" + os_command + "_commands.xml"
out_file = open(os.path.join(output_dir, out_filename), 'w')
generate_heading(os_command, api_name, title, out_file)
generate_command(os_command, out_file)
generate_subcommands(os_command, out_file, blacklist,
def main():
@ -512,28 +538,36 @@ def main():
"openstack-doc-tools version %s)\n"
% os_doc_tools.__version__)
api_clients = ["ceilometer", "cinder", "glance", "heat", "keystone",
"nova", "neutron", "swift", "trove"]
manage_clients = ["trove-manage"]
all_clients = api_clients + manage_clients
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate DocBook XML files "
"to document python-PROJECTclients.")
parser.add_argument('client', nargs='?',
help="OpenStack command to document. One of: "
"ceilometer, cinder, glance, heat, keystone, nova, "
"neutron, swift, trove.")
parser.add_argument("--all", help="Document all clients.",
help="OpenStack command to document. One of: " +
", ".join(all_clients) + ".")
parser.add_argument("--all", help="Document all clients. "
"Namely " + ", ".join(all_clients) + ".",
parser.add_argument("--all-api", help="Document all API clients. "
"Namely " + ", ".join(api_clients) + ".",
parser.add_argument("--all-manage", help="Document all manage clients. "
"Namely " + ", ".join(manage_clients) + ".",
parser.add_argument("--output-dir", default=".",
help="Directory to write generated files to")
prog_args = parser.parse_args()
if prog_args.all:
document_single_project("ceilometer", prog_args.output_dir)
document_single_project("cinder", prog_args.output_dir)
document_single_project("glance", prog_args.output_dir)
document_single_project("heat", prog_args.output_dir)
document_single_project("keystone", prog_args.output_dir)
document_single_project("nova", prog_args.output_dir)
document_single_project("neutron", prog_args.output_dir)
document_single_project("swift", prog_args.output_dir)
document_single_project("trove", prog_args.output_dir)
if prog_args.all or prog_args.all_api or prog_args.all_manage:
if prog_args.all or prog_args.all_api:
for client in api_clients:
document_single_project(client, prog_args.output_dir)
if prog_args.all or prog_args.all_manage:
for client in manage_clients:
document_single_project(client, prog_args.output_dir)
elif prog_args.client is None: