# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections import functools import sys import threading from concurrent import futures import six from oslo.messaging._executors import base from oslo.utils import excutils class ThreadExecutor(base.PooledExecutorBase): """A message executor which integrates with threads. A message process that polls for messages from a dispatching thread and on reception of an incoming message places the message to be processed in a thread pool to be executed at a later time. """ # NOTE(harlowja): if eventlet is being used and the thread module is monkey # patched this should/is supposed to work the same as the eventlet based # executor. # NOTE(harlowja): Make it somewhat easy to change this via # inheritance (since there does exist other executor types that could be # used/tried here). _executor_cls = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor def __init__(self, conf, listener, dispatcher): super(ThreadExecutor, self).__init__(conf, listener, dispatcher) self._poller = None self._executor = None self._tombstone = threading.Event() self._incomplete = collections.deque() self._mutator = threading.Lock() def _completer(self, exit_method, fut): """Completes futures.""" try: exc = fut.exception() if exc is not None: exc_type = type(exc) # Not available on < 3.x due to this being an added feature # of pep-3134 (exception chaining and embedded tracebacks). if six.PY3: exc_tb = exc.__traceback__ else: exc_tb = None if not exit_method(exc_type, exc, exc_tb): six.reraise(exc_type, exc, tb=exc_tb) else: exit_method(None, None, None) finally: with self._mutator: try: self._incomplete.remove(fut) except ValueError: pass @excutils.forever_retry_uncaught_exceptions def _runner(self): while not self._tombstone.is_set(): incoming = self.listener.poll() if incoming is None: continue # This is hacky, needs to be fixed.... context = self.dispatcher(incoming) enter_method = context.__enter__() exit_method = context.__exit__ try: fut = self._executor.submit(enter_method) except RuntimeError: # This is triggered when the executor has been shutdown... # # TODO(harlowja): should we put whatever we pulled off back # since when this is thrown it means the executor has been # shutdown already?? exit_method(*sys.exc_info()) return else: with self._mutator: self._incomplete.append(fut) # Run the other half (__exit__) when done... fut.add_done_callback(functools.partial(self._completer, exit_method)) def start(self): if self._executor is None: self._executor = self._executor_cls(self.conf.rpc_thread_pool_size) self._tombstone.clear() if self._poller is None or not self._poller.is_alive(): self._poller = threading.Thread(target=self._runner) self._poller.daemon = True self._poller.start() def stop(self): if self._executor is not None: self._executor.shutdown(wait=False) self._tombstone.set() self.listener.stop() def wait(self): # TODO(harlowja): this method really needs a timeout. if self._poller is not None: self._tombstone.wait() self._poller.join() self._poller = None if self._executor is not None: with self._mutator: incomplete_fs = list(self._incomplete) self._incomplete.clear() if incomplete_fs: futures.wait(incomplete_fs, return_when=futures.ALL_COMPLETED) self._executor = None