# Copyright (c) 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import argparse import json import logging import os import subprocess import sys import tempfile from pystache import context import yaml from os_apply_config import collect_config from os_apply_config import config_exception as exc from os_apply_config import oac_file from os_apply_config import renderers from os_apply_config import value_types from os_apply_config import version DEFAULT_TEMPLATES_DIR = '/usr/libexec/os-apply-config/templates' def templates_dir(): """Determine the default templates directory path If the OS_CONFIG_APPLIER_TEMPLATES environment variable has been set, use its value. Otherwise, select a default path based on which directories exist on the system, preferring the newer paths but still allowing the old ones for backwards compatibility. """ templates_dir = os.environ.get('OS_CONFIG_APPLIER_TEMPLATES', None) if templates_dir is None: templates_dir = '/opt/stack/os-apply-config/templates' if not os.path.isdir(templates_dir): # Backwards compat with the old name. templates_dir = '/opt/stack/os-config-applier/templates' if (os.path.isdir(templates_dir) and not os.path.isdir(DEFAULT_TEMPLATES_DIR)): logging.warning('Template directory %s is deprecated. The ' 'recommended location for template files is %s', templates_dir, DEFAULT_TEMPLATES_DIR) else: templates_dir = DEFAULT_TEMPLATES_DIR return templates_dir TEMPLATES_DIR = templates_dir() OS_CONFIG_FILES_PATH = os.environ.get( 'OS_CONFIG_FILES_PATH', '/var/lib/os-collect-config/os_config_files.json') OS_CONFIG_FILES_PATH_OLD = '/var/run/os-collect-config/os_config_files.json' CONTROL_FILE_SUFFIX = ".oac" def install_config( config_path, template_root, output_path, validate, subhash=None, fallback_metadata=None): config = strip_hash( collect_config.collect_config(config_path, fallback_metadata), subhash) tree = build_tree(template_paths(template_root), config) if not validate: for path, obj in tree.items(): write_file(os.path.join( output_path, strip_prefix('/', path)), obj) def _extract_key(config_path, key, fallback_metadata=None): config = collect_config.collect_config(config_path, fallback_metadata) keys = key.split('.') for key in keys: try: config = config[key] if config is None: raise TypeError() except (KeyError, TypeError): try: if isinstance(config, list): config = config[int(key)] continue except (IndexError, ValueError): pass return None return config def print_key( config_path, key, type_name, default=None, fallback_metadata=None): config = collect_config.collect_config(config_path, fallback_metadata) config = _extract_key(config_path, key, fallback_metadata) if config is None: if default is not None: print(str(default)) return else: raise exc.ConfigException( 'key %s does not exist in %s' % (key, config_path)) value_types.ensure_type(str(config), type_name) if isinstance(config, (dict, list, bool)): print(json.dumps(config)) else: print(str(config)) def boolean_key(metadata, key, fallback_metadata): config = _extract_key(metadata, key, fallback_metadata) if not isinstance(config, bool): return -1 if config: return 0 else: return 1 def write_file(path, obj): if not obj.allow_empty and len(obj.body) == 0: if os.path.exists(path): logger.info("deleting %s", path) os.unlink(path) else: logger.info("not creating empty %s", path) return logger.info("writing %s", path) if os.path.exists(path): stat = os.stat(path) mode, uid, gid = stat.st_mode, stat.st_uid, stat.st_gid else: mode, uid, gid = 0o644, -1, -1 mode = obj.mode or mode if obj.owner is not None: uid = obj.owner if obj.group is not None: gid = obj.group d = os.path.dirname(path) os.path.exists(d) or os.makedirs(d) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=d, delete=False) as newfile: if isinstance(obj.body, str): obj.body = obj.body.encode('utf-8') newfile.write(obj.body) os.chmod(newfile.name, mode) os.chown(newfile.name, uid, gid) os.rename(newfile.name, path) def build_tree(templates, config): """Return a map of filenames to OacFiles.""" res = {} for in_file, out_file in templates: try: body = render_template(in_file, config) ctrl_file = in_file + CONTROL_FILE_SUFFIX ctrl_dict = {} if os.path.isfile(ctrl_file): with open(ctrl_file) as cf: ctrl_body = cf.read() ctrl_dict = yaml.safe_load(ctrl_body) or {} if not isinstance(ctrl_dict, dict): raise exc.ConfigException( "header is not a dict: %s" % in_file) res[out_file] = oac_file.OacFile(body, **ctrl_dict) except exc.ConfigException as e: e.args += in_file, raise return res def render_template(template, config): if is_executable(template): return render_executable(template, config) else: try: return render_moustache(open(template).read(), config) except context.KeyNotFoundError as e: raise exc.ConfigException( "key '%s' from template '%s' does not exist in metadata file." % (e.key, template)) except Exception as e: logger.error("%s", e) raise exc.ConfigException( "could not render moustache template %s" % template) def is_executable(path): return os.path.isfile(path) and os.access(path, os.X_OK) def render_moustache(text, config): r = renderers.JsonRenderer(missing_tags='ignore') return r.render(text, config) def render_executable(path, config): p = subprocess.Popen([path], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate(json.dumps(config).encode('utf-8')) p.wait() if