
399 lines
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# Copyright 2014 Mirantis Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import datetime
import functools
import inspect
import socket
import threading
import uuid
from oslo_utils import reflection
import six
from osprofiler import notifier
# NOTE(boris-42): Thread safe storage for profiler instances.
__local_ctx = threading.local()
def _clean():
__local_ctx.profiler = None
def _ensure_no_multiple_traced(traceable_attrs):
for attr_name, attr in traceable_attrs:
traced_times = getattr(attr, "__traced__", 0)
if traced_times:
raise ValueError("Can not apply new trace on top of"
" previously traced attribute '%s' since"
" it has been traced %s times previously"
% (attr_name, traced_times))
def init(hmac_key, base_id=None, parent_id=None):
"""Init profiler instance for current thread.
You should call profiler.init() before using osprofiler.
Otherwise profiler.start() and profiler.stop() methods won't do anything.
:param hmac_key: secret key to sign trace information.
:param base_id: Used to bind all related traces.
:param parent_id: Used to build tree of traces.
:returns: Profiler instance
__local_ctx.profiler = _Profiler(hmac_key, base_id=base_id,
return __local_ctx.profiler
def get():
"""Get profiler instance.
:returns: Profiler instance or None if profiler wasn't inited.
return getattr(__local_ctx, "profiler", None)
def start(name, info=None):
"""Send new start notification if profiler instance is presented.
:param name: The name of action. E.g. wsgi, rpc, db, etc..
:param info: Dictionary with extra trace information. For example in wsgi
it can be url, in rpc - message or in db sql - request.
profiler = get()
if profiler:
profiler.start(name, info=info)
def stop(info=None):
"""Send new stop notification if profiler instance is presented."""
profiler = get()
if profiler:
def trace(name, info=None, hide_args=False, allow_multiple_trace=True):
"""Trace decorator for functions.
Very useful if you would like to add trace point on existing function:
>> @profiler.trace("my_point")
>> def my_func(self, some_args):
>> #code
:param name: The name of action. E.g. wsgi, rpc, db, etc..
:param info: Dictionary with extra trace information. For example in wsgi
it can be url, in rpc - message or in db sql - request.
:param hide_args: Don't push to trace info args and kwargs. Quite useful
if you have some info in args that you wont to share,
e.g. passwords.
:param allow_multiple_trace: If the wrapped function has already been
traced either allow the new trace to occur
or raise a value error denoting that multiple
tracing is not allowed (by default allow).
if not info:
info = {}
info = info.copy()
info["function"] = {}
def decorator(f):
trace_times = getattr(f, "__traced__", 0)
if not allow_multiple_trace and trace_times:
raise ValueError("Function '%s' has already"
" been traced %s times" % (f, trace_times))
f.__traced__ = trace_times + 1
except AttributeError:
# Tries to work around the following:
# AttributeError: 'instancemethod' object has no
# attribute '__traced__'
f.im_func.__traced__ = trace_times + 1
except AttributeError: # nosec
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
if "name" not in info["function"]:
# Get this once (as it should **not** be changing in
# subsequent calls).
info["function"]["name"] = reflection.get_callable_name(f)
if not hide_args:
info["function"]["args"] = str(args)
info["function"]["kwargs"] = str(kwargs)
with Trace(name, info=info):
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return decorator
def trace_cls(name, info=None, hide_args=False,
trace_private=False, allow_multiple_trace=True,
trace_class_methods=False, trace_static_methods=False):
"""Trace decorator for instances of class .
Very useful if you would like to add trace point on existing method:
>> @profiler.trace_cls("rpc")
>> RpcManagerClass(object):
>> def my_method(self, some_args):
>> pass
>> def my_method2(self, some_arg1, some_arg2, kw=None, kw2=None)
>> pass
:param name: The name of action. E.g. wsgi, rpc, db, etc..
:param info: Dictionary with extra trace information. For example in wsgi
it can be url, in rpc - message or in db sql - request.
:param hide_args: Don't push to trace info args and kwargs. Quite useful
if you have some info in args that you wont to share,
e.g. passwords.
:param trace_private: Trace methods that starts with "_". It wont trace
methods that starts "__" even if it is turned on.
:param trace_static_methods: Trace staticmethods. This may be prone to
issues so careful usage is recommended (this
is also why this defaults to false).
:param trace_class_methods: Trace classmethods. This may be prone to
issues so careful usage is recommended (this
is also why this defaults to false).
