
1234 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from openstack.compute.v2 import availability_zone
from openstack.compute.v2 import extension
from openstack.compute.v2 import flavor as _flavor
from openstack.compute.v2 import hypervisor as _hypervisor
from openstack.compute.v2 import image as _image
from openstack.compute.v2 import keypair as _keypair
from openstack.compute.v2 import limits
from openstack.compute.v2 import server as _server
from openstack.compute.v2 import server_group as _server_group
from openstack.compute.v2 import server_interface as _server_interface
from openstack.compute.v2 import server_ip
from openstack.compute.v2 import service as _service
from openstack.compute.v2 import volume_attachment as _volume_attachment
from openstack import proxy
from openstack import resource
class Proxy(proxy.Proxy):
Extension = extension.Extension
Flavor = _flavor.Flavor
FlavorDetail = _flavor.FlavorDetail
Server = _server.Server
ServerDetail = _server.ServerDetail
def delete_image(self, image, ignore_missing=True):
"""Delete an image
:param image: The value can be either the ID of an image or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.image.Image` instance.
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
raised when the image does not exist.
When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when
attempting to delete a nonexistent image.
:returns: ``None``
self._delete(_image.Image, image, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
def find_image(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True):
"""Find a single image
:param name_or_id: The name or ID of a image.
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
raised when the resource does not exist.
When set to ``True``, None will be returned when
attempting to find a nonexistent resource.
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.image.Image` or None
return self._find(_image.Image, name_or_id,
def get_image(self, image):
"""Get a single image
:param image: The value can be the ID of an image or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.image.Image` instance.
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.image.Image`
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
return self._get(_image.Image, image)
def images(self, details=True, **query):
"""Return a generator of images
:param bool details: When ``True``, returns
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.image.ImageDetail` objects,
otherwise :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.image.Image`.
*Default: ``True``*
:param kwargs \*\*query: Optional query parameters to be sent to limit
the resources being returned.
:returns: A generator of image objects
img = _image.ImageDetail if details else _image.Image
return self._list(img, paginated=True, **query)
def _get_base_resource(self, res, base):
# Metadata calls for Image and Server can work for both those
# resources but also ImageDetail and ServerDetail. If we get
# either class, use it, otherwise create an instance of the base.
if isinstance(res, base):
return res
return base(id=res)
def get_image_metadata(self, image):
"""Return a dictionary of metadata for an image
:param image: Either the ID of an image or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.image.Image` or
:returns: A :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.image.Image` with only the
image's metadata. All keys and values are Unicode text.
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.image.Image`
res = self._get_base_resource(image, _image.Image)
metadata = res.get_metadata(self)
result = _image.Image.existing(, metadata=metadata)
return result
def set_image_metadata(self, image, **metadata):
"""Update metadata for an image
:param image: Either the ID of an image or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.image.Image` or
:param kwargs metadata: Key/value pairs to be updated in the image's
metadata. No other metadata is modified
by this call. All keys and values are stored
as Unicode.
:returns: A :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.image.Image` with only the
image's metadata. All keys and values are Unicode text.
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.image.Image`
res = self._get_base_resource(image, _image.Image)
metadata = res.set_metadata(self, **metadata)
result = _image.Image.existing(, metadata=metadata)
return result
def delete_image_metadata(self, image, keys):
"""Delete metadata for an image
Note: This method will do a HTTP DELETE request for every key in keys.
:param image: Either the ID of an image or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.image.Image` or
:param keys: The keys to delete.
:rtype: ``None``
res = self._get_base_resource(image, _image.Image)
return res.delete_metadata(self, keys)
def create_keypair(self, **attrs):
"""Create a new keypair from attributes
:param dict attrs: Keyword arguments which will be used to create
a :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.keypair.Keypair`,
comprised of the properties on the Keypair class.
:returns: The results of keypair creation
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.keypair.Keypair`
return self._create(_keypair.Keypair, **attrs)
def delete_keypair(self, keypair, ignore_missing=True):
"""Delete a keypair
:param keypair: The value can be either the ID of a keypair or a
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
raised when the keypair does not exist.
When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when
attempting to delete a nonexistent keypair.