p.returncode != 0: raise exc.ConfigException( "config script failed: %s\n\nwith output:\n\n%s" % (path, stdout + stderr)) return stdout.decode('utf-8') def template_paths(root): res = [] for cur_root, _subdirs, files in os.walk(root): for f in files: if f.endswith(CONTROL_FILE_SUFFIX): continue inout = (os.path.join(cur_root, f), os.path.join( strip_prefix(root, cur_root), f)) res.append(inout) return res def strip_prefix(prefix, s): return s[len(prefix):] if s.startswith(prefix) else s def strip_hash(h, keys): if not keys: return h for k in keys.split('.'): if k in h and isinstance(h[k], dict): h = h[k] else: raise exc.ConfigException( "key '%s' does not correspond to a hash in the metadata file" % keys) return h def parse_opts(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Reads and merges JSON configuration files specified' ' by colon separated environment variable OS_CONFIG_FILES, unless' ' overridden by command line option --metadata. If no files are' ' specified this way, falls back to legacy behavior of searching' ' the fallback metadata path for a single config file.') parser.add_argument('-t', '--templates', metavar='TEMPLATE_ROOT', help="""path to template root directory (default: %(default)s)""", default=TEMPLATES_DIR) parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', metavar='OUT_DIR', help='root directory for output (default:%(default)s)', default='/') parser.add_argument('-m', '--metadata', metavar='METADATA_FILE', nargs='*', help='Overrides environment variable OS_CONFIG_FILES.' ' Specify multiple times, rather than separate files' ' with ":".', default=[]) parser.add_argument('--fallback-metadata', metavar='FALLBACK_METADATA', nargs='*', help='Files to search when OS_CONFIG_FILES' ' is empty. (default: %(default)s)', default=['/var/cache/heat-cfntools/last_metadata', '/var/lib/heat-cfntools/cfn-init-data', '/var/lib/cloud/data/cfn-init-data']) parser.add_argument( '-v', '--validate', help='validate only. do not write files', default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument( '--print-templates', default=False, action='store_true', help='Print templates root and exit.') parser.add_argument('-s', '--subhash', help='use the sub-hash named by this key,' ' instead of the full metadata hash') parser.add_argument('--key', metavar='KEY', default=None, help='print the specified key and exit.' ' (may be used with --type and --key-default)') parser.add_argument('--type', default='default', help='exit with error if the specified --key does not' ' match type. Valid types are' ' ') parser.add_argument('--key-default', help='This option only affects running with --key.' ' Print this if key is not found. This value is' ' not subject to type restrictions. If --key is' ' specified and no default is specified, program' ' exits with an error on missing key.') parser.add_argument('--boolean-key', help='This option is incompatible with --key.' ' Use this to evaluate whether a value is' ' boolean true or false. The return code of the' ' command will be 0 for true, 1 for false, and -1' ' for non-boolean values.') parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=version.version_info.version_string()) parser.add_argument('--os-config-files', default=OS_CONFIG_FILES_PATH, help='Set path to os_config_files.json') opts = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) return opts def load_list_from_json(json_file): json_obj = [] if os.path.exists(json_file): with open(json_file) as ocf: json_obj = json.loads(ocf.read()) if not isinstance(json_obj, list): raise ValueError("No list defined in json file: %s" % json_file) return json_obj def main(argv=sys.argv): opts = parse_opts(argv) if opts.print_templates: print(opts.templates) return 0 if not opts.metadata: if 'OS_CONFIG_FILES' in os.environ: opts.metadata = os.environ['OS_CONFIG_FILES'].split(':') else: opts.metadata = load_list_from_json(opts.os_config_files) if ((not opts.metadata and opts.os_config_files == OS_CONFIG_FILES_PATH)): logger.warning('DEPRECATED: falling back to %s' % OS_CONFIG_FILES_PATH_OLD) opts.metadata = load_list_from_json(OS_CONFIG_FILES_PATH_OLD) if opts.key and opts.boolean_key: logger.warning('--key is not compatible with --boolean-key.' ' --boolean-key ignored.') try: if opts.templates is None: raise exc.ConfigException('missing option --templates') if opts.key: print_key(opts.metadata, opts.key, opts.type, opts.key_default, opts.fallback_metadata) elif opts.boolean_key: return boolean_key(opts.metadata, opts.boolean_key, opts.fallback_metadata) else: install_config(opts.metadata, opts.templates, opts.output, opts.validate, opts.subhash, opts.fallback_metadata) logger.info("success") except exc.ConfigException as e: logger.error(e) return 1 return 0 # logging LOG_FORMAT = '[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s] %(message)s' DATE_FORMAT = '%Y/%m/%d %I:%M:%S %p' def add_handler(logger, handler): handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(LOG_FORMAT, datefmt=DATE_FORMAT)) logger.addHandler(handler) logger = logging.getLogger('os-apply-config') logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) add_handler(logger, logging.StreamHandler()) if os.geteuid() == 0: add_handler(logger, logging.FileHandler('/var/log/os-apply-config.log')) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv))