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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
The :mod:`~openstack.test.fakes` module exists to help application developers
using the OpenStack SDK to unit test their applications. It provides a number
of helper utilities to generate fake :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` and
:class:`~openstack.proxy.Proxy` instances. These fakes do not require an
established connection and allow you to validate that your application using
valid attributes and methods for both :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` and
:class:`~openstack.proxy.Proxy` instances.
import inspect
import random
from typing import (
from unittest import mock
import uuid
from openstack import format as _format
from openstack import proxy
from openstack import resource
from openstack import service_description
Resource = TypeVar('Resource', bound=resource.Resource)
def generate_fake_resource(
resource_type: Type[Resource],
**attrs: Dict[str, Any],
) -> Resource:
"""Generate a fake resource
:param type resource_type: Object class
:param dict attrs: Optional attributes to be set on resource
Example usage:
.. code-block:: python
>>> from openstack.compute.v2 import server
>>> from openstack.test import fakes
>>> fakes.generate_fake_resource(server.Server)
:param type resource_type: Object class
:param dict attrs: Optional attributes to be set on resource
:return: Instance of ``resource_type`` class populated with fake
values of expected types
:raises NotImplementedError: If a resource attribute specifies a ``type``
or ``list_type`` that cannot be automatically generated
base_attrs: Dict[str, Any] = {}
for name, value in inspect.getmembers(
predicate=lambda x: isinstance(x, (resource.Body, resource.URI)),
if isinstance(value, resource.Body):
target_type = value.type
if target_type is None:
if (
name == "properties"
and hasattr(
resource_type, "_store_unknown_attrs_as_properties"
and resource_type._store_unknown_attrs_as_properties
# virtual "properties" attr which hosts all unknown attrs
# (i.e. Image)
base_attrs[name] = dict()
# Type not defined - string
base_attrs[name] = uuid.uuid4().hex
elif issubclass(target_type, resource.Resource):
# Attribute is of another Resource type
base_attrs[name] = generate_fake_resource(target_type)
elif issubclass(target_type, list) and value.list_type is not None:
# List of ...
item_type = value.list_type
if issubclass(item_type, resource.Resource):
# item is of Resource type
base_attrs[name] = [generate_fake_resource(item_type)]
elif issubclass(item_type, dict):
base_attrs[name] = [{}]
elif issubclass(item_type, str):
base_attrs[name] = [uuid.uuid4().hex]
# Everything else
msg = "Fake value for {}.{} can not be generated".format(
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
elif issubclass(target_type, list) and value.list_type is None:
# List of str
base_attrs[name] = [uuid.uuid4().hex]
elif issubclass(target_type, str):
# definitely string
base_attrs[name] = uuid.uuid4().hex
elif issubclass(target_type, int):
# int
base_attrs[name] = random.randint(1, 100)
elif issubclass(target_type, float):
# float
base_attrs[name] = random.random()
elif issubclass(target_type, bool) or issubclass(
target_type, _format.BoolStr
# bool
base_attrs[name] = random.choice([True, False])
elif issubclass(target_type, dict):
# some dict - without further details leave it empty
base_attrs[name] = dict()
# Everything else
msg = "Fake value for {}.{} can not be generated".format(
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
if isinstance(value, resource.URI):
# For URI we just generate something
base_attrs[name] = uuid.uuid4().hex
fake = resource_type(**base_attrs)
return fake
def generate_fake_resources(
resource_type: Type[Resource],
count: int = 1,
attrs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
) -> Generator[Resource, None, None]:
"""Generate a given number of fake resource entities
:param type resource_type: Object class
:param int count: Number of objects to return
:param dict attrs: Attribute values to set into each instance
Example usage:
.. code-block:: python
>>> from openstack.compute.v2 import server
>>> from openstack.test import fakes
>>> fakes.generate_fake_resources(server.Server, count=3)
<generator object generate_fake_resources at 0x7f075dc65040>
:param type resource_type: Object class
:param int count: Number of objects to return
:param dict attrs: Attribute values to set into each instance
:return: Generator of ``resource_type`` class instances populated with fake
values of expected types.
if not attrs:
attrs = {}
for _ in range(count):
yield generate_fake_resource(resource_type, **attrs)
# TODO(stephenfin): It would be helpful to generate fake resources for the
# various proxy methods also, but doing so requires deep code introspection or
# (better) type annotations
def generate_fake_proxy(
service: Type[service_description.ServiceDescription],
api_version: Optional[str] = None,
) -> proxy.Proxy:
"""Generate a fake proxy for the given service type
Example usage:
.. code-block:: python
>>> import functools
>>> from openstack.compute import compute_service
>>> from openstack.compute.v2 import server
>>> from openstack.test import fakes
>>> # create the fake proxy
>>> fake_compute_proxy = fakes.generate_fake_proxy(
... compute_service.ComputeService,
... )
>>> # configure return values for various proxy APIs
>>> # note that this will generate new fake resources on each invocation
>>> fake_compute_proxy.get_server.side_effect = functools.partial(
... fakes.generate_fake_resource,
... server.Server,
... )
>>> fake_compute_proxy.servers.side_effect = functools.partial(
... fakes.generate_fake_resources,
... server.Server,
... )
>>> fake_compute_proxy.servers()
<generator object generate_fake_resources at 0x7f92768dc040>
>>> fake_compute_proxy.serverssss()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/usr/lib64/python3.11/unittest/", line 653, in __getattr__
raise AttributeError("Mock object has no attribute %r" % name)
AttributeError: Mock object has no attribute 'serverssss'. Did you mean: 'server_ips'?
:param service: The service to generate the fake proxy for.
:type service: :class:`~openstack.service_description.ServiceDescription`
:param api_version: The API version to generate the fake proxy for.
This should be a major version must be supported by openstacksdk, as
specified in the ``supported_versions`` attribute of the provided
``service``. This is only required if openstacksdk supports multiple
API versions for the given service.
:type api_version: int or None
:raises ValueError: if the ``service`` is not a valid
:class:`~openstack.service_description.ServiceDescription` or if
``api_version`` is not supported
:returns: An autospecced mock of the :class:`~openstack.proxy.Proxy`
implementation for the specified service type and API version
if not issubclass(service, service_description.ServiceDescription):
raise ValueError(
f"Service {service.__name__} is not a valid ServiceDescription"
supported_versions = service.supported_versions
if api_version is None:
if len(supported_versions) > 1:
raise ValueError(
f"api_version was not provided but service {service.__name__} "
f"provides multiple API versions"
api_version = list(supported_versions)[0]
elif api_version not in supported_versions:
raise ValueError(
f"API version {api_version} is not supported by openstacksdk. "
f"Supported API versions are: {', '.join(supported_versions)}"
return mock.create_autospec(supported_versions[api_version])