:returns: ``None``
self._delete(_keypair.Keypair, keypair, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
def get_keypair(self, keypair):
"""Get a single keypair
:param keypair: The value can be the ID of a keypair or a
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.keypair.Keypair`
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
return self._get(_keypair.Keypair, keypair)
def find_keypair(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True):
"""Find a single keypair
:param name_or_id: The name or ID of a keypair.
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
raised when the resource does not exist.
When set to ``True``, None will be returned when
attempting to find a nonexistent resource.
:returns: One :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.keypair.Keypair` or None
return self._find(_keypair.Keypair, name_or_id,
def keypairs(self):
"""Return a generator of keypairs
:returns: A generator of keypair objects
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.keypair.Keypair`
return self._list(_keypair.Keypair, paginated=False)
def get_limits(self):
"""Retrieve limits that are applied to the project's account
:returns: A Limits object, including both
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.limits.AbsoluteLimits` and
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.limits.Limits`
return self._get(limits.Limits)
def delete_server(self, server, ignore_missing=True, force=False):
"""Delete a server
:param server: The value can be either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
raised when the server does not exist.
When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when
attempting to delete a nonexistent server
:param bool force: When set to ``True``, the server deletion will be
forced immediately.
:returns: ``None``
if force:
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
server, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
def servers(self, details=True, **query):
"""Retrieve a generator of servers
:param bool details: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instances
will be returned. The default, ``True``, will cause
instances to be returned.
:param kwargs \*\*query: Optional query parameters to be sent to limit
the servers being returned. Available parameters include:
* changes_since: A time/date stamp for when the server last changed
* image: An image resource or ID.
* flavor: A flavor resource or ID.
* name: Name of the server as a string. Can be queried with
regular expressions. The regular expression
?name=bob returns both bob and bobb. If you must match on
only bob, you can use a regular expression that
matches the syntax of the underlying database server that
is implemented for Compute, such as MySQL or PostgreSQL.
* status: Value of the status of the server so that you can filter
on "ACTIVE" for example.
* host: Name of the host as a string.
* limit: Requests a specified page size of returned items from the
query. Returns a number of items up to the specified
limit value. Use the limit parameter to make an initial
limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from
the response as the marker parameter value in a subsequent
limited request.
* marker: Specifies the ID of the last-seen item. Use the limit
parameter to make an initial limited request and use the
ID of the last-seen item from the response as the marker
parameter value in a subsequent limited request.
:returns: A generator of server instances.
return self._generated_servers(details=details, **query)
def update_server(self, server, **attrs):
"""Update a server
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:attrs kwargs: The attributes to update on the server represented
by ``server``.
:returns: The updated server
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server`
return self._update(_server.Server, server, **attrs)
def change_server_password(self, server, new_password):
"""Change the administrator password
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:param str new_password: The new password to be set.
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
server.change_password(self, new_password)
def get_server_password(self, server):
"""Get the administrator password
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:returns: encrypted password.
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
return server.get_password(self._session)
def reset_server_state(self, server, state):
"""Reset the state of server
:param server: The server can be either the ID of a server or a
:param state: The state of the server to be set, `active` or
`error` are valid.
:returns: None
res = self._get_base_resource(server, _server.Server)
res.reset_state(self, state)
def reboot_server(self, server, reboot_type):
"""Reboot a server
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:param str reboot_type: The type of reboot to perform.
"HARD" and "SOFT" are the current options.
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
server.reboot(self, reboot_type)
def rebuild_server(self, server, name, admin_password, **attrs):
"""Rebuild a server
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:param str name: The name of the server
:param str admin_password: The administrator password
:param bool preserve_ephemeral: Indicates whether the server
is rebuilt with the preservation of the ephemeral partition.
*Default: False*
:param str image: The id of an image to rebuild with. *Default: None*
:param str access_ipv4: The IPv4 address to rebuild with.
*Default: None*
:param str access_ipv6: The IPv6 address to rebuild with.
*Default: None*
:param dict metadata: A dictionary of metadata to rebuild with.
*Default: None*
:param personality: A list of dictionaries, each including a
**path** and **contents** key, to be injected
into the rebuilt server at launch.
*Default: None*
:returns: The rebuilt :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server`
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
return server.rebuild(self, name, admin_password, **attrs)
def resize_server(self, server, flavor):
"""Resize a server
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:param flavor: Either the ID of a flavor or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.flavor.Flavor` instance.