:param allow_multiple_trace: If wrapped attributes have already been
traced either allow the new trace to occur
or raise a value error denoting that multiple
tracing is not allowed (by default allow).
def trace_checker(attr_name, to_be_wrapped):
if attr_name.startswith("__"):
# Never trace really private methods.
return (False, None)
if not trace_private and attr_name.startswith("_"):
return (False, None)
if isinstance(to_be_wrapped, staticmethod):
if not trace_static_methods:
return (False, None)
return (True, staticmethod)
if isinstance(to_be_wrapped, classmethod):
if not trace_class_methods:
return (False, None)
return (True, classmethod)
return (True, None)
def decorator(cls):
clss = cls if inspect.isclass(cls) else cls.__class__
mro_dicts = [c.__dict__ for c in inspect.getmro(clss)]
traceable_attrs = []
traceable_wrappers = []
for attr_name, attr in inspect.getmembers(cls):
if not (inspect.ismethod(attr) or inspect.isfunction(attr)):
wrapped_obj = None
for cls_dict in mro_dicts:
if attr_name in cls_dict:
wrapped_obj = cls_dict[attr_name]
should_wrap, wrapper = trace_checker(attr_name, wrapped_obj)
if not should_wrap:
traceable_attrs.append((attr_name, attr))
if not allow_multiple_trace:
# Check before doing any other further work (so we don't
# halfway trace this class).
for i, (attr_name, attr) in enumerate(traceable_attrs):
wrapped_method = trace(name, info=info, hide_args=hide_args)(attr)
wrapper = traceable_wrappers[i]
if wrapper is not None:
wrapped_method = wrapper(wrapped_method)
setattr(cls, attr_name, wrapped_method)
return cls
return decorator
class TracedMeta(type):
"""Metaclass to comfortably trace all children of a specific class.
Possible usage:
>>> @six.add_metaclass(profiler.TracedMeta)
>>> class RpcManagerClass(object):
>>> __trace_args__ = {'name': 'rpc',
>>> 'info': None,
>>> 'hide_args': False,
>>> 'trace_private': False}
>>> def my_method(self, some_args):
>>> pass
>>> def my_method2(self, some_arg1, some_arg2, kw=None, kw2=None)
>>> pass
Adding of this metaclass requires to set __trace_args__ attribute to the
class we want to modify. __trace_args__ is the dictionary with one
mandatory key included - "name", that will define name of action to be
traced - E.g. wsgi, rpc, db, etc...
def __init__(cls, cls_name, bases, attrs):
super(TracedMeta, cls).__init__(cls_name, bases, attrs)
trace_args = dict(getattr(cls, "__trace_args__", {}))
trace_private = trace_args.pop("trace_private", False)
allow_multiple_trace = trace_args.pop("allow_multiple_trace", True)
if "name" not in trace_args:
raise TypeError("Please specify __trace_args__ class level "
"dictionary attribute with mandatory 'name' key - "
"e.g. __trace_args__ = {'name': 'rpc'}")
traceable_attrs = []
for attr_name, attr_value in six.iteritems(attrs):
if not (inspect.ismethod(attr_value) or
if attr_name.startswith("__"):
if not trace_private and attr_name.startswith("_"):
traceable_attrs.append((attr_name, attr_value))
if not allow_multiple_trace:
# Check before doing any other further work (so we don't
# halfway trace this class).
for attr_name, attr_value in traceable_attrs:
setattr(cls, attr_name, trace(**trace_args)(getattr(cls,
class Trace(object):
def __init__(self, name, info=None):
"""With statement way to use profiler start()/stop().
>> with profiler.Trace("rpc", info={"any": "values"})
>> some code
instead of
>> profiler.start()
>> try:
>> your code
>> finally:
self._name = name
self._info = info
def __enter__(self):
start(self._name, info=self._info)
def __exit__(self, etype, value, traceback):
if etype:
info = {"etype": reflection.get_class_name(etype)}
class _Profiler(object):
def __init__(self, hmac_key, base_id=None, parent_id=None):
self.hmac_key = hmac_key
if not base_id:
base_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
self._trace_stack = collections.deque([base_id, parent_id or base_id])
self._name = collections.deque()
self._host = socket.gethostname()
def get_base_id(self):
"""Return base id of a trace.
Base id is the same for all elements in one trace. It's main goal is
to be able to retrieve by one request all trace elements from storage.
return self._trace_stack[0]
def get_parent_id(self):
"""Returns parent trace element id."""
return self._trace_stack[-2]
def get_id(self):
"""Returns current trace element id."""
return self._trace_stack[-1]
def start(self, name, info=None):
"""Start new event.
Adds new trace_id to trace stack and sends notification
to collector (may be ceilometer). With "info" and 3 ids:
base_id - to be able to retrieve all trace elements by one query
parent_id - to build tree of events (not just a list)
trace_id - current event id.
As we are writing this code special for OpenStack, and there will be
only one implementation of notifier based on ceilometer notifier api.
That already contains timestamps, so we don't measure time by hand.
:param name: name of trace element (db, wsgi, rpc, etc..)
:param info: Dictionary with any useful information related to this
trace element. (sql request, rpc message or url...)
info = info or {}
info["host"] = self._host
self._notify("%s-start" % name, info)
def stop(self, info=None):
"""Finish latests event.
Same as a start, but instead of pushing trace_id to stack it pops it.
:param info: Dict with useful info. It will be send in notification.
info = info or {}
info["host"] = self._host
self._notify("%s-stop" % self._name.pop(), info)
def _notify(self, name, info):
payload = {
"name": name,
"base_id": self.get_base_id(),
"trace_id": self.get_id(),
"parent_id": self.get_parent_id(),
"timestamp": datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime(
if info:
payload["info"] = info