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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Identity v3 authorization plugins. The plugin must be constructed with an
auhorization URL and a user id, user name or token. A user id or user name
would also require a password. For example::
from openstack.auth.identity import v3
from openstack import transport
args = {
'password': 'openSesame',
'auth_url': '',
'username': 'alibaba',
auth = v3.Auth(**args)
xport = transport.Transport()
accessInfo = auth.authorize(xport)
import abc
import logging
import six
from openstack.auth import access
from openstack.auth.identity import base
from openstack import exceptions
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Auth(base.BaseIdentityPlugin):
def __init__(self, auth_url, auth_methods,
"""Construct an Identity V3 Authentication Plugin.
:param string auth_url: Identity service endpoint for authentication.
:param list auth_methods: A collection of methods to authenticate with.
:param string trust_id: Trust ID for trust scoping.
:param string domain_id: Domain ID for domain scoping.
:param string domain_name: Domain name for domain scoping.
:param string project_id: Project ID for project scoping.
:param string project_name: Project name for project scoping.
:param string project_domain_id: Project's domain ID for project.
:param string project_domain_name: Project's domain name for project.
:param bool reauthenticate: Allow fetching a new token if the current
one is going to expire.
(optional) default True
:param bool include_catalog: Include the service catalog in the
returned token. (optional) default True.
super(Auth, self).__init__(auth_url=auth_url,
self.auth_methods = auth_methods
self.trust_id = trust_id
self.domain_id = domain_id
self.domain_name = domain_name
self.project_id = project_id
self.project_name = project_name
self.project_domain_id = project_domain_id
self.project_domain_name = project_domain_name
self.include_catalog = include_catalog
def token_url(self):
"""The full URL where we will send authentication data."""
return '%s/auth/tokens' % self.auth_url.rstrip('/')
def authorize(self, transport, **kwargs):
"""Obtain access information from an OpenStack Identity Service."""
headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'}
body = {'auth': {'identity': {}}}
ident = body['auth']['identity']
for method in self.auth_methods:
name, auth_data = method.get_auth_data(transport, self, headers)
ident.setdefault('methods', []).append(name)
ident[name] = auth_data
if not ident:
raise exceptions.AuthorizationFailure('Authentication method '
'required (e.g. password)')
mutual_exclusion = [bool(self.domain_id or self.domain_name),
bool(self.project_id or self.project_name),
if sum(mutual_exclusion) > 1:
raise exceptions.AuthorizationFailure('Authentication cannot be '
'scoped to multiple '
'targets. Pick one of: '
'project, domain or trust')
if self.domain_id:
body['auth']['scope'] = {'domain': {'id': self.domain_id}}
elif self.domain_name:
body['auth']['scope'] = {'domain': {'name': self.domain_name}}
elif self.project_id:
body['auth']['scope'] = {'project': {'id': self.project_id}}
elif self.project_name:
scope = body['auth']['scope'] = {'project': {}}
scope['project']['name'] = self.project_name
if self.project_domain_id:
scope['project']['domain'] = {'id': self.project_domain_id}
elif self.project_domain_name:
scope['project']['domain'] = {'name': self.project_domain_name}
elif self.trust_id:
body['auth']['scope'] = {'OS-TRUST:trust': {'id': self.trust_id}}
# NOTE(jamielennox): we add nocatalog here rather than in token_url
# directly as some federation plugins require the base token_url
token_url = self.token_url
if not self.include_catalog:
token_url += '?nocatalog'
_logger.debug('Making authentication request to %s', token_url)
resp =, json=body, headers=headers)
resp_data = resp.json()['token']
except (KeyError, ValueError):
raise exceptions.InvalidResponse(response=resp)
return access.AccessInfoV3(resp.headers['X-Subject-Token'],
class AuthMethod(object):
"""One part of a V3 Authentication strategy.
V3 Tokens allow multiple methods to be presented when authentication
against the server. Each one of these methods is implemented by an
Note: When implementing an AuthMethod use the method_parameters
and do not use positional arguments. Otherwise they can't be picked up by
the factory method and don't work as well with AuthConstructors.
_method_parameters = []
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for param in self._method_parameters:
setattr(self, param, kwargs.pop(param, None))
if kwargs:
msg = "Unexpected Attributes: %s" % ", ".join(kwargs.keys())
raise AttributeError(msg)
def _extract_kwargs(cls, kwargs):
"""Remove parameters related to this method from other kwargs."""
return dict([(p, kwargs.pop(p, None))
for p in cls._method_parameters])
def get_auth_data(self, transport, auth, headers, **kwargs):
"""Return the authentication section of an auth plugin.
:param Transport transport: The communication transport.
:param Auth auth: The auth plugin calling the method.
:param dict headers: The headers that will be sent with the auth
request if a plugin needs to add to them.
:return tuple(string, dict): The identifier of this plugin and a dict
of authentication data for the auth type.
class AuthConstructor(Auth):
"""AuthConstructor creates an authentication plugin with one method.
AuthConstructor is a means of creating an authentication plugin that
contains only one authentication method. This is generally the required
An AuthConstructor creates an AuthMethod based on the method's
arguments and the auth_method_class defined by the plugin. It then
creates the auth plugin with only that authentication method.
_auth_method_class = None
def __init__(self, auth_url, *args, **kwargs):
method_kwargs = self._auth_method_class._extract_kwargs(kwargs)
method = self._auth_method_class(*args, **method_kwargs)
super(AuthConstructor, self).__init__(auth_url, [method], **kwargs)
class PasswordMethod(AuthMethod):
_method_parameters = ['user_id',
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Construct a User/Password based authentication method.
:param string password: Password for authentication.
:param string username: Username for authentication.
:param string user_id: User ID for authentication.
:param string user_domain_id: User's domain ID for authentication.
:param string user_domain_name: User's domain name for authentication.
super(PasswordMethod, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def get_auth_data(self, transport, auth, headers, **kwargs):
"""Identity v3 password authentication data."""
user = {'password': self.password}
if self.user_id:
user['id'] = self.user_id
elif self.username:
user['name'] = self.username
if self.user_domain_id:
user['domain'] = {'id': self.user_domain_id}
elif self.user_domain_name:
user['domain'] = {'name': self.user_domain_name}
return 'password', {'user': user}
class Password(AuthConstructor):
#: Valid options for this plugin
valid_options = [
_auth_method_class = PasswordMethod
class TokenMethod(AuthMethod):
_method_parameters = ['token',
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Construct an Auth plugin to fetch a token from a token.
:param string token: Token for authentication.
super(TokenMethod, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def get_auth_data(self, transport, auth, headers, **kwargs):
headers['X-Auth-Token'] = self.token
return 'token', {'id': self.token}
class Token(AuthConstructor):
#: Valid options for this plugin
valid_options = [
_auth_method_class = TokenMethod
def __init__(self, auth_url, token, **kwargs):
super(Token, self).__init__(auth_url, token=token, **kwargs)