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
flavor_id = resource.Resource._get_id(flavor)
server.resize(self, flavor_id)
def confirm_server_resize(self, server):
"""Confirm a server resize
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
def revert_server_resize(self, server):
"""Revert a server resize
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
def create_server_image(self, server, name, metadata=None):
"""Create an image from a server
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:param str name: The name of the image to be created.
:param dict metadata: A dictionary of metadata to be set on the image.
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
server.create_image(self, name, metadata)
def add_security_group_to_server(self, server, security_group):
"""Add a security group to a server
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:param security_group: Either the ID of a security group or a
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
security_group_id = resource.Resource._get_id(security_group)
server.add_security_group(self, security_group_id)
def remove_security_group_from_server(self, server, security_group):
"""Remove a security group from a server
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:param security_group: Either the ID of a security group or a
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
security_group_id = resource.Resource._get_id(security_group)
server.remove_security_group(self, security_group_id)
def add_fixed_ip_to_server(self, server, network_id):
"""Adds a fixed IP address to a server instance.
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:param network_id: The ID of the network from which a fixed IP address
is about to be allocated.
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
server.add_fixed_ip(self, network_id)
def remove_fixed_ip_from_server(self, server, address):
"""Removes a fixed IP address from a server instance.
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:param address: The fixed IP address to be disassociated from the
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
server.remove_fixed_ip(self, address)
def add_floating_ip_to_server(self, server, address, fixed_address=None):
"""Adds a floating IP address to a server instance.
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:param address: The floating IP address to be added to the server.
:param fixed_address: The fixed IP address to be associated with the
floating IP address. Used when the server is
connected to multiple networks.
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
server.add_floating_ip(self, address,
def remove_floating_ip_from_server(self, server, address):
"""Removes a floating IP address from a server instance.
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:param address: The floating IP address to be disassociated from the
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
server.remove_floating_ip(self, address)
def backup_server(self, server, name, backup_type, rotation):
"""Backup a server
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:param name: The name of the backup image.
:param backup_type: The type of the backup, for example, daily.
:param rotation: The rotation of the back up image, the oldest
image will be removed when image count exceed
the rotation count.
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
server.backup(self, name, backup_type, rotation)
def pause_server(self, server):
"""Pauses a server and changes its status to ``PAUSED``.
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
def unpause_server(self, server):
"""Unpauses a paused server and changes its status to ``ACTIVE``.
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
def suspend_server(self, server):
"""Suspends a server and changes its status to ``SUSPENDED``.
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
def resume_server(self, server):
"""Resumes a suspended server and changes its status to ``ACTIVE``.
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
def lock_server(self, server):
"""Locks a server.
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
def unlock_server(self, server):
"""Unlocks a locked server.
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
def rescue_server(self, server, admin_pass=None, image_ref=None):
"""Puts a server in rescue mode and changes it status to ``RESCUE``.
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:param admin_pass: The password for the rescued server. If you omit
this parameter, the operation generates a new
:param image_ref: The image reference to use to rescue your server.
This can be the image ID or its full URL. If you
omit this parameter, the base image reference will
be used.
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
server.rescue(self, admin_pass=admin_pass,
def unrescue_server(self, server):
"""Unrescues a server and changes its status to ``ACTIVE``.
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
def evacuate_server(self, server, host=None, admin_pass=None, force=None):
"""Evacuates a server from a failed host to a new host.
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:param host: An optional parameter specifying the name or ID of the
host to which the server is evacuated.
:param admin_pass: An optional parameter specifying the administrative
password to access the evacuated or rebuilt server.
:param force: Force an evacuation by not verifying the provided
destination host by the scheduler. (New in API version
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
server.evacuate(self, host=host, admin_pass=admin_pass,
def start_server(self, server):
"""Starts a stopped server and changes its state to ``ACTIVE``.
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
def stop_server(self, server):
"""Stops a running server and changes its state to ``SHUTOFF``.
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
def shelve_server(self, server):
"""Shelves a server.
All associated data and resources are kept but anything still in
memory is not retained. Policy defaults enable only users with
administrative role or the owner of the server to perform this
operation. Cloud provides could change this permission though.
