Update README with instructions for gulp + add a roadmap

This commit is contained in:
Tim Buckley 2015-09-02 16:53:34 -06:00
parent 987c39f79a
commit 1eac7831ae
1 changed files with 45 additions and 113 deletions

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@ -1,125 +1,57 @@
A visualization utility to help analyze the performance of DevStack setup and
Tempest executions.
StackViz: Angular
A temporary fork of StackViz while the conversion to Angular is in progress. Changes here will be merged back into the main StackViz repository when things have stabilized.
Installation of the frontend requires Node.js and Bower. On Ubuntu::
Installation of the frontend requires Node.js and Gulp. On Ubuntu::
sudo apt-get install nodejs npm nodejs-legacy
sudo npm install -g bower
sudo npm install -g gulp
Then, install the Bower components by running, from the project directory::
bower install
Lastly, install the project. Pip is recommended, like so::
sudo pip install .
Usage - Server
First, install the necessary dependencies with Pip::
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
The Django development server may then be used to view the interface. Run::
python manage.py runserver
You can then browse to the printed URL in your browser of choice.
Usage - Static Site
The server can be "snapshotted" and exported to a static HTML site using the
installed :code:`stackviz-export` utility. StackViz can then be viewed using any
web browser with no requirement of any server-side processing.
To generate, run::
stackviz-export -r path/to/testrepository/ dest_dir
... where `dest_dir` is the path to a target directory where files should be
written. When finished, the :code:`index.html` file can be opened in a browser.
Note that the above gathers test data from a `testrepository` directory, though
direct subunit streams either from files or standard input are also supported.
For more information, see `stackviz-export --help`.
Note that some browsers enforce content origin policies that may disallow
XHRs when viewed directly from the local filesystem. To work around this, you
can use something like the Python :code:`SimpleHTTPServer`::
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
GZipped Data
As the log data can become quite large, exported files can be compressed with
GZip to significantly reduce the size of the data files. To enable, run::
stackviz-export -r path/to/testrepository/ --gzip dest_dir
Data files will then be written in compressed form, and will be suffixed with
:code:`*.json.gz`. Note that web servers must be properly configured to serve
pre-compressed files. Notably, Python's :code:`SimpleHTTPServer` will not do
this by default. However, `Twisted <https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/>`_ can be
used as a drop-in replacement as follows::
twistd -no web --path=.
Other web servers, such as Apache, should also serve these files correctly
without any extra configuration.
(Specifically, the response must have headers
:code:`Content-Type: application/json` and :code:`Content-Encoding: gzip`.)
DStat Data
StackViz will also show charts generated from
`DStat logs <http://dag.wiee.rs/home-made/dstat/>`_, if available. Note that
console output from DStat is not sufficient - a CSV logfile must be used. Then,
provide the logfile to :code:`stackviz-export`::
stackviz-export -r testrepository/ --dstat path/to/dstat.csv dest_dir
Log Locations
Log locations are configured along with normal Django settings in
:code:`stackviz/settings.py`, or specified as command-line arguments to
:code:`stackviz-export`. Several different types of logs are rendered by
StackViz are read by default from:
* Tempest (`testr` repositories): :code:`./test_data/`
* Dstat: :code:`./dstat.log`
* DevStack: *TODO*
Server (Python)
Server-side tests can be run using Tox::
A linter (flake8) will be run automatically and its output included in the
Client (JavaScript)
Client-side tests are run via `Karma <http://karma-runner.github.io/>`_.
To run, install the :code:`karma-cli` and the npm dependencies::
Then, install the Node modules by running, from the project directory::
npm install
sudo npm install --global karma-cli
Then, run Karma::
Usage - Development
A development server can be run as follows::
karma start --single-run
gulp dev
Tests will be executed using `PhantomJS <http://phantomjs.org/>`_ by default.
Similarly, `ESLint <http://eslint.org/>`_ can be used to verify formatting::
This will open a web browser and reload code automatically as it changes on the filesystem.
eslint stackviz/static/
Usage - Production
The production application can be build using::
gulp prod
The result will be written to :code:`./build` and should be appropriate for distribution. Note that all files are not required:
- Directory structure (:code:`js/`, :code:`css/`, :code:`fonts/`, :code:`images/`): required.
- Static resources (:code:`fonts/`, :code:`images/`): required.
- Core files (:code:`index.html`, :code:`js/main.js`, :code:`css/main.css`): required unless gzipped versions are used.
- Gzipped versions of core files (:code:`*.gz`): not required, but preferred. Use instead of plain core files.
- Note that filenames must have the :code:`.gz` extension removed as links are not currently rewritten to reflect the extension added during the gzip process. TODO: investigate use of `gulp-rebase <https://github.com/tunderdomb/rebase>`_ to avoid this.
- Source maps (:code:`js/main.js.map`, :code:`js/main.js.map.gz`): only required for debugging purposes.
- Project split: All server-side components will be removed, and replaced with specialized data transformation tools.
- Data sources and processing: moving to external project, potentially integrated directly with `Testr <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Testr>`_ and `subunit2sql <https://github.com/openstack-infra/subunit2sql>`_.
- Web interface:
- Will remain in this namespace (:code:`openstack-qa/stackviz`).
- Will decouple data processing from build process, allowing for distribution to nodes as a prebuilt static site.
- Data sources will be configured in in a :code:`config.json`.
- Will support local and remote sources via REST/JSONP (pending API spec).
- Angular conversion: current codebase will be rewritten to use Angular.
- Python dependency removal: all Python depedencies and build requirements will be removed from this project.