
92 lines
2.6 KiB
Executable File

# Use this script to prune a copy of oslo-incubator when graduating
# modules to a brand new library.
# To use:
# 1. Clone a copy of the oslo-incubator repository to be manipulated.
# 2. Choose the new library name. For "oslo.foo", the argument to the
# script is "foo".
# 3. cd into the copy of oslo-incubator to be changed.
# 4. Run graduate.sh, passing the library name and the names of all
# directories and files to be saved (only code and tests, no project
# configuration):
# ../oslo-incubator/tools/graduate.sh foo openstack/common/foo.py tests/unit/test_foo.py ...
# 5. Clean up the results a bit by hand to make the tests work
# (update dependencies, etc.).
# Stop if there are any command failures
set -e
bindir=$(dirname $0)
tmpdir=$(mktemp -d -t oslo-graduate.XXXX)
mkdir -p $tmpdir
echo "Logging to $logfile"
# Redirect stdout/stderr to tee to write the log file
# (borrowed from verbose mode handling in devstack)
exec 1> >( awk '
cmd ="date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S \""
cmd | getline now
close("date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S \"")
sub(/^/, now)
}' | tee "$logfile" ) 2>&1
function count_commits {
echo "Have $(git log --oneline | wc -l) commits"
set -x
# Handle arguments
# FIXME(dhellmann): Make sure they are not running the tool in the
# same copy of the repository where it lives.
# Filter the repository history down
${bindir}/filter_git_history.sh $files_to_keep
# Move things around
echo "Moving files into place..."
if [[ -d openstack/common/$new_lib ]]; then
git mv openstack/common/$new_lib oslo_${new_lib}
git mv openstack/common oslo_${new_lib}
rmdir openstack
if [[ -d tests ]]; then
git mv tests/* oslo_${new_lib}/tests/
rmdir tests
# Fix imports after moving files
echo "Fixing imports..."
if [[ -d oslo_${new_lib} ]]; then
find . -name '*.py' -exec sed -i "s/openstack.common.${new_lib}/oslo_${new_lib}/" {} \;
find . -name '*.py' -exec sed -i "s/openstack.common/oslo_${new_lib}/" {} \;
# Bring in any missing files based on the cookiecutter template
$bindir/apply_cookiecutter.sh $new_lib
# Commit the work we have done so far. Changes to make
# it work will be applied on top.
git add .
git commit -m "exported from oslo-incubator by graduate.sh"
echo "The scratch files and logs from the export are in: $tmpdir"
echo "The next step is to make the tests work."