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
def unshelve_server(self, server):
"""Unselves or restores a shelved server.
Policy defaults enable only users with administrative role or the
owner of the server to perform this operation. Cloud provides could
change this permission though.
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
def get_server_console_output(self, server, length=None):
"""Return the console output for a server.
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:param length: Optional number of line to fetch from the end of console
log. All lines will be returned if this is not specified.
:returns: The console output as a dict. Control characters will be
escaped to create a valid JSON string.
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
return server.get_console_output(self, length=length)
def wait_for_server(self, server, status='ACTIVE', failures=None,
interval=2, wait=120):
"""Wait for a server to be in a particular status.
:param res: The resource to wait on to reach the specified status.
The resource must have a ``status`` attribute.
:type resource: A :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` object.
:param status: Desired status.
:param failures: Statuses that would be interpreted as failures.
:type failures: :py:class:`list`
:param interval: Number of seconds to wait before to consecutive
checks. Default to 2.
:param wait: Maximum number of seconds to wait before the change.
Default to 120.
:returns: The resource is returned on success.
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceTimeout` if transition
to the desired status failed to occur in specified seconds.
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceFailure` if the resource
has transited to one of the failure statuses.
:raises: :class:`~AttributeError` if the resource does not have a
``status`` attribute.
failures = ['ERROR'] if failures is None else failures
return resource.wait_for_status(
self, server, status, failures, interval, wait)
def create_server_interface(self, server, **attrs):
"""Create a new server interface from attributes
:param server: The server can be either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance
that the interface belongs to.
:param dict attrs: Keyword arguments which will be used to create
a :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server_interface.ServerInterface`,
comprised of the properties on the ServerInterface class.
:returns: The results of server interface creation
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server_interface.ServerInterface`
server_id = resource.Resource._get_id(server)
return self._create(_server_interface.ServerInterface,
server_id=server_id, **attrs)
def delete_server_interface(self, server_interface, server=None,
"""Delete a server interface
:param server_interface:
The value can be either the ID of a server interface or a
:param server: This parameter need to be specified when ServerInterface
ID is given as value. It can be either the ID of a
server or a :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server`
instance that the interface belongs to.
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
raised when the server interface does not exist.
When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when
attempting to delete a nonexistent server interface.
:returns: ``None``
server_id = self._get_uri_attribute(server_interface, server,
server_interface = resource.Resource._get_id(server_interface)
def get_server_interface(self, server_interface, server=None):
"""Get a single server interface
:param server_interface:
The value can be the ID of a server interface or a
:param server: This parameter need to be specified when ServerInterface
ID is given as value. It can be either the ID of a
server or a :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server`
instance that the interface belongs to.
:returns: One
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
server_id = self._get_uri_attribute(server_interface, server,
server_interface = resource.Resource._get_id(server_interface)
return self._get(_server_interface.ServerInterface,
server_id=server_id, port_id=server_interface)
def server_interfaces(self, server):
"""Return a generator of server interfaces
:param server: The server can be either the ID of a server or a
:returns: A generator of ServerInterface objects
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server_interface.ServerInterface`
server_id = resource.Resource._get_id(server)
return self._list(_server_interface.ServerInterface, paginated=False,
def server_ips(self, server, network_label=None):
"""Return a generator of server IPs
:param server: The server can be either the ID of a server or a
:param network_label: The name of a particular network to list
IP addresses from.
:returns: A generator of ServerIP objects
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server_ip.ServerIP`
server_id = resource.Resource._get_id(server)
return self._list(server_ip.ServerIP, paginated=False,
server_id=server_id, network_label=network_label)
def availability_zones(self, details=False):
"""Return a generator of availability zones
:param bool details: Return extra details about the availability
zones. This defaults to `False` as it generally
requires extra permission.
:returns: A generator of availability zone
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.availability_zone.\
if details:
az = availability_zone.AvailabilityZoneDetail
az = availability_zone.AvailabilityZone
return self._list(az, paginated=False)
def get_server_metadata(self, server):
"""Return a dictionary of metadata for a server
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` or
:returns: A :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` with only the
server's metadata. All keys and values are Unicode text.
