# Copyright 2017 The Openstack-Helm Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. {{- define "helm-toolkit.scripts.db_init" }} #!/usr/bin/env python # Creates db and user for an OpenStack Service: # Set ROOT_DB_CONNECTION and DB_CONNECTION environment variables to contain # SQLAlchemy strings for the root connection to the database and the one you # wish the service to use. Alternatively, you can use an ini formatted config # at the location specified by OPENSTACK_CONFIG_FILE, and extract the string # from the key OPENSTACK_CONFIG_DB_KEY, in the section specified by # OPENSTACK_CONFIG_DB_SECTION. import os import sys import ConfigParser import logging from sqlalchemy import create_engine # Create logger, console handler and formatter logger = logging.getLogger('OpenStack-Helm DB Init') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') # Set the formatter and add the handler ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) # Get the connection string for the service db root user if "ROOT_DB_CONNECTION" in os.environ: db_connection = os.environ['ROOT_DB_CONNECTION'] logger.info('Got DB root connection') else: logger.critical('environment variable ROOT_DB_CONNECTION not set') sys.exit(1) # Get the connection string for the service db if "OPENSTACK_CONFIG_FILE" in os.environ: try: os_conf = os.environ['OPENSTACK_CONFIG_FILE'] if "OPENSTACK_CONFIG_DB_SECTION" in os.environ: os_conf_section = os.environ['OPENSTACK_CONFIG_DB_SECTION'] else: logger.critical('environment variable OPENSTACK_CONFIG_DB_SECTION not set') sys.exit(1) if "OPENSTACK_CONFIG_DB_KEY" in os.environ: os_conf_key = os.environ['OPENSTACK_CONFIG_DB_KEY'] else: logger.critical('environment variable OPENSTACK_CONFIG_DB_KEY not set') sys.exit(1) config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() logger.info("Using {0} as db config source".format(os_conf)) config.read(os_conf) logger.info("Trying to load db config from {0}:{1}".format( os_conf_section, os_conf_key)) user_db_conn = config.get(os_conf_section, os_conf_key) logger.info("Got config from {0}".format(os_conf)) except: logger.critical("Tried to load config from {0} but failed.".format(os_conf)) sys.exit(1) elif "DB_CONNECTION" in os.environ: user_db_conn = os.environ['DB_CONNECTION'] logger.info('Got config from DB_CONNECTION env var') else: logger.critical('Could not get db config, either from config file or env var') sys.exit(1) # Root DB engine try: root_engine_full = create_engine(db_connection) root_user = root_engine_full.url.username root_password = root_engine_full.url.password drivername = root_engine_full.url.drivername host = root_engine_full.url.host port = root_engine_full.url.port root_engine_url = ''.join([drivername, '://', root_user, ':', root_password, '@', host, ':', str (port)]) root_engine = create_engine(root_engine_url) connection = root_engine.connect() connection.close() logger.info("Tested connection to DB @ {0}:{1} as {2}".format( host, port, root_user)) except: logger.critical('Could not connect to database as root user') raise sys.exit(1) # User DB engine try: user_engine = create_engine(user_db_conn) # Get our user data out of the user_engine database = user_engine.url.database user = user_engine.url.username password = user_engine.url.password logger.info('Got user db config') except: logger.critical('Could not get user database config') raise sys.exit(1) # Create DB try: root_engine.execute("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS {0}".format(database)) logger.info("Created database {0}".format(database)) except: logger.critical("Could not create database {0}".format(database)) raise sys.exit(1) # Create DB User try: root_engine.execute( "GRANT ALL ON `{0}`.* TO \'{1}\'@\'%%\' IDENTIFIED BY \'{2}\'".format( database, user, password)) logger.info("Created user {0} for {1}".format(user, database)) except: logger.critical("Could not create user {0} for {1}".format(user, database)) raise sys.exit(1) # Test connection try: connection = user_engine.connect() connection.close() logger.info("Tested connection to DB @ {0}:{1}/{2} as {3}".format( host, port, database, user)) except: logger.critical('Could not connect to database as user') raise sys.exit(1) logger.info('Finished DB Management') {{- end }}