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# Copyright (c) 2013 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import fixtures
from oslotest import base as test_base
except ImportError:
raise NameError('Oslotest is not installed. Please add oslotest in your'
' test-requirements')
import six
from oslo_db import exception
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import provision
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import session
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import utils
class DbFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
"""Basic database fixture.
Allows to run tests on various db backends, such as SQLite, MySQL and
PostgreSQL. By default use sqlite backend. To override default backend
uri set env variable OS_TEST_DBAPI_CONNECTION with database admin
credentials for specific backend.
DRIVER = "sqlite"
# these names are deprecated, and are not used by DbFixture.
# they are here for backwards compatibility with test suites that
# are referring to them directly.
DBNAME = PASSWORD = USERNAME = 'openstack_citest'
def __init__(self, test):
super(DbFixture, self).__init__()
self.test = test
def setUp(self):
super(DbFixture, self).setUp()
self.provision = provision.ProvisionedDatabase(self.DRIVER)
except exception.BackendNotAvailable:
msg = '%s backend is not available.' % self.DRIVER
return self.test.skip(msg)
self.test.engine = self.provision.engine
self.addCleanup(setattr, self.test, 'engine', None)
self.test.sessionmaker = session.get_maker(self.test.engine)
self.addCleanup(setattr, self.test, 'sessionmaker', None)
class DbTestCase(test_base.BaseTestCase):
"""Base class for testing of DB code.
Using `DbFixture`. Intended to be the main database test case to use all
the tests on a given backend with user defined uri. Backend specific
tests should be decorated with `backend_specific` decorator.
FIXTURE = DbFixture
def setUp(self):
super(DbTestCase, self).setUp()
class OpportunisticTestCase(DbTestCase):
"""Placeholder for backwards compatibility."""
ALLOWED_DIALECTS = ['sqlite', 'mysql', 'postgresql']
def backend_specific(*dialects):
"""Decorator to skip backend specific tests on inappropriate engines.
::dialects: list of dialects names under which the test will be launched.
def wrap(f):
def ins_wrap(self):
if not set(dialects).issubset(ALLOWED_DIALECTS):
raise ValueError(
"Please use allowed dialects: %s" % ALLOWED_DIALECTS)
if self.engine.name not in dialects:
msg = ('The test "%s" can be run '
'only on %s. Current engine is %s.')
args = (utils.get_callable_name(f), ' '.join(dialects),
self.skip(msg % args)
return f(self)
return ins_wrap
return wrap
class MySQLOpportunisticFixture(DbFixture):
DRIVER = 'mysql'
class PostgreSQLOpportunisticFixture(DbFixture):
DRIVER = 'postgresql'
class MySQLOpportunisticTestCase(OpportunisticTestCase):
FIXTURE = MySQLOpportunisticFixture
class PostgreSQLOpportunisticTestCase(OpportunisticTestCase):
FIXTURE = PostgreSQLOpportunisticFixture