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server`
res = self._get_base_resource(server, _server.Server)
metadata = res.get_metadata(self)
result = _server.Server.existing(, metadata=metadata)
return result
def set_server_metadata(self, server, **metadata):
"""Update metadata for a server
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` or
:param kwargs metadata: Key/value pairs to be updated in the server's
metadata. No other metadata is modified
by this call. All keys and values are stored
as Unicode.
:returns: A :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` with only the
server's metadata. All keys and values are Unicode text.
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server`
res = self._get_base_resource(server, _server.Server)
metadata = res.set_metadata(self, **metadata)
result = _server.Server.existing(, metadata=metadata)
return result
def delete_server_metadata(self, server, keys):
"""Delete metadata for a server
Note: This method will do a HTTP DELETE request for every key in keys.
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` or
:param keys: The keys to delete
:rtype: ``None``
res = self._get_base_resource(server, _server.Server)
return res.delete_metadata(self, keys)
def create_server_group(self, **attrs):
"""Create a new server group from attributes
:param dict attrs: Keyword arguments which will be used to create
a :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server_group.ServerGroup`,
comprised of the properties on the ServerGroup class.
:returns: The results of server group creation
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server_group.ServerGroup`
return self._create(_server_group.ServerGroup, **attrs)
def delete_server_group(self, server_group, ignore_missing=True):
"""Delete a server group
:param server_group: The value can be either the ID of a server group
or a :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server_group.ServerGroup`
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
raised when the server group does not exist.
When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when
attempting to delete a nonexistent server group.
:returns: ``None``
self._delete(_server_group.ServerGroup, server_group,
def find_server_group(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True):
"""Find a single server group
:param name_or_id: The name or ID of a server group.
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
raised when the resource does not exist.
When set to ``True``, None will be returned when
attempting to find a nonexistent resource.
One :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server_group.ServerGroup` object
or None
return self._find(_server_group.ServerGroup, name_or_id,
def get_server_group(self, server_group):
"""Get a single server group
:param server_group: The value can be the ID of a server group or a
A :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server_group.ServerGroup` object.
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
return self._get(_server_group.ServerGroup, server_group)
def server_groups(self, **query):
"""Return a generator of server groups
:param kwargs \*\*query: Optional query parameters to be sent to limit
the resources being returned.
:returns: A generator of ServerGroup objects
:rtype: :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server_group.ServerGroup`
return self._list(_server_group.ServerGroup, paginated=False, **query)
def hypervisors(self, details=False):
"""Return a generator of hypervisor
:param bool details: When set to the default, ``False``,
instances will be returned. ``True`` will cause
instances to be returned.
:returns: A generator of hypervisor
:rtype: class: `~openstack.compute.v2.hypervisor.Hypervisor`
if details:
hypervisor = _hypervisor.HypervisorDetail
hypervisor = _hypervisor.Hypervisor
return self._list(hypervisor, paginated=False)
def find_hypervisor(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True):
"""Find a hypervisor from name or id to get the corresponding info
:param name_or_id: The name or id of a hypervisor
One: class:`~openstack.compute.v2.hypervisor.Hypervisor` object
or None
return self._find(_hypervisor.Hypervisor, name_or_id,
def get_hypervisor(self, hypervisor):
"""Get a single hypervisor
:param hypervisor: The value can be the ID of a hypervisor or a
A :class:`~openstack.compute.v2.hypervisor.Hypervisor` object.
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
return self._get(_hypervisor.Hypervisor, hypervisor)
def force_service_down(self, service, host, binary):
"""Force a service down
:param service: Either the ID of a service or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Service` instance.
:param str host: The host where service runs.
:param str binary: The name of service.
:returns: None
service = self._get_resource(_service.Service, service)
service.force_down(self, host, binary)
def disable_service(self, service, host, binary, disabled_reason=None):
"""Disable a service
:param service: Either the ID of a service or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Service` instance.
:param str host: The host where service runs.
:param str binary: The name of service.
:param str disabled_reason: The reason of force down a service.
:returns: None
service = self._get_resource(_service.Service, service)
host, binary,
def enable_service(self, service, host, binary):
"""Enable a service
:param service: Either the ID of a service or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Service` instance.
:param str host: The host where service runs.
:param str binary: The name of service.
