# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging from urllib.parse import urlparse from prometheus_client import CollectorRegistry, generate_latest, Gauge from base import OSBase logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CheckOSApi(OSBase): """Class to check the status of OpenStack API services.""" CHECK_MAP = { 'keystone': {'path': '/', 'expect': [300], 'name': 'keystone-public-api'}, 'heat': {'path': '/', 'expect': [300], 'name': 'heat-api'}, 'heat-cfn': {'path': '/', 'expect': [300], 'name': 'heat-cfn-api'}, 'glance': {'path': '/', 'expect': [300], 'name': 'glance-api'}, 'cinder': {'path': '/', 'expect': [200, 300], 'name': 'cinder-api'}, 'cinderv2': { 'path': '/', 'expect': [200, 300], 'name': 'cinder-v2-api'}, 'neutron': {'path': '/', 'expect': [200], 'name': 'neutron-api'}, 'nova': {'path': '/', 'expect': [200], 'name': 'nova-api'}, 'ceilometer': { 'path': 'v2/capabilities', 'expect': [200], 'auth': True, 'name': 'ceilometer-api'}, 'swift': {'path': '/', 'expect': [200], 'name': 'ceph'}, 'swift_s3': { 'path': 'healthcheck', 'expect': [200], 'name': 'swift-s3-api'}, 'murano': {'path': '/', 'expect': [200, 300], 'name': 'murano-api'}, 'trove': {'path': '/', 'expect': [200, 300], 'name': 'trove-api'}, 'mistral': {'path': '/', 'expect': [200, 300], 'name': 'mistral-api'}, 'designate': {'path': '/', 'expect': [200, 300], 'name': 'designate-api'}, 'contrail_analytics': {'path': '/', 'expect': [200], 'name': 'contrail-analytics-api'}, 'contrail_config': {'path': '/', 'expect': [200], 'name': 'contrail-config-api'}, 'placement': {'path': '/', 'expect': [401], 'name': 'placement-api'}, 'shipyard': {'path': 'api/v1.0/health', 'expect': [204, 503], 'name': 'shipyard'}, 'armada': {'path': 'api/v1.0/health', 'expect': [204, 503], 'name': 'armada'}, 'deckhand': {'path': 'api/v1.0/health', 'expect': [204, 503], 'name': 'deckhand'}, 'drydock': {'path': 'api/v1.0/health', 'expect': [204, 503], 'name': 'drydock'}, 'promenade': {'path': 'api/v1.0/health', 'expect': [204, 503], 'name': 'promenade'}, } def _service_url(self, endpoint, path): url = urlparse(endpoint) u = '%s://%s' % (url.scheme, url.netloc) if path != '/': u = '%s/%s' % (u, path) return u def build_cache_data(self): """ Check the status of all the API services. Yields a list of dict items with 'service', 'status' (either OK, FAIL or UNKNOWN) and 'region' keys. """ check_array = [] catalog = self.osclient.service_catalog for service in catalog: name = service['name'] url = None status_code = 500 if name not in self.CHECK_MAP: logger.info( "No check found for service '%s', creating one" % name) self.CHECK_MAP[name] = { 'path': '/', 'expect': [200, 300, 302, 401, 404], 'name': name, } check = self.CHECK_MAP[name] url = self._service_url(service['url'], check['path']) r = self.osclient.raw_get( url, token_required=check.get( 'auth', False)) if r is not None: status_code = r.status_code if r is None or status_code not in check['expect']: logger.info( "Service %s check failed " "(returned '%s' but expected '%s')" % ( name, status_code, check['expect']) ) status = self.FAIL else: status = self.OK check_array.append({ 'service': name, 'status': status, 'url': url, 'status_code': status_code, 'region': self.osclient.region, }) return check_array def get_cache_key(self): return "check_os_api" def get_stats(self): registry = CollectorRegistry() labels = ['region', 'url', 'service'] check_api_data_cache = self.get_cache_data() for check_api_data in check_api_data_cache: label_values = [ check_api_data['region'], check_api_data['url'], check_api_data['service']] gague_name = self.gauge_name_sanitize( "check_{}_api".format(check_api_data['service'])) check_gauge = Gauge( gague_name, 'Openstack API check. fail = 0, ok = 1 and unknown = 2', labels, registry=registry) check_gauge.labels(*label_values).set(check_api_data['status']) return generate_latest(registry)