[tox] envlist = py27,py34,py35,pypy26,pycodestyle [testenv] deps = -U -r{toxinidir}/tools/pip-requires --no-cache-dir usedevelop = True passenv= NOSE_VERBOSE # Note: To check whether tools/pip-requires satisfies the requirements # for running Ryu, the following runs ryu-manager berfore installing # the addtional requirements. commands = ryu-manager ryu/tests/unit/cmd/dummy_openflow_app.py pip install -r{toxinidir}/tools/optional-requires -r{toxinidir}/tools/test-requires coverage run --source=ryu ryu/tests/run_tests.py '{posargs}' [testenv:scenario] commands = python ryu/tests/integrated/run_test.py [testenv:py27] commands = {[testenv]commands} {[testenv:scenario]commands} [testenv:py34] commands = {[testenv]commands} {[testenv:scenario]commands} [testenv:pycodestyle] deps = -U --no-cache-dir pycodestyle commands = pycodestyle [pycodestyle] exclude = pbr-*,.venv,.tox,.git,doc,dist,tools,vcsversion.py,.pyc,ryu/contrib # W503: line break occurred before a binary operator # E116: unexpected indentation (comment) # E402: module level import not at top of file # E501: line too long (>79 characters) # E722: do not use bare except, specify exception instead # E731: do not assign a lambda expression, use a def # E741: do not use variables named 'l', 'O', or 'I' ignore = W503,E116,E402,E501,E722,E731,E741 [pep8] exclude = pbr-*,.venv,.tox,.git,doc,dist,tools,vcsversion.py,.pyc,ryu/contrib ignore = W503,E116,E402,E501,E722,E731,E741