:returns: None
service = self._get_resource(_service.Service, service)
service.enable(self, host, binary)
def services(self):
"""Return a generator of service
:returns: A generator of service
:rtype: class: `~openstack.compute.v2.service.Service`
return self._list(_service.Service, paginated=False)
def create_volume_attachment(self, server, **attrs):
"""Create a new volume attachment from attributes
:param server: The server can be either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:param dict attrs: Keyword arguments which will be used to create a
comprised of the properties on the VolumeAttachment class.
:returns: The results of volume attachment creation
server_id = resource.Resource._get_id(server)
return self._create(_volume_attachment.VolumeAttachment,
server_id=server_id, **attrs)
def update_volume_attachment(self, volume_attachment, server,
"""update a volume attachment
:param volume_attachment:
The value can be either the ID of a volume attachment or a
:param server: This parameter need to be specified when
VolumeAttachment ID is given as value. It can be
either the ID of a server or a
instance that the attachment belongs to.
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
raised when the volume attachment does not exist.
When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when
attempting to delete a nonexistent volume attachment.
:returns: ``None``
server_id = self._get_uri_attribute(volume_attachment, server,
volume_attachment = resource.Resource._get_id(volume_attachment)
return self._update(_volume_attachment.VolumeAttachment,
def delete_volume_attachment(self, volume_attachment, server,
"""Delete a volume attachment
:param volume_attachment:
The value can be either the ID of a volume attachment or a
:param server: This parameter need to be specified when
VolumeAttachment ID is given as value. It can be either
the ID of a server or a
instance that the attachment belongs to.
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
raised when the volume attachment does not exist.
When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when
attempting to delete a nonexistent volume attachment.
:returns: ``None``
server_id = self._get_uri_attribute(volume_attachment, server,
volume_attachment = resource.Resource._get_id(volume_attachment)
def get_volume_attachment(self, volume_attachment, server,
"""Get a single volume attachment
:param volume_attachment:
The value can be the ID of a volume attachment or a
:param server: This parameter need to be specified when
VolumeAttachment ID is given as value. It can be either
the ID of a server or a
instance that the attachment belongs to.
:param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
raised when the volume attachment does not exist.
When set to ``True``, no exception will be set when
attempting to delete a nonexistent volume attachment.
:returns: One
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
when no resource can be found.
server_id = self._get_uri_attribute(volume_attachment, server,
volume_attachment = resource.Resource._get_id(volume_attachment)
return self._get(_volume_attachment.VolumeAttachment,
def volume_attachments(self, server):
"""Return a generator of volume attachments
:param server: The server can be either the ID of a server or a
:returns: A generator of VolumeAttachment objects
server_id = resource.Resource._get_id(server)
return self._list(_volume_attachment.VolumeAttachment, paginated=False,
def migrate_server(self, server):
"""Migrate a server from one host to another
:param server: Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
def live_migrate_server(
self, server, host=None, force=False, block_migration=None):
"""Live migrate a server from one host to target host
:param server:
Either the ID of a server or a
:class:`~openstack.compute.v2.server.Server` instance.
:param str host:
The host to which to migrate the server. If the Nova service is
too old, the host parameter implies force=True which causes the
Nova scheduler to be bypassed. On such clouds, a ``ValueError``
will be thrown if ``host`` is given without ``force``.
:param bool force:
Force a live-migration by not verifying the provided destination
host by the scheduler. This is unsafe and not recommended.
:param block_migration:
Perform a block live migration to the destination host by the
scheduler. Can be 'auto', True or False. Some clouds are too old
to support 'auto', in which case a ValueError will be thrown. If
omitted, the value will be 'auto' on clouds that support it, and
False on clouds that do not.
:returns: None
server = self._get_resource(_server.Server, server)
self, host,
def wait_for_delete(self, res, interval=2, wait=120):
"""Wait for a resource to be deleted.
:param res: The resource to wait on to be deleted.
:type resource: A :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource` object.
:param interval: Number of seconds to wait before to consecutive
checks. Default to 2.
:param wait: Maximum number of seconds to wait before the change.
Default to 120.
:returns: The resource is returned on success.
:raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceTimeout` if transition
to delete failed to occur in the specified seconds.
return resource.wait_for_delete(self, res, interval, wait)