# Copyright 2017 Cloudbase Solutions SRL # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import time from oslo_log import log as logging import testtools from oswin_tempest_plugin import config from oswin_tempest_plugin import exceptions CONF = config.CONF LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class _ResizeUtils(object): def _get_server_migration(self, server_id): final_states = ['error', 'confirmed'] for i in range(10): migrations = ( self.admin_migrations_client.list_migrations()['migrations']) server_migration = [m for m in migrations if m['instance_uuid'] == server_id] if server_migration: migration_status = server_migration[0]['status'] LOG.debug("Server's %s migration status: %s", server_id, migration_status) if migration_status in final_states: return server_migration[0] else: # NOTE(claudiub): the migration might not appear *immediately* # after the cold resize was requested. LOG.info("Server's %s migration was not found.", server_id) time.sleep(1) return server_migration[0] if server_migration else None def _resize_server(self, server_tuple, new_flavor_id): server = server_tuple.server self.servers_client.resize_server(server['id'], flavor_ref=new_flavor_id) migration = self._get_server_migration(server['id']) if migration and migration['status'] == 'error': # the migration ended up in an error state. Raise an exception. raise exceptions.ResizeException(server_id=server['id'], flavor=new_flavor_id) self._wait_for_server_status(server, 'VERIFY_RESIZE') self.servers_client.confirm_resize_server(server['id']) class _ResizeMixin(_ResizeUtils): """Cold resize mixin. This mixin will add cold resize tests. The tests will create a new instance, resize it to a new flavor, and check its network connectivity. The new flavor is based on the test suite's configured _FLAVOR_REF ( typically compute.flavor_ref or compute.flavor_ref_alt), with some updates. For example, if the vNUMA configuration is to be tested, the new flavor would contain the flavor extra_spec 'hw:numa_nodes=1'. """ # NOTE(claudiub): These flavor dicts are updates to the base flavor # tempest is configured with. For example, _BIGGER_FLAVOR can be: # _BIGGER_FLAVOR = {'disk': 1} # which means a flavor having +1 GB disk size will be created, and # a created instance will be resized to it. _SMALLER_FLAVOR = {} _BIGGER_FLAVOR = {} _BAD_FLAVOR = {} def _check_resize(self, resize_flavor_id, original_flavor_id=None, expected_fail=False): original_flavor_id = original_flavor_id or self._get_flavor_ref() server_tuple = self._create_server(original_flavor_id) if expected_fail: self.assertRaises(exceptions.ResizeException, self._resize_server, server_tuple, resize_flavor_id) else: self._resize_server(server_tuple, resize_flavor_id) # assert that the server is still reachable, even if the resize # failed. self._check_server_connectivity(server_tuple) @testtools.skipUnless(CONF.compute_feature_enabled.resize, 'Resize is not available.') def test_resize(self): new_flavor = self._create_new_flavor(self._get_flavor_ref(), self._BIGGER_FLAVOR) self._check_resize(new_flavor['id']) @testtools.skipUnless(CONF.compute_feature_enabled.resize, 'Resize is not available.') def test_resize_negative(self): new_flavor = self._create_new_flavor(self._get_flavor_ref(), self._BAD_FLAVOR) self._check_resize(new_flavor['id'], expected_fail=True)